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Monday, September 16, 2024

Swifties for Trump?

I have several granddaughters who are Taylor Swift fans. One, in fact, traveled with friends to Vienna to attend the show cancelled because of terrorist threats. So I found the X message from Swifties for Trump interesting. (See below) If you search Swifties for Trump, you find numerous articles claiming the group doesn't exist. Everything is AI-generated. Maybe, maybe not. The group claims over 800 members. The message on X generated almost 700 replies. Half of them, however, are from Swifties for Trump so it's certainly possible that the "group" is only one person with plenty of time and 800 ghost members.

How many of the replies are from Swift fans? I have no idea, but, let's face it, Taylor Swift doesn't live in the same world most of us do with her eight homes in four states including two in Nashville. The X-article explains it well.

Swift supported the BLM protests in Nashville and has called for removal of Confederate statues. She's clueless about the life most of us live. She could watch Nashvile burn from her Music Row penthouse and enjoy the view.

Many of the commenters point out that if Taylor Swift had come out for Trump, she would have been blacklisted by the compassionate, tolerant libs. That we know is true from past evidence of the way they treat their own Democrat politicians. Remember Bob Casey, governor of Pennsylvania banned from the podium at the 1992 Democrat convention that nominated Bill Clinton and Al Gore. He planned to give a pro-life speech and no way could that be allowed.

At any rate, skip this post if you couldn't care less. And don't ask me to identify one song by Taylor Swift. I feel sorry for the poor young woman. All her money will never buy her happiness or win her salvation. I'm praying for her today.

Check this out on X

As most of you undoubtedly know by now, Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris after last night's debate. We respect Taylor's right to voice her support for the candidate she feels best represents her vision of America, just as we respected her decision to support Joe Biden in 2020. Will it sway our support of Donald Trump? Not in the least. Swifties for Trump was never about Taylor. We never pressured her, or expected her, to endorse Trump. Our purpose has always been to give a voice to God fearing, America loving conservatives - 1) to let you know you are far from alone, and 2) to encourage people to confidently choose what is best for them, their families, and the futures they want for this amazing country of ours, even if that is counter to what the mainstream media and social media is pushing. Even when people call you a racist, or a rape apologist, or homophobic, or a million other slurs. Even when you get death threats. Because, make no doubt about it, that's where the left is now. 
But let's be real about something. Taylor Swift is not your average American. She doesn't balance her checkbook. She doesn't have to budget how much she can spend on groceries this paycheck. I doubt she knows how much a tank of gas costs now versus when Trump was in office. She isn't worried, like most young Americans, that she may never be able to afford to buy a house - a quintessential part of the American Dream. She already has at least eight multimillion dollar homes. And good for her. That's how capitalism works. She's worked extremely hard since she was a teenager to earn all that she has. 
The majority of us, however, live in a very different world than Taylor Swift. She can afford to vote on emotion and identity politics. We CANNOT AFFORD for Kamala to be elected president. We cannot afford the rapid inflation, crime, and illegal immigration coming into our country. We cannot afford our cities degrading into 3rd world countries. We cannot afford a president who will continue to undermine the country's standing in the world and that of the US dollar. We cannot afford a president who has clearly said she will ban fracking and force a move to EVs (when we were energy independent under President Trump.) We cannot afford a president who wants to tax unrealized gains or implement price controls on food and groceries. We can't afford a president who will allow President Trump's tax cuts to run out in January. We cannot afford to vote for a candidate simply because she's a woman. We can't afford to lose track of hundreds of thousands of KIDS at the southern border. We cannot afford to continue to funnel BILLIONS of dollars to Ukraine. We cannot afford to pay for food, housing, and medical treatment for MILLIONS of illegal immigrants - many of whom are violent criminals - the current administration is knowingly bringing into our country. We cannot afford the related spikes in crimes, especially when the majority of victims are women and children. We cannot afford to allow fentanyl and other deadly drugs flow unchecked across the southern border. We cannot afford an administration that weaponizes the DOJ and the court system against its rivals. We cannot afford to elect a candidate who openly espouses communist and marxist ideals. We cannot afford to vote for a candidate who subverted the democratic practice and was installed as a part of a coup. We cannot afford to elect a candidate who has openly threatened both the 1st and 2nd Amendment. 
Make no doubt, we are at a crossroads in this country. This isn't about who a celebrity endorses. This isn't about identity politics or even personality. It's a fight to stop the destruction of democracy and the freedoms and values America has stood on for almost 250 years. Vote accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. The younger voters 18-29 should be able to relate particularly as apartment rents keep increasing along with the price of groceries. A younger guy I know from Church told me a few months ago that even his liberal friends are planning on voting Republican. Why? Inflation and the economy.

    As far as celebrities, it's funny that several seem to forget the days when they lived in an empty apartment with two roommates, purchased groceries
    from discount stores, and washed dishes at night while attending auditions when they got one during the daytime.
