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Friday, June 28, 2024

The Days of Persecution and the Underground Masses May be on the Horizon.

I wish my parents had found an underground church during those evil days. What a joy if all our family had been able to "keep the faith." Many of my relatives are no longer practicing Catholics. I pray every day for their return because the surest road to heaven is the Catholic Church; the surest guides on the right path are the faithful shepherds defending the doctrine and sacred tradition. 

I don't judge anyone who has left; that's God's job, and He knows how confusing things have been since the sexual revolution of the 60s and the Church revolution that accompanied it. I'm old enough to remember Fr. Charlie Curran's attack on Humanae Vitae and his support for contraception and anything-goes sex. It took years before he was finally booted for his scandals. How many souls did he damage along the way?

Is it any wonder that both laity and priests were (and some still are) confused and disoriented? I love many of the Novus Ordo priests who never experienced the TLM. We are all victims of the rebellion which sometimes looks like the victory of modernism. It's not! The rebels' time will end. Things are heating up for the very reason that they are experiencing the last gasp - as they fight for an impossible victory. Have you seen the photos of the Nuns on the Bus? Of Call to Action and Alinsky supporters? The rebels are a bunch of old, fat ladies. I'm one too, but at the chapel I'm outnumbered bigtime by the young couples and their gaggle of children, crusaders in training for Holy Mother Church!

Nuns on the bus are getting close to the exit door. And don't they look happy? NOT!

When I consider all the rebels in the Church, I think of the Israelites wandering in the dessert and their constant desire to return and embrace the idols and fleshpots of Egypt. Those rebels were judged and exiled in the desert until their generation died out. Our rebels drift along on the same path and will end up the same way unless they repent and return.

It is not easy to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and submit ourselves to God's will in all things, especially when things are such a mess. Don't misunderstand. The mess doesn't mean God has forgotten us or doesn't care. It's we who have forgotten God our Father who loves us with the tender love of the Good Shepherd.

What's happening here and now is God's will. Nothing can happen that is NOT God's will. No evil can befall us that God did not will. Do I mean that He wills evil? Of course not, but He uses the evil that men do (or that the demons foment) to bring about good. Do you suffer from the slurs and slander of others? God wants you to use it to grow in patience and humility. Are you sick or facing job loss and financial setbacks? God wants to bring you to greater trust Him as the Great Physiscian and the provider Who clothes the lilies of the field.

We are in His hands now and always. Nothing can happen to us that is not for our good.

I'm praying for all those who will lose access to the Traditional Latin Mass if the nuke is dropped on July 16th. What a heartache for them! My husband and I will continue to go to the SSPX chapel so our sacramental life will continue unchanged. But many will have to look for different options. Come visit and go with us to our chapel. Look for an underground priest to celebrate the Mass for you. Take your vacations near a site where the TLM is offered. Many are in delightful locations like the SSPX chapels in Petersburg, VA and Sanford, FL. and FSSP chapels in San Diego and Sacramento. (See Mass Map here.) All is never lost when we place our trust in God. He will show the way!

May Jesus Christ be praised!


  1. Thank you Mary Ann.I’m looking forward to attending Mass at the chapel in Front Royal!

    1. Let me know when you're coming and plan on a visit for a meal at Camp Kreitzer.

    2. One of the best Priests I’ve ever known was New Mass Diocesan (we’ve travelled much and have attended many different Parishes and Chapels). My wife still remembers most fondly this Priest’s confessional counsel as making a real difference in transformative change.

      His response to us about bringing the Traditional Mass to our Parish in some way? “Of course it’s the superior Mass, but for the time being there was nothing he could do”.

      His work was essentially as a missionary of Tradition from *within* New Church. He essentially said as much to us in numerous conversations. God works through the troubled cellular structure of His Church Body through brave, faithful men such as this. We all have our parts to play. Perseverance in our station is the key to restoration.

    3. You're absolutely right, Aqua! My current spiritual director is NO and I've received much wise counsel from him in the past 15 years. I love the SSPX priests and their wonderful counsel, but I remain with Father who, despite being younger than I am, is like a wise father or older brother. How grateful I am for his counsel and friendship!

    4. Sounds great Mary Ann! I’ll let you know when I’m coming. God Bless you!

  2. I was taught by the Sisters of Mercy in the 1970s and it was a very good, Faith-filled education that eventually led me to become a Catholic. Back then, all of them wore veils and dresses with collars. And they shied away from nothing - like educating us (former) Protestant kids that the Catholic Church is the one true Church. Today my heart truly breaks seeing what the few remaining SoM look like and advocate. It is a total 180 of my childhood in Catholic grade school.

  3. This came across my wife’s SSPX social media transom this morning. It’s why I have come to trust implicitly these Priests with the spiritual care of my family. This is (allegedly, I have no reason to doubt it) the Society’s nuanced, detailed and ultimately firm position on the New Mass.

    - quote -

    “This is a part of a declaration that every SSPX Priest must sign on to before his ordination, and one could say that it spells out in full the Society's position on the Novus Ordo:

    "I grant that Masses celebrated according to the new rite are not all invalid. However, considering the bad translations of the Novus Ordo Missae, its ambiguity favouring it being interpreted in a Protestant sense, and the plurality of ways in which it can be celebrated, I recognise that the danger of invalidity is very great.

