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Thursday, June 20, 2024

LifeSiteNews Reports on Likely Date of TLM "Final Solution"

Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16

Here's a bit from the article:

Those planning this “final” suppression of the TLM are said by Rorate to be “frustrated” with the “apparently slow results” of Pope Francis’ Latin Mass-restricting document Traditionis Custodes, particularly in the U.S. and France, and “want to ban it and shut it down everywhere and immediately.” 
These Vatican prelates, which by implication include Pope Francis and at least require his consent, reportedly wish to make this Latin Mass ban “as wide, final and irreversible as possible.” Rorate Caeli is urging people in all states of life to “prevent the ban from becoming a concrete measure.”
LifeSiteNews has received information indicating that a likely date for these expected restrictions is July 16, the anniversary of the implementation of Traditionis Custodes.

Cardinal Burke makes the point that Traditionis Custodes failed to achieve the desired result and, in fact,  created more interest in the TLM. Our little SSPX chapel has been growing from week to week and offers anecdotal evidence of that truth. 

I try not to think too hard about what comes next if the TLM is suppressed. Excommunication of the SSPX and all her congregations? How would I respond to that? After all, Archbishop Lefebvre himself was excommunicated and I believe he will one day be canonized and declared a doctor of the Church. 

But that's not the concern of today. Today's duty is simple: to continue to discern the will of God and act on it. Whenever I ask myself, "What is God's will for me?" I come back to Micah 6:8. "I will show thee, O man, what is good, and what the Lord requireth of thee: Verily, to do judgment, and to love mercy, and to walk solicitous with thy God." Or, as another translation offers: "Act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with your God." 

And so today, that's what I will try to do in love of God and in faithfulness to His holy word. And I will pray and sacrifice (at least in a small way) for the renewal of Holy Mother Church and for her release from the bondage of evil men holding her hostage.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us.


  1. Given who is currently occupying the Vatican and the theological tilt of the cardinals, bishops and priests, an excommunication by those heretics would be a badge of honor.

  2. I am actually kind of glad its finally reaching a head. TLM Catholics have been in limbo so long now we can finally make permanent plans. They tried this back in 70s/80s and failed in fact we only grew stronger. I remember the early 80s a women had a traditional Catholic bookstore in Huntley Illinois. All the trads hung out there. She sold copies of the Remnant. It was llike Floyd's barber shop we exchanged information. Fr. so in so has a mass here, or there is a mass there on 2nd Saturdays there. Grass roots groups formed like the Coalition is support of Ecclesia dei. We actually flourished. Now we have the internet where it is much easier to exchange information. I have a small facebook like site called Brother Alberts Pub which is strictly for TLM Catholics. There are currently about 17 of us in there but to an individual none of us will be giving up the Latin mass. Again with this the flow of information is much easier. As far as excommunication goes, it really does not bother me. Who will excommunicate me? A Heretical pope? Like Ann Barnhardt posted on the news of the Vatican Kangaroo court against Archbishop Vigano, "how do I get in on this, how do I get kicked out of Bergoglios church". We will win because I believe the Holy spirit wills it.
