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Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Is a Good Time to Say Thank You to St. Joseph, Patron of Workers

During my prayer time this morning, I was thinking about St. Joseph and what an appropriate day this is to thank him. He prayed, worked, suffered, and protected his precious family entrusted to him by God. What a model for all fathers who pray and work, suffer and protect their families. My husband's confirmation name is Joseph. He has three great saints watching over him. St. Lawrence, who suffered an agonizing torture for the faith who considered the poor his family. When the tyrannical authorities demanded he bring the treasures of the church, he presented the poor, God's little ones. 

St. Paul is my husband's second patron. What a teacher and evangelist. Larry has always given an example of faith to our family, a quiet faith. He is a living example of the adage that the faith is mostly caught not taught. At his retirement ceremony the general described him as the image of a perfect gentleman. I have rarely heard a swear word from his lips in almost 55 years of married life. I don't think I've ever heard him take the Lord's name in vain. He is, like St. Joseph, a silent witness of faithful service to the family. He continues to tutor our grandchildren in math and is always available for advice about buying a car or how to fix something, etc. What a blessing in a family is a wise, considerate, and generous grandfather.

In 2015, Bishop Thomas Olmstead of Phoenix published an Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men, Into the Breach. The letter is powerful. The Knights of Columbus publish the letter with a study guide and a video series. What a great apostolate it would be for Catholic men to organize small groups to share the powerful message of real manhood, to encourage them to give up the world's wimpy message of self-indulgence to step into the breach!

I finished reading the letter today and thought of Larry once again, because near the closing, the bishop wrote a message to grandfathers:

Grandfathers, You Are of Great Importance
I wish to speak a word to you who are grandfathers. Few cultures have ever expected less and shown such indifference to those like you who have battled and who have tested wisdom to offer their children and grandchildren. The world tells you that your time of influence is at an end and that it is time to retire, that is, to resign your post of fatherhood. Don’t believe it! Grandfathers matter greatly....

 Grandfathers, you are an essential and treasured gift to your families, and I encourage you to continue to be strong for them, to share your wisdom with them, and to fight for them. Remember Jesus’ earthly grandfather, St. Joachim, who lived a life faithful to God. In his advanced years, God the Father blessed St. Joachim and his wife, St. Anne, with the great gift of Mary, our Blessed Mother. Let every grandfather be reminded that even when the routine of daily life may appear to be insignificant, we never know what great plans God has for the last years of our lives.

Larry continues to be a hard worker for our family. For years, after he retired, I joked that he was a grass farmer as he worked daily to keep Camp Kreitzer a well ordered, well maintained and beautiful "family retreat center" for our children and grandchildren, extended family and friends. Hospitality has always been and continues to be a staple at Camp Kreitzer. As we age we need more help, of course. Larry no longer mows the three acres; we use a lawn service, but he is still busy cleaning the pool so it's ready for the swimmers and we work together caring for our bees and chickens, pruning and gardening. The tractor seldom sits idly in the tractor barn.

Today on this rest from labor day, we will welcome visitors for swimming and feasting. Our youngest grandchild, three-months-old will find plenty of arms available for cooing and cuddling. We will play games and share memories and laugh a lot.

May we all not forget today to thank the Lord of the harvest the giver of all good gifts Who blesses us so abundantly and calls us to work for the coming of the kingdom. May we all step bravely into the breach to answer the call.

May Jesus Christ be praised, now and forever.

St. Joseph, pillar of the family, pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Blessed are families, and friends that gather in Christ!
