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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Speak Now Or Deserve What You Get! Write to Donald Trump!

Politicians are as fickle as false lovers. They say whatever they think they need to say in order to win or stay in office. As Lord Acton said, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." And we've seen the corruption of good men over and over in politics.

I spent a number of years working for the Republican party in a somewhat lackluster way. Politics was never something I enjoyed. In the early days back in the 1970s and 80s, all the pro-life politicos told us to just shut up about abortion during campaigns because it only lost them votes.

One of those politicians, a practicing Catholic, often spoke at pro-life events. He told us bringing up abortion had only one result -- fewer votes. So the tendency was silence, a big mistake. That particular politician, Joe Gartlan, I knew casually because he was a member of my parish, St. Louis in Alexandria, VA. I was the pro-life chairman there for a number of years. A good friend on my committee was also good friends with Joe. She told me about a dinner once where she and her husband sat with the Gartlans and he made comments that indicated his betrayal of the pro-life cause. We'd seen it coming but to hear about the joking about babies' lives made me a bit sick.

Another Catholic lawyer I knew, Bill Dolan, ran for Attorney General of Virginia. He once was part of a team of pro-bono lawyers who defended those of us who were "sitting in" at abortuaries often shutting them down for half a day or more and saving lives. He abandoned his pro-life position when he decided to run for public office as a Democrat. Being pro-abortion was the litmus test for candidacy. He obliged. I helped Jim Gilmore defeat him in 1993. Both of these men, Gartlan and Dolan, illustrate the power of politics to corrupt. They abandoned an essential element of their faith by abandoning the least of God's little ones for the moth and rust of the dystopian world of the Democrats.

Joe Gartlan died in 2008; Bill Dolan died last May. I'm having a Mass said for each of them. Despite their betrayals, they once defended the little ones and I choose to remember them for that and pray for their salvation. I hope they both repented of their betrayal before they died. "For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his soul?" But for the state senate of Virginia or the office of Attorney General?

Really? Were they channeling Richard Rich who perjured St. Thomas More to be named Attorney General for Wales?

Which brings me to the latest pragmatic politician who considers the pro-life issue a liability, Donald Trump. He has been running away from his former position which is jeopardizing a significant voting block.
Michael Matt discussed it in a recent post predicting that Trump will "pivot back":
Between now and the election, Team Trump will make a dramatic pivot back to the pro-life base. My guess is that this will happen sometime between now and mid-October.

What do we do in the meantime? Speak now or forever hold our peace. If Trump loses in November, that will be on us for failing to call him back to his duty to defend the unborn.

In the unlikely event that Trump wins in November – after having sold out his pro-life base – the pro-life movement will never recover and will have become a politically irrelevant liability to every “conservative” contender from now on. That’s when we become just like Europe, and the wrath of God will be on us all.

Either way, we need to speak out now, reminding Mr. Trump that we stood with him through it all. We gave him the “W” in 2016, people went to prison for him in 2020, and we’ve all earned the right to demand more from him here in 2024. And that’s what we intend to do from now until he returns to the pro-life position that got him elected the last time and without which, I believe, he cannot win this time.

Think of the impact if thousands of pro-lifers blow the trumpet and raise the distress flags urging Donald Trump to act like a man and defend the babies, especially the littlest one living in freezer gulags. You can send him a message at this website. There are other ways of contacting him discussed at Wikihow. I also suggest sending a message to Melania. She identifies as a Catholic. No one but God knows how sincere her faith is, but let's presume the best. I will be sending a message to both of them.

And, of course, pray! Whenever I worked for a politician I prayed that, if winning would result in his damnation, he would lose. I'm praying that now for both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Maybe the answer to that prayer is a pair of strokes or heart attacks. 

I dread to think of Harris/Walz winning, but I never put my trust in men (or silly, brainless women) and if we end up with the team of commies, God will use it to bring about good. After all, there are no atheists in a foxhole and we will all be in the trenches if Harris becomes tyrant in chief manipulated by her puppet masters. (Can they please use the string that shuts her mouth and suppresses the giggle.)

