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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Does Kentucky Fried Chicken Use Lab Meat?

There's a hoax going around the internet that the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain uses lab meat for their chicken. Not true! It made me curious about the policies of the chain. Is someone targeting them because of their views? 

First let's look at the hoax which is pretty disgusting. If you've seen it you'll recognize it:

Some of the posts have the picture above of a supposed lab chick and you sure wouldn't want to eat that little alien. How many people who read hoax posts actually check it out even when the thing sounds ridiculous? (Although fake meat is a reality these days.)

KFC won a lawsuit against an Asian company that claimed the chain used lab meat. They don't; they use real chickens. So you can go to KFC for your chicken fix if you want. Take your pick: regular or extra crispy. 

But I won't be joining you. 

Looking into the hoax got me interested in checking out KFC corporate policies. They do some good philanthropic stuff, but they also embrace bigtime the woke agenda. They champion the nonsense about climate change. They've also made pride month a big deal at their corporate headquarters, even raising the pride flag for the first time in 2021 and making it an annual June even. Here's what they wrote in 2021, a post that's still on the website:
This year, the Yum Equality Society (YES!) at our global headquarters, the CORE (Center of Restaurant Excellence), in Dallas, Texas recognized Pride month by bringing employees together to celebrate our differences, champion diversity, and generate pride – regardless of who we are or who we love. As YES! explained, “In today’s climate, it’s so important to stand up for equality and free expression, and let’s make sure we have a little fun along the way. Everyone is welcome to celebrate the obstacles we have overcome, learn about the struggles we still face, and enjoy the PRIDE we feel in being our true selves.”

The month kicked off with a bang with our first ever Pride flag raising event at the CORE. The Inclusive Pride Flag was raised on June 1 and remained up all month to show support for the LGBTQ+ community. 

Pizza Hut shares KFC's enthusiasm for celebrating sodomy. Think of homosexual practices and then think about food handling. Makes your mouth water for their goodies doesn't it?  

I've been avoiding any places flying the pride flag this month. There's a bakery here in Woodstock that has it outside -- my last time going in there. As for our local KFC and Pizza Hut. Sayonara, Baby. I'll make my own pizza from scratch at home and my own chicken as well. (But I won't eat Buttercup or any of the other chicks in my henhouse. They are strictly here for their egg production. Besides, I can't eat my chickie babies. I love them all.)

Buttercup and Whopper

It's almost impossible these days not to be implicated in intrinsic societal evils. You pay taxes, you're paying for abortion and contraception. You buy almost anything and you're involved in abortion. Many companies including a long list of companies starting with Amazon are paying for employees travel expenses to kill their babies if they live in an abortion ban state. Don't kill a snail darter or break an eagle's egg, but it's always open season on babies! 

You can't boycott everything, but you can choose a few businesses at the local level and tell them why you won't support them. And maybe sprinkle a little holy water and blessed salt around their perimeter and pray the St. Michael prayer whenever you go by. My husband and I did that with a new age shop in town. It took awhile, but it's gone, thank God. Never underestimate the power of prayer and keep on keepin' on. Our faith and trust in God will be our salvation. Meanwhile, pray for your enemies and do good to those who hate you. You will be heaping burning coals of charity on their heads. Remember, the Lord rejoices in the conversion of one lost sheep! And what a blessing if we can be a channel for His grace.

May Jesus Christ be praised!

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