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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pray the Rosary to Advance the Reign of Christ the King!

We can't all raise a giant flag to give public witness to the Sacred Heart, but there are plenty of smaller versions that would look wonderful on the front of the house or in the garden. The flag of the Vendee is one that I like to fly that features the two hearts for Jesus and Mary.

But the big thing is to pray, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." God doesn't intend for Christ to reign only in heaven. The Church Militant is to do all we can to bring about His kingdom to come on earth as well. 

June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart, challenges us to pray for God's reign on earth, but also to make reparation for outrages against His love and authority. What will you do this month to especially give honor and glory to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? 

One thing everyone can do is to put our trust completely in Him. Give up worry and anxiety over the sorrows and injustices we experience in our daily lives. Lay all suffering at the feet of Christ. I recommend the Surrender Novena as a perpetual offering to the Lord. I pray it every day begging for the grace of a peaceful heart and for compassion and charity toward all those who have sinned against me reminding myself that I have often sinned against others. Have mercy, O Lord, on me, a sinner.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You.

1 comment:

  1. I am reminded of the saying, "All worrying is atheism because it's a lack of trust in God." Blessed Fulton Sheen