Please don't remain silent. Send a firm but respectful message to Donald Trump. Urge him to make that "dramatic pivot back", one that is sincere and from the heart. He wished the Blessed Mother a happy birthday on September 8th. Let us ask Our Lady to intercede for the man who brought back Merry Christmas that he might become a great lion for God like King David. They both had their grievous sins of lust and murder, but no one is beyond repentance and redemption. And neither of them blasphemed God. David, flawed as he was, is described in scripture as a "man after God's own heart". I'm not ready to say that about Trump, but he could be. Let's pray for it.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.

St. Joseph, pillar of the family, pray for us. 


  1. Thank you for this timely reminder Mary Ann. I just sent emails to both of them.

  2. Here's what I sent to President Trump. I will also be writing to Melania. I may write every day:

    Dear President Trump, I voted for you and encouraged others when you ran for in 2016. I published many positive articles on my blog. ( I have continued to support you going forward. But I was disappointed over your decision to back away from protecting God's littlest ones. Your statement that abortion should be allowed beyond the six week limit in Florida was shocking. Your support for IVF which leaves many babies in the freezer gulag and for so-called contraceptives, many of which cause early abortions also violate God's law, thou shalt not kill. As a pro-life activist I know many in the movement who are now debating whether to vote in the upcoming election. They obviously won't support Harris/Walz, but how many defections can your campaign handle, especially in key battleground states? I appreciated you saying Happy Birthday to Our Lady on her feast day, but I wonder if that was simply damage control. The debate on the pro-life blogs indicates that you have seriously undermined a key segment of your base. Abortion doesn't just kill babies; it hurts their mothers too. Focusing on that can turn the life issues into strong, winning positions showing compassion and love.. Above all, do not challenge the sovereignty of God, the Lord of life. Please stop playing to the pro-abortion folks and the hate-filled media. They will never vote for you no matter what you do. Support your base and embrace God's little ones.

  3. A good barometer of the righteousness of the State you live in, or might choose to move to, is this map of abortion law restrictions.

    From total ban to unlimited killing and everything in between - these States specifically chose their sides between good and evil. And this link shows who believes what in practice.

    As we know from the Bible (Revelation 3:15-16, Matthew 7:21-23), God hates the lukewarm (some restrictions, some killing) the most. Being a little bit for life (with some exceptions) won’t cut it on that Terrible Day, that Dies iræ.


  5. I am reminded of Mr Trump saying words to the effect that we must win elections to have any influence in protecting the unborn. That the issue of abortion should be an issue decided by the voters of each state Is the correct position. Our voice may now be heard through our votes and not be stifled by dictatorial judges. What a shame if we should have the death of one more unborn child because of our desire to have no unborn children murdered. Trump is the only President to actually take action, rather than spout meaningless words (ie. Bush and his ilk). As to the IVF. I doubt if he understands the procedure. Let us
    not “cut off our nose to spite our face” . Pray for election of President Trump and promote the most restrictive abortion law possible in our
    State with the goal of the final outlawing of these child murders .

    1. Anonymous 1:15
      Ultimately Life wins by conversion, not compulsion. Life wins when the issue is framed around the baby and not the lifestyle choices of the mother. Life wins when the baby is seen as a human being made in the image and likeness of God, rather than a piece of unwanted tissue that can be excised and disposed of like a fingernail.

      And that conversion must start at the grassroots of friends, neighbors, community, city, State … then Nation.

      It is most explainable at the local level. The national level follows suit. We see this in history with the abolition movement that freed the slaves by first making the case for the humanity and dignity of blacks (slaves) in the various pews of small churches throughout the communities of the Republican North. The national course was compelled by the local consensus.

      I wouldn’t be averse to a national Right To Life Law … but we are still left with a nation not just accepting of baby murder but increasingly celebrating it. *That* is what must change - the heart of our nation.
