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Sunday, November 30, 2014
How Can We Exploit Thee? Let Me Count the Ways....
Nepal: Illegal human organ trafficking continues unabated
Dutch considering harvesting organs from euthanased patients
Nearly 2,000 frozen embryos to be discarded in New Zealand
frozen embryos,
organ donation,
societal evils
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Got Your Advent Wreath and Candles Ready to Go?
The season of Advent is the season of excitement and anticipation. What a shame when people ignore it. On the way home from the park yesterday (a great place to be on Black Friday), we saw a Christmas tree lot open and selling. A car in front of us had a Christmas tree tied to the roof. Somehow, I doubt if that family planned to light the advent wreath tomorrow. They will probably be busy decorating their Christmas tree. By the time the birth of Jesus arrives everyone will brush their hands together, put away all the ornaments, and pitch the tree out on the curb.
Not so with the savvy Catholic who lights the first candle with joy knowing that the celebration of Christmas in order to be richly enjoyed needs to be anticipated.
How long the Israelites prayed for the coming of the Messiah. How their hearts longed for a Savior. How they watched for the signs of His coming. And for the next four weeks we will experience that same longing and see it coming ever nearer as the lights on our Advent wreaths grow every week.
O come, O come, Emmanuel.
Not so with the savvy Catholic who lights the first candle with joy knowing that the celebration of Christmas in order to be richly enjoyed needs to be anticipated.
How long the Israelites prayed for the coming of the Messiah. How their hearts longed for a Savior. How they watched for the signs of His coming. And for the next four weeks we will experience that same longing and see it coming ever nearer as the lights on our Advent wreaths grow every week.
O come, O come, Emmanuel.
anticipate Christmas,
Catholic seasons
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving from Me and George MacDonald!
First things first.
We went to Mass early this morning to thank the Giver of all our gifts. Eucharist means thanksgiving so it is the perfect start to a day giving thanks. We prayed for all our dear ones near and far including everyone whose life has touched ours. That includes you if you are reading this message. May God bless and keep you this Thanksgiving Day and every day of the year.
We are united because we share the same Father God. He loves all His children, even the ones who don't know him. If you don't know Him yet, we are praying for you especially today. And here's a quote from George MacDonald's book, There and Back, from a delightful little character named Barbara, who doesn't know him yet, but sees his fingerprints all around her and longs to know Him. May you share that longing:
Just Fancy!...if God were all the time at our backs, giving us one lovely thing after another, trying to make us look round and see who it was that was so good to us! Imagine him standing there, and wondering when his little one would look round, and see him, and burst out laughing -- no not laughing -- yes, laughing -- and laughing with delight -- or crying, I don't know which! If I had him to love as I should love one like that, I think I should break my heart with loving -- I should love him to the killing of me!Many of the saints loved him that way and burned out like candles in serving Him. What a blessing to be like them. Make me a burning furnace of charity, Lord!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Judas Kiss of Heresy!
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Never give Jesus a Judas kiss! |
If we hated sin as we ought to hate it, purely, keenly, manfully, we should do more penance, we should inflict more self-punishment, we should sorrow for our sins more abidingly.
Then, again, the crowning disloyalty to God is heresy. It is the sin of sins, the very loathsomest of things which God looks down upon in this malignant world. Yet how little do we understand of its excessive hatefulness! It is the polluting of God’s truth, which is the worst of all impurities.
Yet how light we make of it!
Do Democrats Love Riots?
It's a fair question, I think.
They love killing babies in the womb -- especially poor black and Hispanic babies. Many of their biggest fundraisers are rich whites like Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood who oversees hundreds of abortion mills in the inner cities. There's a fortune to be made in killing minority babies!
They love killing babies in the Third World and sterilizing their moms. USAID (Agency for International Development) has been up to its neck in that eugenics agenda for decades.
They love killing babies in the womb -- especially poor black and Hispanic babies. Many of their biggest fundraisers are rich whites like Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood who oversees hundreds of abortion mills in the inner cities. There's a fortune to be made in killing minority babies!
They love killing babies in the Third World and sterilizing their moms. USAID (Agency for International Development) has been up to its neck in that eugenics agenda for decades.
Were the Rioters Channeling Michael Brown?
