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Thursday, October 12, 2023

A School Choice Success Story

Some commenters here oppose school choice because of the involvement of the government. And that certainly is a danger. But for children in public schools, the school choice movement offers an escape from horrible failed schools. How many people would willingly put their children in the shop class of the freak from Canada with the prosthetic breasts? The man impersonating a woman was fire from his last school, but has a new gig where he can continue to impose his transgender insanity on the kids. I won't post his photos here, but you can check out the new school where the kids will be assigned specific doors they must use to enter and exit the school. Inconveniencing the kids doesn't matter; catering to the transgender scandal trumps all! 

School choice is a way out. It may not be possible in the madhouse to the north under Trudeau, but it's happening here in many places. 

In Colorado kids test scores are soaring and the graduation rate has gone from 39% to 76%. That is certainly something to celebrate. 

There are 265 Charter Schools in the state and 107 Innovation Schools that serve close to 200,000 students combined. Innovation schools continue to be controlled by local school boards, but are treated more flexibly giving the school more autonomy, for example to hire retired experts in a field who may not have teaching certification.

At present only about 16% of students are in charter schools, but it's changing the nature of education in Colorado improving outcomes for the kids. Colorado state senator Paul Lundeen expects things to get even better. A businessman, he describes the impact of "market saturation," which can shape and transform a market or society. "In Colorado, we're very near that critical threshold [18-20%]. If we can push past 18 or 20 percent of the students in Colorado being served by choice in education, by charters and other alternative pathways, then that will transform the entire education system"

The Left hates school choice. They want the kids on their plantation where they can do whatever they want with them. If you look at the education unions, NEA and ATF, you find that most of their goals have nothing to do with the well-being of the kids or the teachers they claim to represent. They push abortion and transgender indoctrination on the kids and almost always control the local school boards that are invariably antagonistic toward parents. Hopefully, COVID has changed that when parents started seeing the abysmal results of the non-education their children were receiving. In at least a few school districts like Loudoun County, Virginia parents are rebelling and tossing out some of the bad guys. 

School choice can assist that change. In Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin supports school choice. In the June GOP primaries, seven out of eight races were won by school choice advocates. Hopefully they will all win in November! School choice is a gift to our kids. I have some grandchildren in charter schools where they learn to recite our founding documents. Two thumbs up for school choice!


  1. Next up, soup kitchens! Let taxpayers fund grass fed beef and other choice (healthy!) Items for all who present themselves at the door (even if they've got double incomes!)

    Trumpkin's parental sympathy is fake because he refuses to remove the ssm imposters from the definition of parent. So Adam and Steve will get their procured child a free ride at stonewall drag charter school courtesy of the taxpayer as well . With all that free babysitting, even more sod procurements might take place. Heck, the state might even find it convenient to snatch the children of "inconvenient" (ie dissenting or resistant, conservative) parents and *place* them with sod couples to raise, their major expense being taken care of by state.

    We thought president quack speed was great too, till he flooded the swamp. Don't get fooled again by a slick talker who's got bought media telling you he's anti establishment.

    Those who can, homeschool. It's a school with no strings and if enough did it, the public budgets would go way down and the learning would go way up.

  2. Ms Anonymous
    re: "Trumpkin's parental sympathy is fake because he refuses to remove the ssm imposters from the definition of parent."

    You may not have noticed but Trump is no longer President. He cannot remove or add to the government's "definition of parent".

    What you are doing is shilling for the Democrat Party.

    Shame on you.

    Kindly reflect.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  3. "Trumpkin" was referring to youngkin by comparing him to trump.

    Both of them shilling for the Democrats while posing gop. Kindly attend to my premises in that light.

  4. Ms Anonymous:

    Kindly post in accurate and correct English.

    God bless

    Richard W Comerford

  5. See today's Lifesite article: "Why is Gov. Youngkin wasting $1.4 million to assure voters he supports 97% of abortions?"
