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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday Meditation: Why do the Evil Prosper?

Do you ever ask why the evil prosper?

Think about it. There is no one on the planet who never did a good deed. God, in his justice, must reward them for that. If their eternal judgment ends in hell, they cannot be rewarded there for their good deeds. They must be rewarded here. You think, perhaps, that making millions or being among the powerful, or receiving the adulation of the crowd is too good for them? Remember Saki's story about the monkey's paw. How many who win the lottery end up with their lives in shambles. What looks like prospering, may be the biggest curse in the world. Sometimes God punshes by giving people what they want. Read the Old Testament!

God is absolute justice and absolute mercy. He is ready to forgive and forget, but he cannot forgive the unrepentant. They choose for themselves. And that is where God's justice applies.

There is no wrong that will go unrighted; no injustice that will not be transformed. For the victims who join Job in saying, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord," the injustice suffered for God's sake will add a jewel to their crown. For those who vicitmize others and fail to repent, they will receive the measure they have measured to others -- heaped up and poured into their laps.

Take courage when you think evil is triumphant. There is price to pay and it will be exacted. Pray that it is exacted here on earth and that these perpetrators will repent and convert. None of us should desire the destruction of another human soul. That's what the parable of the 11th hour is all about. How many of us really came in at the beginning of the day? Are we who came in at the third or the sixth or the ninth hour really much better than those who only spent an hour in the Lord's company?

Today begins the month consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us offer our prayers, our Masses, our rosaries for the conversion of sinners, especially those in the 11th hour who have yet to enter the vineyard.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

O God, have mercy on me, a sinner!

O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.

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