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Monday, June 24, 2024

Of This and That on Monday Morning

  •  I'm going to see my sister in the nursing home today. I consider it my weekly exercise to work on the virtues of patience, charity, and cheerfulness. 
  • When I'm watching TV, I try to keep my hands busy. I very much liked the baby blanket pattern I used for two blankets: one for my first great grandchild and one for my youngest grandchild. So I decided to make a table runner. I finally made the pattern with no mistakes! The secret is small projects I think. Perhaps that's a lesson in life. St. Therese's "little way" is much easier to accomplish with fewer mistakes.
  • After I finished the runner, I thought how fun it would be to have matching placemats, so I'm starting on that project and hope to do eight by Advent. The colors are great for the season. Whether I have enough yarn, however, is another question. I will knit until I reach the end of my yarn which should be at least enough for six. I can always pair them with purple. I will look forward to an Advent rosary lunch using them.
  • One of my Facebook friends put an interesting challenge on her wall. Write something, no matter how small, that you were grateful for today. I just saw a hummingbird. What an incredible creation that little bird is! Thank you, Lord. People's responses were interesting: holding a sleeping baby, seeing the sunrise, etc. Gratitude is a virtue that brings us closer to God I think.
  • Today I'm grateful for the great saint whose feast day we celebrate today and for those who give us such beautiful reminders of his mission. 
Murillo painted many pictures of St. John the Baptist. I love this one!

And this one even more!
  • St. John the Baptist church in Front Royal just put up a painting above the entrance doors from the narthex into the church. 
photo credit, local photographer Mary Fran Cherry

  • The days now begin to get shorter reminding us of St. John's words as He pointed out the Lamb of God. "He must increase; I must decrease."

St. John the Baptist, pray for us.

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