    "I affirm that the new rite of Mass does not, it is true, formulate any heresy in an explicit manner, but that it is both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass", and that for this reason the new rite is in itself bad.

    "That is why I shall never celebrate Holy Mass according to this new rite, even if I am threatened with ecclesiastical sanctions; and I shall never advise anyone in a positive manner to take an active part in such a Mass."

    - end quote -

    I agree with every word of this. Their careful and charitable approach to this über-controversial topic is why it is so easy to trust their judgement on other topics … such as the validity of a controversial Pope.

  4. The dispensation for Holy Comforter (Charlottesville) to celebrate the TLM will expire July 5. This, despite the bishop's decree allowing celebrations until at least October after his consultation with Rome. (To Bishop Knestout's credit, he has gone to bat for the community).

    The crackdown is already happening, new legislation or not. Which hanging is worse--the quick, long drop, or the slow strangulation?

    Pray for the faithful affected and for a return to happier days in the Church.

  5. We are definitely now face with a fragmented church. Its like Francis was a diamond cutter and is in the process of destroying a priceless gem. I agree there are good NO priest out there and I think they are in the toughest position of any clergy literally between a rock and a hard spot.

    I go to a ICKSP oratory which is an hour and a half drive one way. I am waiting for the hammer to come down on them. Of course what will happen on July 16 or 19 is anyone's guess. One rumor is the ecclesia dei groups will only be given permission to read the Latin mass. Other sacraments will have to be done via Novus Ordo. If this comes down I think it will not only result in a decrease in laity attending but I am sure there are a number of priests who will refuse this and what will happen to them no one knows. I am one of the lucky ones, I have an independent priest who reads the Latin mass 5 minutes from the house. In fact I use him for holy days.

    I started a small social network for only TLM Catholics. Its very similar to Facebook. Its a place for us to regroup, exchange information, TLM locations, etc. Basically a moral support group. There are occassional LesFemmes posts that pop up in the newsfeed as well.
    In fact I put this post in there myself. All traditional Catholics are welcome to join us. We have about 17 members currently.

  6. We are definitely entering hard times and will have to start thinking outside the box. Its almost like Bergoglio is a diamond cutter and is in the process of turning a priceless gem into a collection of shattered glass.

    I agree with you on the Novus Ordo priests. I know some real good ones and they will be the ones suffering the most with this they are litterally caught between a rock and a hard spot. I drive an hour and a half one way to get to mass at a ICKSP oratory. Despite the glowing remarks of Msgr. Wach about his latest meeting with Francis the Institute will not fare well. Rumors are they will be allowed to read the mass according to the 1962 missal only all sacraments must be done via NO. Its like they are being neutered.

    I have started a small facebook like social network for TLM catholics. A place to regroup, exchange information, mass locations, and in short a moral support group. In fact posts from LesFemmes show up on the newsfeed. In fact 3 of the women members had an interesting conversation on chapel veils. Where to buy them, the different styles, etc. All trads are welcome I am also compiling "The List" which are mass locations of the TLM that will not be affected by Bergoglio's latest rulings.

    Lol if this appears twice I appologise, after I typed it up I hit enter and it just disappeared. In my case its the nut behind the wheel that's the problem!

  7. By the way, plan to come over for brunch when you visit the chapel. Do you have the book Lex Orandi that compares all the sacraments under the traditional and novus ordo forms? That might be helpful with your challenge. I'd be glad to give you a copy.

    1. I bought that one a few months ago on your recommendation. Nothing else like it exists.

    2. If you ever get to the area, Aqua, I'd love to meet you as well. You're so interesting on line, I can only imagine how interesting you'd be in person.

    3. That is very much appreciated. Likewise, for sure.

      I had an older daughter who attended Christendom for one unforgettable year, so I am well familiar with the beauty and history in that area, the Catholic community - uniquely strong.

      We just adopted our eighth child (out of nine), seven still at home. Our lives these days mean not straying too far from the homestead safety, here in Texas. We keep it very simple. But one never knows. My wife would love to travel more.

      That being said, once again, I very much appreciate the open offer and for everything you do here on this uniquely Catholic blog of yours. I was just telling the kids last night in Catechism class: the Catholic life is one of communion - as the Blessed Trinity is three in one, so also in the Church Body, we are Christian to the extent we are in communion, one with another … cells in the Body of Christ.

      As I get older I realize more and more, the answers to Credal questions are important, but acts of Charity in communion with Christ and our brothers and sisters *no less* important. In fact, perhaps more, if there is a choice for more.

      God bless!

    4. Thank you Mary Ann. My wife and I both watched Mass of the Ages where they show what was removed. Also, I have seen a side by side comparison of the TLM, New Mass. and Protestant Service which I think was at Whisper of Restoration’s blog. The book sounds great. I would love to take a look and perhaps it will resonate with my wife.

    5. You never fail to edify me, Aqua. If you ever bring your family to see Washington (especially in the summer) come spend a day with us. We have a pool and we love visitors. I'll make a child friendly feast with my favorite cookies...molasses crinkles.

  8. Hi Mary Ann. I’m not on Facebook but I will reach out to you via email.
