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Thursday, March 31, 2022
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Never Forget the Murdered Victims of Our Euthanasia Culture
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Terri always responded to her mom. |
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Fr. Arrupe and Rev. Henry Kane: Birds of a Feather!
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Fr. Pedro Arrupe, wrecker of the Jesuits |
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Rev. Henry Kane, the devil's right-hand man |
Monday, March 28, 2022
Going Out Like a Lion: The Predictable Repeated Attacks on the SSPX by Church Militant!
Sooner or Later the Truth Comes Out: COVID Deaths were Exaggerated for Political Purposes....
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and individual states are now backtracking on their COVID death statistics, showing those of us who claimed deaths were being overcounted were right all along.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Bad News and Good News: Although Learning about Bad News is Ultimately Good News!
Good news? Bad news? Give it all to the Lord in prayer! All God's creatures remind us how much we need prayer! |
BOMBSHELL REPORT: Hunter Biden Emails Show He Secured Funds for Biolabs in Ukraine
- Here are the details, and remember also that then-Vice President Joe Biden was in charge of relations with Ukraine at the time all of this was happening:
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Thoughts on Turning 75! The Diamond Year!
celebrating with six of my granddaughters and my daughter, the photographer |
Today is my birthday. My parents named me Mary after Our Lady's feast day yesterday for which I'm deeply thankful. And now, here I am, celebrating my birthday for the 76th time as I journey on toward the final goal. What comes to mind as I reflect on the past, the present, and the future?
Friday, March 25, 2022
Archbishop Vigano Responds to Weigel the Warmonger
Following up on my post about George Weigel's ugly attack on Archbishop Vigano, I offer this response to Weigel from the archbishop himself. As usual Archbishop Vigano is the voice of reason answering the spurious below-the-belt assaults from two men he apparently considered friends. Betrayal and again, betrayal! What an appropriate time for that to take place, eh? Jesus was betrayed and betrayed and betrayed! How painful it is when "friends" are the source of stab wounds. "Et tu, Roberto? Et tu, George?"
I'm printing the archbishop's response in full with my comments in red. Pray for Holy Mother Church. She has so few defenders these days. I have never liked neo-conservative warmonger George Weigel and never trusted him, but I did respect Roberto de Mattei and appreciated his book, Apologia for Tradition.
THE UNCROSSABLE RED LINE: Viganò Responds to George Weigel at First Things
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Guest Post: Fascism and the "Progressive" Left by Fr. William Aitcheson
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Today's "progressives" embrace the same old fascism of Hitler and Mussolini! |
Editor's Note: Because Fr. Aitcheson is addressing so many historical issues with which many of us are unfamiliar, I'm adding some additional information in red. To understand current events, it helps to know the history that precedes them. The present moment doesn't occur in isolation from the past, and what happens today affects tomorrow as Susan pointed out so eloquently in yesterday's post. Study history because it repeats itself and, as George Santayana so famously said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." He also said, "A country without a memory is a country of madmen." Aren't we living that reality today?
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Ukraine's President Zelensky Plays the Piano With His Penis
I have no words of wisdom here except that this is what the pathetic world of politics has come to, so if you don't mind, I'll just call him President Piano Playing Penis, or PPPP or 4P.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Anastasia Romanov, Sr Lucy, Franco, Putin and the Consecration
This is a story about the world not believing what is before everyone's eyes. The following 4 people on the world stage were disbelieved by the powers that be. What would have happened if they had been believed?
An Interesting Post from Mundabor on "Ukraine: Seven Lies Exposed"
Monday, March 21, 2022
Time Out for a Sweet Reminder -- Rejoice and Bee Happy!
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Jesus ran out of his shoes seeking consolation from Mary as He saw the instruments of the passion. |
Being the first day of spring, my thoughts are engaged with Spring "work." Among the most exciting projects to me is going to the bee yard and checking on the girls.
All three hives made it through the winter and we expect to multiply three into six. We did our first inspection about two weeks ago and all was well in the three little kingdoms which are filled with busy bees already bringing in pollen and nectar. You can read about it if you're interested at my grandma blog.
We've been beekeeping now for eight years and it's been quite an adventure. We expanded to six hives at one point and were knocked back by a bear visitation during holy week which forced us to spend Holy Thursday putting up an electric fence. Once a bear finds the "candy store," he'll always be back for more. So up went the fence.
