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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Ariel Bibas and "The Painted Bird"

Ariel Bibas - vicious enemy of HAMAS
Before Oct 7, 2023
Loved beyond measure by his parents

Ariel Bibas
May 16, 2004
What HAMAS' hate has done to him

Please watch this May 16, 2024, 14-second video of Ariel Bibas traveling on a bus in Rafah.

Imagine that you're four years-old and suddenly every person on the planet knows who you are. One day no one in the universe but your immediate family and little school friends knew you existed; the next day the entire globe recognizes you from the video of your terrified mother protecting you and your baby brother from HAMAS terrorists taking the three of you hostage on October 7, 2023.

Suddenly your photo is on every news channel in the world, all over social media, plastered on billboards, signs, posters, letters. No one knows what happened to the three of you. One moment you were happy living at Nir Oz, running along a pathway trying to fly in your Batman costume. The next moment you were confused when surrounded by Islamic terrorists - the same people currently cheered on by university students across the universe. 

Then nothing. 

There's no sign of you anywhere. No one knows where you are or what's happening to you. Were you ripped from your mother's arms on day one? Did you see the gang rape and sodomization of your mother? The killing of your beloved baby brother? Did they sell you? Where are you now? Do you live with strangers who do not love you? Who hate you? Are they teaching you be one of their soldiers to grow up and kill your own people?

But then one day, seven months later, a harrowing video of you emerges on the Internet. You're riding in a truck in Rafah. What HAMAS has done to you is beyond horrifying. The video explicitly shows what the proximity of terror and savagery does to innocence and love, which is destruction of the human person, especially a four year-old child who was so loved by his family.

The definition of evil is the corruption of innocence. Staggering violence, brutality and cruelty on Ariel, who was all innocence and love, is so evil that anyone rioting on university campuses to "free Palestine" should really and truly be forced to board planes and flown to Gaza to live there as new hostages of their beloved Islamic feral dogs.

Is the truck filled with other Jews like you captured on October 7th? Is HAMAS transferring their Jewish hostages to Rafah to place in strategic spots to be killed by your own people in the IDF? To be used as human shields?

Like the boy in The Painted Bird, wandering alone in war-torn WWII Europe, the above photo of Ariel Bibas clearly manifests what the "the most brutal forms of the fallen adult experience" does to a child. The nightmarish world of complete injustice that Ariel now lives in has destroyed the innocent child he once was. Surrounded by excess cruelty, the former well-balanced child who was the fruit of his parent's great love, is now an empty vessel. This parallels the boy in the book (although he was older than 4) who, in the end was so traumatized by the evil done to him that he became mute and uncivilized, literally hanging out at night o street cornerwith criminals by choice. 

What is happening to the remaining hostages who were not yet released or had arrived back in Israel in coffins? The women and girls constantly raped, now pregnant with babies of their wicked backward Islamic captors? The men tortured and sodomized before being killed - because we all know that HAMAS will not release adult Jewish males. Their unfortunate fate was sealed the moment they were captured.

Please don't tell me that HAMAS is the innocent party. Do you not know what Islam is? Do you not know that all of the Middle East was once Christian, but now is Islamic after centuries of Muslim hordes slaughtering Christians in the most vile ways. 

And don't even start with me on the Crusades, or the Old Testament or any of the current arguments for ignoring, as Douglas Murray says, that "the Koran is a very violent book and Muhammad was a very, very bad man." Cruel beyond measure. The depths of Islamic evil is as ungodly as the depths of Hell....because it is hell. Just look at Ariel's current picture.

I've asked Mary Ann to cut comments because we already know what hate-filled liberals will say. I have no time for that. Write your own blog and complain there. Indulge yourselves to see what you love - read the Koran and the hadiths, all free on countless websites.

An iconic slogan says: A mind is a terrible thing to waste. What about Ariel's mind? His mind is destroyed. If he lives and is returned to his people, he will never again be happy. How about the hostages? Destroyed, body and mind. Aborted babies? Destroyed, never to even draw the breath of life.

What about the Palestinians? Well, what about them? They've chosen to worship evil, hatred and destruction. They knew that Israel would retaliate after what they did on October 7th. They knew that innocent Gazans used as human shields would die. No Muslim nations are even willing to take them in. Not one! What does that tell us? It tells us that their own co-religionists don't like or want them! Yet, it tells liberals across the world nothing since they all worship the same supernatural entity - Satan.
PS - Please watch this joyful video of Yarden and Shiri Bibas' wedding.

They're both now in HAMAS' hands, their children either dead (baby Kfir) or without the protection of their father and loving kindness of their mother, alone in the midst of rabid Islamic feral dogs.

PPS - The Painted Bird from Thrift Books