First Michael Brown robbed the man and then the looters trashed his store. Victimized twice, where are the compassionate liberals defending this man's rights? And the rights of other innocent victims whose stores were destroyed to allow the lawless to vent their "justified anger."
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Where Did the "Gentle Giant" Come From?
Michael Brown's Stepfather Tells Protesters to "Burn This Bitch Down!"
"[Brown's stepfather] is an ex-convict whose rap sheet includes two felony narcotics convictions, according to state records. He pleaded guilty in 1997 to a marijuana distribution charge and was put in a shock incarceration program and placed on probation for five years. After violating probation, Head’s release was revoked and he was remanded to state prison.
CCHD - The Scandal Goes On and On and On and.....
I sat in Mass yesterday (not at my home parish) and listened to the announcement for the second collection to benefit CCHD (Catholic Campaign for Human Development). It was all the usual drivel about how the collection helps the poor, yadda...yadda...yadda. Not a word was said about the organizations receiving grants that promote abortion, contraception, homosexuality, etc. Of course, that would have a chilling effect on the purse and pocket pickers running the so-called "charity."
CCHD has a scandalous past and its present isn't too pretty either. As Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute revealed today, things go on as they always have with Catholic money funneled to organizations undermining everything Catholicism stands for. Read their report about 2014-2015 grant recipient Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition (NBCCC). It promotes homosexual activism and communism! Yes communism!
Why do the Catholic bishops allow this to go on? Write to your diocesan bishop and ask why they continue to fund this national collection? Its continuation undermines the trust of the flock for their shepherds. What would you think of a shepherd who went out every night with a knife and bled his sheep? That's what CCHD does to the sheep in the pews, and it's way past time for it to stop!
Here's the Lepanto Institute's press release issued today.
CCHD has a scandalous past and its present isn't too pretty either. As Michael Hichborn of the Lepanto Institute revealed today, things go on as they always have with Catholic money funneled to organizations undermining everything Catholicism stands for. Read their report about 2014-2015 grant recipient Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition (NBCCC). It promotes homosexual activism and communism! Yes communism!
Why do the Catholic bishops allow this to go on? Write to your diocesan bishop and ask why they continue to fund this national collection? Its continuation undermines the trust of the flock for their shepherds. What would you think of a shepherd who went out every night with a knife and bled his sheep? That's what CCHD does to the sheep in the pews, and it's way past time for it to stop!
Here's the Lepanto Institute's press release issued today.
The Lynch Mob Didn't Get the Verdict They Wanted....
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A young boy shows he's learned the lessons of violence! |
Makes sense, eh? What business owner in his right mind would rebuild among these barbarians?
Ferguson is a model for how to destroy your own community. Raise "gentle giants" who think nothing of robbing and terrorizing businesses then attacking police officers. Make sure your children "don't let anyone tell us what to do." Give them a wink and a nod when they curse at authority figures like teachers and school bus drivers. Ignore their acts of shoplifting, vandalism, and violence. Yup...that appears to be the model under which Ferguson operates.
I was talking to a school bus driver yesterday.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Homosexual Rapist also Top Obama Bundler!
Shhhhh - Top Obama bundler accused of child rape: Column
Are we surprised when another enthusiastic Democrat commits a reprehensible crime? Read the Democrat platform that champions the murder of children in the womb. Why would a group that favors child-killing not wink at a little child abuse? As Joe Sobran often said, the Democrats are the evil party.
They wear the compassion mask when it suits their agenda, but who is fomenting riots in Ferguson? Look at the community organizers. Obama met with them recently with the message to "Stay on course." What exactly did he mean? He was, after all, talking to those organizing the protests in Ferguson which have frequently ended up in violence, looting, and burning. But, hey, that kind of behavior always advances the Democrat agenda of race-baiting and class envy. And a few injured or dead people and hundreds of damaged businesses are just collateral damage.
Pray that when the Grand Jury's decision is announced that no one is injured or killed in the anticipated melee! Our Lady Queen of Peace, throw your mantle of protection over the town of Ferguson and all the people of peace and good will who live there. Fulfill the angel's promise of "peace on earth to men of good will."
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Who is the King of Your Heart?