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Truth: It's In the Cryptic Quote from Sir Robert Peel
I'm not familiar with British politics, but, after working out a cryptic quote today by Sir Robert Peel, I looked up his biography. Peel founded the Metropolitan police force in London in 1829 when he was Home Secretary because the crime rate in the city was out of control. His philosophy was that the police were the public and the public were the police. In other words, the citizens have a duty to protect their own communities. The "peelers" or "bobbies" were paid about the same as day laborers to emphasize they were not above ordinary citizens. (I don't think it takes much imagination to figure out what Peel would have thought about Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs.)
Sodomites, Lezzies and Trannies - Stop Sinning to Stop Wars
Disobedience to God and His Commandments results in wars as punishment and chastisement to sinful man. Today mankind is so thoroughly disobedient that attraction to the opposite sex is not spoken of by the woke elite, and actually saying that marriage is between a man and a woman is forbidden.
Therefore, here I am once again, telling the truth as only a non-woke person can, so sodomites, lesbians and trannies of all kinds, listen up. Notice in each video below the high amount of attraction and chemistry between the man and the woman. While Antonio Banderas and his dancing partner (from the movie Take the Lead) have a sort of steamy attraction and look as if they'll jump into bed directly after tangoing, Prince Charming and Cinderella's attraction for each other is more innocent yet no less passionate. That's the way it's supposed to be. Attraction to the opposite sex. Man, woman. Male, female.
Why on earth I or anyone else have to spell out that opposite sexes are supposed to be attracted to one another boggles the mind. Therefore, do your part for world peace and to stop wars by doing what God intended you to do from the beginning when He made Adam and Eve. Stop sinning to stop wars.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Sorry, George, You Got it Wrong and Archbishop Vigano Got It Right!
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The wise and wonderful Weigel! |
Ah...ridicule...it's an effective strategy as Saul Alinsky pointed out in his Rules for Radicals. Even I use it occasionally when things are too ridiculous to treat seriously and the ponderously pontificating need a little prick to their puffed up pomposity. (I know, I know ridiculous alliteration!)
To the Globalist Elite Masters of War
By replacing the images of Republicans in this video with the current Democrat and EU Puppetmasters - (Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau, Macron, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Hilary Clinton, Ursula von der Leyen, and Zelensky their Puppet - every single one of them Globalist elites) we'll better understand who the warmongers are screeching for WWIII. Liberal hippies of the past pretended to be peaceful, They're now the same liberals planning WWIII where millions of people will be slaughtered.
Meanwhile keep in mind that it's against Ukraine's law for Russian citizens in the Russian half of Ukraine (territories east of the Dnieper River) to speak their native language. Also know that 8 years ago the Ukrainian government cemented up the freshwater canal leading down to the Crimea so that the Russian people there were rationed water, crops could not be grown and the land was dried and cracked. In addition, for years Azov regiments - Ukraine's far right neo-Nazi troops - have been waging war against Russians in Eastern Ukraine, killing as many as 14,000 Russian men women and children.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Eric Sammons Gives a Balanced View of What We're Seeing in Ukraine! "Be Willing to Question the Dominant Narrative!"
Note his commentary that if you say anything against the "dominant narrative" you get attacked with vicious rhetoric. It happened with COVID and it's happening now with the war in the Ukraine. If you dare to challenge "any point of the narrative" you "must be on the other side." you must be in Putin's pocket. You can be 100% against the invasion, it doesn't matter. If you dare to deviate 1% from the dominant narrative, you're evil.
We are living the curse of "interesting times."
I don't consider the war in Ukraine "interesting," but horrifying so I'm not going to talk about it except to say, people need to stop listening to the simplistic pap of CNN, MSNBC, and the blathering idiots on The View. I suspect those folks haven't cracked a book since they used Cliff Notes in college and term paper websites for their essays and theses. Have they read the Pandora Papers about Zelensky's offshore stash, one of the things his predecessor was booted for? Do they know anything about the U.S. involvement in the 2014 coup in Ukraine that threw out a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED president and replaced him with someone more agreeable to U.S. interests? Hey, Uncle Joe needed the buddy system so Hunter could cash in on his Ukraine connections. But...I said I wasn't going to talk about the war, so I'll switch to a very interesting item.
