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Monday, January 16, 2012

The Feud in the Church

This is a must viewing! Mike Voris pegs it again. If you don't understand what's happening in the Church, listen to this. Here's a preview:
"There are huge chasms of differences among the leaders themselves....The scourge of the not in the office of the bishop...the scourge is the differences among the bishops themselves....There are bishops who do not agree with the authentic teaching of the Church."


  1. He makes explicit and clear some things that I rather vaguely understood but did not have the words for. Great video!
    Thank you, Mary Ann!!

  2. Michael’s Video is very insightful and helpful. The Catholic Faithful have a right, nay an obligation, to bring heresy in a bishop to the attention of the Holy See. But, despite what Mr. Voris says here, only the Holy See can determine if a particular bishop is indeed “outside the camp” of orthodox Catholicism. Until such time as the bishop is removed by the Holy See he remains Bishop and obedience and respect is required by the Catholic faithful, especially by the clergy. I say especially by the clergy as several priests of the Diocese of Arlington have publicly been disrespectful to Bishop Loverde to whom they pledged obedience and respect on their ordination day and this has given grave scandal. Public disrespect given to one’s bishop, whether or not one thinks he is orthodox or not, is both a scandal and gravely sinful. When one suspects a lack of fidelity one should report it either to the Nuncio or the Congregation of Bishops and patiently wait until it is acted on. If it is not acted on that is a good sign that the Holy See does not agree with the complaint.

  3. Anonymous writes that if our complaint "is not acted on that is a good sign that the Holy See does not agree with the complaint". Not necessarily so. Experience has taught me that it's a good sign that the complaint is being stonewalled by some bureaucrat. That's why we must shine the light upon malfeasances.

  4. As Mr. Voris is not ordained nor sanctioned to speak as an authority of the Holy Church, I will continue to receive my guidance from my pastor, and through him, my bishop. It seems to me that he walks the line of encouraging outright disobedience. If Mr. Voris is so unhappy, perhaps he should leave Catholicism and start a new career as a televangelist or Fox News reporter. That seems to be his forte.

  5. I am the Anonymous who said that we have to trust the Holy See to act and I will stand by that Restore DC Catholicism. There is no obedience to the Holy See when there is disobedience to one's bishop. We can write and report when we think the Bishop is wrong, but as long as he remains in place he has the confidence and trust of the successor of Saint Peter and we are not in a position to judge. We aren't Protestants who pick pastors who agree with us, we receive our Pastor from the Chief of the Apostles and we must obey as long as he is our pastor.