On the Feast of Christ the King....What matters to you most? Your possessions? Your significant other? Your next meal? Your addiction?
Why would you settle for things that will fade, rust, and die? Even the people in your life are a threat to your salvation if they become idols who take the place that only belongs to God. When you love them in Him, your love for them is true and pure and good.
But do you know God? Do you know how intimately He loves you and wants to be the Lord of your life? Bow down today before Christ our King and beg Him to show His face to you. Once you look into His eyes, truly look into His eyes, nothing in life will ever satisfy you again except your relationship with Him! "O Lord, you made our hearts for Thee and ever restless will they be until they rest in Thee." (paraphrasing St. Augustine)
Lord Jesus, reign in my heart and make me grow ever closer to Your Sacred Heart that beats with such love for me. Mary, my mother, take my hand and lead me to your Son that I might be His humble maidservant as you were!
I love you, Lord Jesus, increase my faith.
Why would you settle for things that will fade, rust, and die? Even the people in your life are a threat to your salvation if they become idols who take the place that only belongs to God. When you love them in Him, your love for them is true and pure and good.
But do you know God? Do you know how intimately He loves you and wants to be the Lord of your life? Bow down today before Christ our King and beg Him to show His face to you. Once you look into His eyes, truly look into His eyes, nothing in life will ever satisfy you again except your relationship with Him! "O Lord, you made our hearts for Thee and ever restless will they be until they rest in Thee." (paraphrasing St. Augustine)
Lord Jesus, reign in my heart and make me grow ever closer to Your Sacred Heart that beats with such love for me. Mary, my mother, take my hand and lead me to your Son that I might be His humble maidservant as you were!
I love you, Lord Jesus, increase my faith.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
HRC Founder Arrested for Raping Minor
...but that won't keep VIRTUS, the bishops "safe touch" program from telling everybody that homosexuality isn't a problem.
Terrance Patrick Bean, Founder of Human Rights Campaign, Rapes Minor
Terrance Patrick Bean, Founder of Human Rights Campaign, Rapes Minor
The Logical Consequences of Obama's "Prosecutorial Discretion!"
by Father Tom Collins
Regarding President Obama's "prosecutorial discretion" over the past six years and his recent executive orders regarding those who violate our immigration laws, it is worth noting the following three points, which apparently have yet to be raised by government officials, the media (including conservative pundits) or the clergy:
Thinking about Christmas Presents that will Keep on Giving?
Check out the videos at
Read stories of the faith:
Blessed Imelda, Patroness of First Communicants
The Story of St John Bosco
There are even free resources for families. Check them out! Home schoolers, take advantage of this wonderful website and all it offers!
Read stories of the faith:
Blessed Imelda, Patroness of First Communicants
The Story of St John Bosco
There are even free resources for families. Check them out! Home schoolers, take advantage of this wonderful website and all it offers!
How Will You Spend the Last Week of the Liturgical Year?
Tomorrow is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, the feast of Christ the King. How will you spend the final week of the year? Will you focus on the Holy Trinity reflecting on how Advent can bring you closer to God? Or will you focus on the unholy trinity of "me, myself, and I."
What gifts will you prepare this Advent to put under your Christmas tree for the Christ child? Can you give him daily Mass? the daily rosary? a daily or weekly holy hour? Confession at least once during the penitential season? Visits to a nursing home or prison or rosaries in front of an abortion mill?
For families with children here's a suggestion. Make a beautifully decorated box with a slit in the top. Every day when you light your advent candle, let each member of the family write down the gift for Jesus for the day and put it in the box. After you decorate your Christmas tree put the gift in a prominent place underneath. On Christmas Day open this box first (Whose birthday is it after all?) and read all the gifts your family has prepared for Jesus. Won't that focus on the real reason for the season?
"The people in darkness have seen a great light." How will you bring light to your little corner of the world during the next month beginning with your family? It's worth thinking about, eh?
What gifts will you prepare this Advent to put under your Christmas tree for the Christ child? Can you give him daily Mass? the daily rosary? a daily or weekly holy hour? Confession at least once during the penitential season? Visits to a nursing home or prison or rosaries in front of an abortion mill?