Sandro Magister of L’Espresso, a well-known Vatican reporter just released an anonymous memo, under the name "Demos" - Greek for people, that may have been written by a Cardinal. Or, considering the plural nature of the name, perhaps by several insiders. The memo addresses the catastrophic situation at the Vatican and the next conclave which is likely to take place in the next few years. I'm publishing the entire memo with highlighted sections and my comments. As I said, it's interesting.Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Tucker was Brilliant Last Night! Are You a Traitor, a Russian Agent Who Belongs in the Gulag?
What's Happening in Ukraine? Read and Watch!
"There is nothing heroic about arming the citizenry in the first day of war after your air defenses have been destroyed. There is nothing heroic about tolerating the installation of heavy weaponry inside cities where civilians are still present. There is nothing heroic about prolonging the war knowing full well that a no-fly zone will never happen, no other nation will send their military and you must then rely on international volunteer while 60,000 your troops are apparently surrounded and you are facing the biggest military defeat in one area. The only heroic thing to do is surrender to save lives of your people and negotiate terms for peace. Zelensky refuses to do this and so Zelensky is no hero to me."
To fight a losing battle while the people's casualties rise is not courageous; it's stupid, arrogant, and irresponsible. Read my friend's email and watch the video. What do you think?
The E-mail ----Monday, March 14, 2022
Thought for the Second Week of Lent: On Spiritual Combat
Most of us are probably focused these days on the physical combat between Russia and Ukraine, especially with the war hawks squawking for escalation! But for our personal lives, it is more useful to focus on our own interior spiritual combat. Outside of prayer and fasting, we can do little to influence a war going on thousands of miles away, but we must engage in a spiritual war that takes place immediately and daily in our own lives. The book, Spiritual Combat by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli provides the strategy to win the victory against ourselves and the persistent temptations that plague us and it is an appropriate season to engage in that personal war. So let me share a few words of wisdom from this good priest:
If you ever fear that your will should fall before the lower appetite, or other enemies that attempt to overcome it; if you perceive that your courage and determination are failing, hold your ground -- do not retreat from the field. You must regard the victory as your own as long as you are not completely overcome. (Chapter 14)
Saturday, March 12, 2022
We Know Our Government Lied About COVID. Are They Lying About the Bio-Weapon Labs in Ukraine?
Glenn Greenwald has always impressed me as fair. You can depend on him to look at both sides of an issue. So when he discusses whether the U.S. has bioweapons labs in Ukraine, he's worth listening to. In the first 20 minutes you see government rep, Victoria Nuland, admit to a Senate panel that the labs exist and that the U.S. is very concerned that the agents in these labs might be captured by the Russians. Marco Rubio, a neo-con hawk, helps spin her admission into one more attack on the Russians. In the past few days government sources are falling over themselves claiming that the U.S. is doing no research on bioweapons. Do you believe them? The entire video is fascinating especially the discussion about the 2001 anthrax attacks. The strain of anthrax used eventually was found to have originated not in Iraq, the government's cover story, but at Fort Detrick in Maryland. So when you hear all the denials about the U.S. not engaging in any work on biological weapons -- well --- take their denials with a grain of salt.
A Lenten Thought for Saturday from the Gospel of St. John and Fairy Tales
I'm reading the gospels during Lent in no particular order. I started with Luke and began St. John yesterday. Actually, St. John is always a good gospel to start with since, like any good book, his opening sentence reads, "In the beginning...." That reminds me of fairy tales. You know, "Once upon a time...." Since fairy tales present moral truths in an endearing way, I can readily see them as companions to the gospels, especially when you are teaching moral truths to children.
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The kind sister shared her lunch with an old woman in the forest. |
Friday, March 11, 2022
Guest Post: Ukraine 2022 -- Fatima, Austria’s neutrality, prayer and fasting
By Robert G. Marshall
( bio - articles - email ) | Mar 09, 2022
In 1938, before World War II began, Nazi Germany had fully annexed Austria, and later forced Austrian troops to fight beside Germans. At the war’s end in 1945, Austria and Germany were occupied by armies of the four victorious governments with the administrators of the victors running everything.
