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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Deus Vult: The Enemies of Tradition Can Never Win!

A wise philosopher once said, "Stupid is as stupid does." Read this article and take heart. When things seem dark, they are often closest to the light. You can only eclipse the sun for so long! Pray, hope, and don't worry. Deus Vult! God wills it!

Remember when everybody was sure that there was a new Latin Mass suppression coming down the pike from The Dictator Pope and his mercy for the margins?

That came from a credible rumour published by our friends at Rorate back on June 17th. While that was brewing, Viganò got the axe from the Vatican, and a different report denied any existence of a new TLM suppression.

Meanwhile, the “Agatha Christie Petition 2.0” was released, along with a second petition by the same authors for the faithful to sign. A third petition was also put out (“An Open Letter from the Americas to Pope Francis”), signed by people like Trad critic Larry Chapp and endorsed by Archbishop Cordileone. [Continue....]

1 comment:

  1. When it was announced that Pope Benedict XVI will be offering his last Mass, in my heart I was hoping that it will be The Mass of All Times (The most beautiful thing this side of heaven – Fr. Faber) assisted by the Choir of Angels, for the Glory of God, for the triumph of His Church. What a glory this would be on earth and in Heaven, what encouragement for his bishops, and priests who were made to believe that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was abrogated. Pope Paul VI never abrogated the still-binding decree of Pope St. Pius V. The Pope, instead offered the Novus Ordo Mass. Throughout his ‘reign’ he continued to defend that the N.O.,is the “hermeneutic of continuity,’ it was his basic claim — and this has always been his claim as Cardinal Ratzinger — is that Vatican II did not constitute a rupture with Tradition, but a legitimate development of it, giving the impression that he plans a restoration of Tradition in the Church………this was a ‘lamentable sign’, that the Latin Rite was only for those that are stubbornly holding on to the Holy Traditions, the Old Mass of all saints, and martyrs…..
    Pope Benedict XVI practiced and, lived following in the footsteps of his post-Vatican II predecessors…..

    Pope Francis is the ‘result’, and much more, of what was planted ‘once the windows of the Church’ were opened to the world, to get along with His enemies…….in the making by the ‘enemies within’ the holy Church, since the so-called ‘Reformation,’ and ‘French Revolution’, that has given the world ‘liberté, fraternité, égalité’ , this monster and enemy of what is Good, True, and Beautiful, infiltrated not only the Sanctuary, but also legions of Catholic hearts.

    ‘liberté, fraternité, égalité’ has been disastrous to this country, ever since the infamous 'Statue of Liberty' has been planted on this soil, instead of the Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
    Ave Maria!

    In God’s good time, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the faithful son of the Church, the true soldier of Jesus Christ, who feared God only, will be canonized. When asked what was the real reason that he persisted, he said this: “At the hour of my death, when Our Lord asks me: ‘what have you done with your episcopate, have you done with your episcopal and priestly grace?, I do not want to hear from His lips the terrible words…..”You have helped to destroy the Church along with the rest of them.”
