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Saturday, September 7, 2024

How Much Did Butter Cost in 2020?

We are on the way to economic meltdown. I just came home from the grocery store. Land o' Lakes butter is almost $8.00 for a two-pound box. I checked the inflation table and the cost of butter has increased by almost 35%. Consider that with everything else you're buying. And then remember that the feds are spending like drunken sailors to give goodies to illegals and to send trillions to foreign countries to wage war and protect their own borders when we refuse to protect our own. 

It's insanity on steroids! 

Some economists are warning about what's coming. See this interview with Nomi Prins. Pray for the courage to praise God in plenty and in poverty and remember that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and served according to His purpose:

A major financial crisis will likely hit in 2024, when “the United States could see the size of its economy relegated to third place in the world behind China and India,” Nomi Prins, formerly a managing director at Goldman Sachs, argues in an interview with ThinkAdvisor.

Indeed, America “will see more and more economic fragility as we head into the next [presidential] election,” according to Prins, a harsh critic of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. banking system.

The economist, dismayed by “unethical” practices in banking, left Goldman in 2002 to expose “how the financial systems are manipulated to serve the interests of an elite few at the expense of everyone else,” according to her website.

Hence, she became an investigative journalist and the author of eight books, including bestsellers “Collusion” and “All the Presidents’ Bankers.”...
THINKADVISOR: In your new book, “Permanent Distortion: How the Financial Markets Abandoned the Real Economy Forever,” you write that changes brought by permanent distortion “have only just begun” and that “this will be the biggest transformation the world has ever seen.” Please explain “permanent distortion.”

PRINS: It’s the gap between the real economy and the financial markets in terms of how money flows through them.

One of the major factors of permanent distortion is that the Fed creates money in the face of any crisis. They fabricate money from nowhere and inject it into the larger financial system.

Now they’ve done it to the tune of $9 trillion.

Are you saying that it has become the Fed’s M.O.?

It’s like a virus in your body that hasn’t taken hold and released symptoms. But it’s there.

It’s a latent part of the economy, of our markets, our banking system. That’s why I call it a permanent distortion.

Read the rest here. 


  1. By the way, I have a box with the Indian, uh, native American woman on it. I wonder what that cost?

  2. Butter is $5.88 for a 1 lb box in South Louisiana