For families with children here's a suggestion. Make a beautifully decorated box with a slit in the top. Every day when you light your advent candle, let each member of the family write down the gift for Jesus for the day and put it in the box. After you decorate your Christmas tree put the gift in a prominent place underneath. On Christmas Day open this box first (Whose birthday is it after all?) and read all the gifts your family has prepared for Jesus. Won't that focus on the real reason for the season?
"The people in darkness have seen a great light." How will you bring light to your little corner of the world during the next month beginning with your family? It's worth thinking about, eh?
Makes Me Want to Move to Nebraska - Thank You, Bishop Conley!
Lincoln Diocese to Offer Mass ad orientem at the cathedral during Lent
Read Bishop Conley's Column Here's just a bit:
Read Bishop Conley's Column Here's just a bit:
Since ancient times, Christians have faced the east during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to remember to keep watch for Christ. Together, the priest and the people faced the east, waiting and watching for Christ. Even in Churches that did not face the east, the priest and people stood together in the Mass, gazing at Christ on the crucifix, on the altar, and in the tabernacle, to recall the importance of watching for his return. The symbolism of the priest and people facing ad orientem—to the east—is an ancient reminder of the coming of Christ.Send Bishop Conley an email saying thank you. Or you can post a comment on the article.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Vatican Prep for Next Year's Synod
Synod council urges further discussion, preparation before October 2015 meeting
Those of us who love the Bride of Christ must also be preparing for the Synod by daily prayer for the participating bishops and for all the activities going on, especially by dissent groups agitating for change. We are in a crucial time for the Church and many of our clerical leaders have a questionable agenda.
It would be fruitful to read about Church politics and intrigue in the 13th century when Catherine of Siena was so busy trying to bring peace and unity to the Church. I just listened to Sigrid Undset's biography of the great saint and Doctor of the Church on tape. It is considered the best modern biography of St. Catherine.
Many of Catherine's experiences and battles for the Church reminded me of our own time. She was a fearless defender of the faith who spoke the truth to power. Of course she first engaged in heroic prayer and fasting in preparation for her "bridegroom's" instructions to her.
I heartily recommend the book and urge you to pray for the Synod through St. Catherine's intercession.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
More Proof of Global Warming?
Big lake effect snowstorm in Buffalo
And out in the Midwest
And out in the Midwest
Somebody please send a memo to Al Gore. The earth is in a cooling period. The polar ice caps are growing. And changing the propaganda to "climate change" doesn't alter reality.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Cardinal O'Malley's: Another Funeral, Another Scandal
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Raising the flag over Boston's city hall |
And now Cardinal O'Malley has done it again. From the Boston Globe - Here are his words from his
Is Cardinal O'Malley Holier than Jesus?
Cardinal O’Malley: ‘If I were founding a Church, I’d love to have women priests’
Well, what did Jesus know?
Here's the recent O'Malley interview on 60 minutes:
Well, what did Jesus know?
Here's the recent O'Malley interview on 60 minutes:
CCHD Collection is Coming Up: BOYCOTT!
And pass the word on. Don't let your friends be the chumps in the pews fleeced to pour money into leftwing causes that undermine Church teaching! It's a sad truth but you just can't trust the bishops not to support moral evils with your money! They've been doing it for years through CCHD and nothing ever changes despite promise after promise to reform. Remember the old adage, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!
Pray for the People of Ferguson
The lynch mob is ready to roll. They've put out maps that target businesses that are totally unrelated to Michael Brown's death. Out of town agitators are stirring up racial hatred and envy. The governor has called out the National Guard in reasonable expectation of violence following an FBI alert that internet threats are calling for attacks on the police.
A friend sent me this email today:
A friend sent me this email today:
Check out today's (Nov 18) Drudge Report. It seems that a grand jury's careful discernment of the truth is seen by radical agitators as an excuse for inciting violence.Too true, unfortunately. Rosary time for the people of Ferguson! Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for them and for other cities where race baiters are inciting violence.
It reminds me of how the Jewish mob in Pilate's praetorium threatened violence, if the Truth was not condemned to death. I wonder how many of the groups promoting this agitation have received grants from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development?
Monday, November 17, 2014
Don't Sign that Organ Card...
...unless you want your heart cut out while it's still beating and you're still breathing!
