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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Who Won the Debate?

As someone texted me after the debate, "It was a clown show." The question is, do debates win or lose elections? Watching the Reagan movie last night, it was interesting to be reminded of the Reagan/Mondale moment during the second debate when Ronald Reagan eviscerated the question and doubts about his age. It also validated Nancy Reagan's advice to the staff, "Let Ronnie be Ronnie." 

Reagan was always a man of wit and good cheer. I was especially reminded of that watching the scenes after the attempted assassination. He really did tell Nancy he "forgot to duck" and told the surgical team, "I hope you're all Republicans." I can't remember if the surgeon's answer, "Mr. President, we're all Republicans today," was historical, but I believe it was. 

The big losers at the debate were the ABC donkeys. Yes, they were in the Democrat corral and proved it by continuously challenging Trump and letting Harris lie over and over again. Her claim that late term abortions are imaginary was a clear lie and everyone knows it.  

Trump tended to snap at Harris' bait and get distracted from the main issues. The exchange over their political rallies was just silly. 

So who won the debate? The political opinions are flying, but there is certainly evidence that Trump benefited and Harris didn't pull it off. Check out these stories. One discusses poll numbers among undecided voters, the other is an opinion piece. What do you think?

Undecided Voters Lean Trump 2-to-1 After Debate


  1. The only ones that matter to the point of this question (who won the debate?) are the (relatively small) slice in the middle who don’t pay as much attention to politics and haven’t fully formed an opinion yet. Those vast numbers on the extremes will not be persuaded by the debate performances. At all.

    But to those paying close attention now, and deciding what is best for their perhaps complicated lives, meeting this new candidate for the first time in the center-court stage and seeing the familiar face, in current circumstances is likely persuasive. These people will want specifics. The “extremes” (left and right) are already fully informed.

    To that, here is a Reuters survey result:

    “A Reuters focus group found that 6 out of 10 undecided voters leaned towards Trump after the debate, while 3 favored Harris. The debate was rightly criticized for bias from ABC News moderators but was generally seen as a draw between Trump and Harris. Undecided voters cited Harris's "vague" answers and greater trust in Trump on economic issues as reasons for their shift. Harris faces a challenge in campaigning for change while defending the current administration's policies”

    I have heard, and agree with it, that Trump was off his game, unfocused in dialectic, but with plenty of policy specifics; and that Kamala was more polished and rehearsed, focused in the dialectic but lacking any policy specificity.

    But … but, she is intensely unlikeable and not just to partisans like me. People don’t like her, normal people that is, unlike the crazy, mean wackos populating the left extreme. She can’t help herself from being unlikeable, after a lifetime perfecting the art of “mean girl” of the high school halls in her quest for the top.

    She perfectly represents her commie base. But that doesn’t (I pray) do much for the normals in the middle.

  2. Someone once wrote “Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”

    The last political debate was a hoax, by design…… a continuation of dumbing down of ‘we the people’ , who are sincere patriots. What the hard-working citizens of this country need is some kind of system run by adults, intelligent men who care about the nation, about God, about the future for many generations.
    Nothing will change unless there will be a great awakening from the lethargy of legions. This God given country will continue to be Protestant – run by the ‘movers and shakers of this world,’ ……the choice will always be just another type of ‘cancerous whim,’ because the children of Light are not as wise as the children of darkness.

    Our Lady of Fatima pray for us Catholics, for we’re living in the diabolical disorientation!
    Ave Maria!

    1. Until that day you have the binary choice - demonic Marxist totalitarian or common sense conservative.

      A) life in chains
      B) remain free

      Read the Party platforms. These choices are not of the same genus, whatever quibbles you may have about improvements.

      Huge recommend to the following Tucker talk. The 30 minute monologue is brilliant. “What is our enemy. Who will we be in response.” Bongino (his guest) is also good, but at least watch Tucker’s opening.

  3. If Tucker Carlson is your source of info., then you're deceived.....discerment is a gift from the Holy Ghost!

    Pay attention.....
    TRUMPING DEMONS: Keep the Faith and Give 'em Hell
    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Michael Matt always sounds so angry and he harangues his own supporters. It's tiresome. I watched the video and, frankly, I have no idea what he's advising. If his last words meant that we should only vote for Trump (or any other politician) if they are 100% pro-life, I think he's lost his mind. We have never had a candidate that is 100% pro-life, except a few staunch pro-life national figures like Henry Hyde and local figures like Virginia's Bob Marshall. Our choice is to vote for the candidates that will do the least harm and protect the common good the most. I have stopped listening to Matt because I can't stand the continuous angry diatribe. I agree with him that no matter what happens in November, we never lose heart and never stop fighting, but if he advises people to sit out the election or write in a no-win candidate.....Non! Nada! Nyet! Not me! I will do the best I can with my vote to do the least harm.

    3. Yours is a more accurate and charitable comment than mine. That is why I deleted my comment, and I’ll just agree with yours instead.

  4. Having nothing else to justify his disasterous besides blaming moderators for correcting one candidate's outlandish claim that Haitians are eating pets underscores just how badly he lost. The only one who did himself in was the ex president himself.

    1. It's hard to support that Trump's performance was disastrous considering it swung many undecided voters to support him. The "debate" was so obviously rigged that a former staffer to Bill Clinton is calling for an investigation of possible collusion between the Harris campaign and ABC.

    2. Next week, month, forever - the only thing that will ever be remembered about the “debate” is.this:


      Trump tied the entire immigration debacle around VP Cackled sanctimonious neck with one or two simple, bold, descriptively visual lines. She’s cooked, and her commie pals with her.