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Zelensky, the Spike-Heeled Dancing President of the Ukraine
Zelensky's high heeled dance video was a parody of Kazaky's 2011 Love video from The Hill Chronicles album. Nevertheless I prefer that spike heels be on the feet of his First lady, not wearing them himself. Basically what Zelensky's fans are saying is that they think a comedian makes a fine President. I'm thinking that Zelensky is now contacting George Soros, Obama and Klaus Schwab on a daily basis to find out what his next dance move will be. (I will not post Kazaky's video since it's in English and the lyrics are obscene.)
Aside note: Mariupol maternity hospital was empty when bombed. It had been used as a base by Azov extremists who had kicked all the patients, nurses and service personnel out.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Five R's for Lent -- Remember, Reflect, Repent, Return, Rejoice - And Some Other R Words for Good Measure!
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Prodigal son among the swine by Albrecht Durer (1496) |
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Guest Post: Pachamama, the Pope, and Persecution by Fr. Bill Aitcheson
by Fr. Bill Aitcheson
"Let no man deceive you by any means, for unless there come a revolt first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition who opposeth, and is lifted up above all that is called God, or that is worshiped so that he sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God." (2 Thess 2:3-4)
Monday, March 7, 2022
Church Militant's Misogynists: Dave Gordon and Joe Gallagher - Part 1
In my first post on the Resistance podcast by Dave Gordon and Joe Gallagher where they attacked the pro-life movement, I addressed their rabid vitriol against former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson. But condemning Abby was only the preamble to their misogynistic rant, one that reveals their lack of respect for women and our place in God's plan. [N.B. These two guys sound very much alike, so, in transcribing the podcast, I wasn't always certain who was speaking. Since their brains are cloned it probably doesn't matter, but I may have mis-labeled some of the conversation attributing it to the wrong speaker.]
Saturday, March 5, 2022
Pray the Rosary: To Protect Your Family, Your Parish, Your Community, and the World!
February 26
Dear Mary Ann,
Friday, March 4, 2022
I Didn't Think Church Militant Could Go Any Lower -- And Then They Attacked the Pro-Life Movement!
Church Militant reached a new low when they let two sanctimonious, self-righteous boys (Dave Gordon and Joe Gallagher) do a Resistance podcast titled, Why the Pro-Life Movement is so Pathetic. They illustrated pathetic all right -- just how pathetic Church Militant (CM) and their phony "resistance" movement is. They proceeded to trash the pro-life movement as a whole, with particular vitriol leveled at the March for Life (MfL)!
India Refuses to let Pfizer Jab their People Because of Converns about Adverse Side Effects
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2022 is the "winter of death" for U.K. folks who listened to the "scientists" recommending the immunity-killing death jab! |
Vaccines have been used in the third world to sterilize women. That's a fact! Tetanus shots in Kenya were laced with the pregnancy hormone, HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, causing women to develop antibodies that later attacked their babies. Result? Chronic miscarriage. The Catholic bishops of Kenya blew the whistle in 2014. Of course, the authorities denied it, but similar things were happening in Peru and the Philippines. And we all know about the Tuskegee experiments. People of color have reason to distrust the eugenic medics who think there are too many of "those" people! The capacity for evil by "scientists" cut in the mold of Dr. Mengele seems limitless. But some countries are wising up. Unfortunately, the U.S. is not among them. We are already seeing an unprecedented increase in deaths from all causes which makes perfect sense if you're destroying your natural immunity. But, hey, if you want to believe it's all just a coincidence, go ahead and get the third, fourth, or tenth "booster." Your choice.
Thursday, March 3, 2022
12 years ago Hollywood loved Vladimir Putin
Kids Under Twelve Who Get the Jab are More Likely to Get COVID!
Tell me again why you think getting your kids vaccinated is a good idea?Resending URGENT: mRNA shots raise the risk of Covid infection in children under 12
(Resending to all because it was only delivered to paid subscribers and it is too important for everyone not to see immediately.) Six weeks after becoming “fully vaccinated,” kids under 12 are 40 percent MORE likely to be infected [with] Covid than those who never received mRNA shots, a huge New York state database shows. |
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Guest Post on Ash Wednesday: PROACTIVE REPENTANCE by Fr. Tom Collins
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Return of the Prodigal Son by Pompeo Batoni 1708-1787 |
And then there's Anastasia Tiurina, 7 years old from Moscow, Russia
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
An open letter to Michael Voris
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Michael and the never ending battle |