Family says doctors removed deceased girl’s organs too early
Family says doctors removed deceased girl’s organs too early
This happens frequently according to Dr. Paul Byrne. It is the ultimate in pragmatism. "Hey! The person will die anyway and we need fresh organs. If we wait until the person is really dead, the organs won't be any good. So, the person dies a little sooner. What's the big deal?"
I'll tell you. Once the individual's right to life is considered qualified, anything becomes possible. If you can kill a person ten minutes before he's dead, why not an hour? And why bother doing anything that might actually save his life? After all, he'll probably be a vegetable. Tell that to people who have completely recovered from "hopeless" situations.
And then there's the organ harvesting from prisoners in China. It's a big money-maker. Are some prisoners whose organs match a prospective organ recipient executed primarily for that purpose? Would anyone put that past the Chinese whose family planners go into villages and perform forced abortions on women only days from delivery?
Pray for an end to our culture of death and a return to recognition of each of us a unique creation made in the image and likeness of God.
Moynihan vs. Magister: Which Vatican Watcher Would You Trust?
I read Inside the Vatican and its editor's "Moynihan Letters," but I was so put off by one of them this past week that I won't be giving quite so much credence to Moynihan's views in the future. He seems to me to be outfitted in rose-colored glasses with a message sweat shirt that reads "The Pope is Always Right and I'm His Cheerleader!"
What made me reassess Moynihan? His opinions on the Extraordinary Synod and his almost breathless acceptance of Kasper et al's statements that nobody is trying to change doctrine on marriage. What! Here's a section from his November 14th letter titled Francis Has His Hand On The Tiller — And He Will Not Change Doctrine:
I attended a round-table the other evening, on November 11... at which Cardinal Walter Kasper spoke. Kasper, just back in Rome after a trip to the United States, was joined by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, one of the leading canon lawyers in the Church, and now President of the Vatican's most important canon law office, the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts...The two discussed the October Synod on the Family for an hour and a half....
So...After the Extraordinary Synod, What's Next?
This is the lead article from the latest issue of the Les Femmes newsletter which isn't posted at the website yet. I'd be happy to have your comments. What impact do you think the Pope's visit to the U.S. next September will have on the Synod, if any?
After the Synod, What's Next?
After the Synod, What's Next?
Extraordinary Synod on the Family is over and its participants home from the wars.
Some orthodox bishops are reportedly shell-shocked seeing how deeply their
brothers dissent from Church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage.
Despite secrecy surrounding activities in the synod hall, controversy and
contentious disagreement among the bishops spilled over, especially after the
interim report, Relatio Post Disceptationem,[i]
was released which the media saw before the bishops did.
Put on Your Red Shoes - Pope Francis is Coming in 2015
It's official -- the pope is coming!
Philadelphia is hosting the 8th World Meeting of Families from September 22-25, 2015. A papal Mass is scheduled for September 26th with the expectation of a million Catholics attending. The pope's U.S. visit takes place shortly before the Ordinary Synod on the Family scheduled in Rome for October 2015.
And speaking of the Ordinary Synod, at their recent meeting in Baltimore the U.S. bishops chose their delegates. They include Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. bishops’ conference; Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, conference vice president; Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, host of the 2015 World Meeting of Families; and Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles. The two alternates are Archbishop Blase Cupich to be installed tomorrow as ordinary of Chicago and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco.
Philadelphia is hosting the 8th World Meeting of Families from September 22-25, 2015. A papal Mass is scheduled for September 26th with the expectation of a million Catholics attending. The pope's U.S. visit takes place shortly before the Ordinary Synod on the Family scheduled in Rome for October 2015.
And speaking of the Ordinary Synod, at their recent meeting in Baltimore the U.S. bishops chose their delegates. They include Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., president of the U.S. bishops’ conference; Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, conference vice president; Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, host of the 2015 World Meeting of Families; and Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles. The two alternates are Archbishop Blase Cupich to be installed tomorrow as ordinary of Chicago and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
by Fr. Tom Collins
There is a rather interesting interplay between the events recorded in John 1:40-51 and Matthew 16:13-23, regarding the role given to Simon Peter (Cephas) in the life and ministry of the Church.
In the events recorded in John's Gospel, Simon is told during his first encounter with Jesus, "You will be called Cephas" (which is translated Peter). This declaration is made in the future tense indicating that Simon's change of name and position will be definitively established at a later date in Christ's ministry. It is worth noting, however, that this section of John's Gospel also points out how Jesus, upon meeting Nathaniel, declared, "Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him." Then, after mentioning to Nathaniel an event that occurred earlier under a fig tree, Jesus is told by Nathaniel, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel!"
Two things are intriguing in this passage. Firstly, Nathaniel is declared by Jesus to be a true Israelite, who is free of guile. He is truly pure of heart, and thus the one who seems to be most capable of being eventually appointed as the righteous leader of Christ's disciples. Secondly, he makes a profession of faith in Jesus similar to the that would be made by Simon Peter as recorded in Matt 16:16. He declares Jesus to be the Son of God and the King of Israel. Yet his integrity of character
and clarity of both perception and proclamation do not lead him to being given the highest place of leadership among Christ's disciples. For a very profound and mysterious reason, that position has already been reserved by Our Lord for Simon Peter.
There is a rather interesting interplay between the events recorded in John 1:40-51 and Matthew 16:13-23, regarding the role given to Simon Peter (Cephas) in the life and ministry of the Church.
In the events recorded in John's Gospel, Simon is told during his first encounter with Jesus, "You will be called Cephas" (which is translated Peter). This declaration is made in the future tense indicating that Simon's change of name and position will be definitively established at a later date in Christ's ministry. It is worth noting, however, that this section of John's Gospel also points out how Jesus, upon meeting Nathaniel, declared, "Here is a true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him." Then, after mentioning to Nathaniel an event that occurred earlier under a fig tree, Jesus is told by Nathaniel, "Rabbi, You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel!"
Two things are intriguing in this passage. Firstly, Nathaniel is declared by Jesus to be a true Israelite, who is free of guile. He is truly pure of heart, and thus the one who seems to be most capable of being eventually appointed as the righteous leader of Christ's disciples. Secondly, he makes a profession of faith in Jesus similar to the that would be made by Simon Peter as recorded in Matt 16:16. He declares Jesus to be the Son of God and the King of Israel. Yet his integrity of character
and clarity of both perception and proclamation do not lead him to being given the highest place of leadership among Christ's disciples. For a very profound and mysterious reason, that position has already been reserved by Our Lord for Simon Peter.
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Christ giving keys to St. Peter, Pietro Perugino, 1482,, Sistine Chapel fresco |
Fr. Tom Collins,
primacy of Peter,
Yikes! Did You Know This is How Wheat is Harvested?
What you don't know about how most farmers harvest wheat:
Standard wheat harvest protocol in the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as withered, dead wheat plants are less taxing on the farm equipment and allow for an earlier, easier and bigger harvest.Yikes! From now on we're eating organic bread and I'm looking for a source of organic flour:
According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT who has studied the issue in depth and who I recently saw present on the subject at a nutritional Conference in Indianapolis, desiccating non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came into vogue late in the 1990′s with the result that most of the non-organic wheat in the United States is now contaminated with it. Seneff explains that when you expose wheat to a toxic chemical like glyphosate, it actually releases more seeds resulting in a slightly greater yield: “It ‘goes to seed’ as it dies. At its last gasp, it releases the seed.” According to the US Department of Agriculture, as of 2012, 99% of durum wheat, 97% of spring wheat, and 61% of winter wheat has been doused with Roundup as part of the harvesting process. This is an increase from 88% for durum wheat, 91% for spring wheat and 47% for winter wheat since 1998. Read the complete article here.Is this good stewardship of the earth and a benefit to the common good? Where are the Catholic social justice advocates? Poisoning of the food supply impacts a lot more people than the nonsense and unscientific hysteria over global warming. (Oops...climate change. It's hard to promote global warming when the ice caps are growing and the climate is cooling.)
Interesting Movie Trailer: Origins -- Poisoning our Food
"Food is medicine or food is poison."
I'm not sure how this movie will actually reflect environmentalism, etc., but it looks promising. Note the concern over the increasing infertility of the population because of chemicals poisoning us. Especially, note the lovely presentation of the unborn baby. I'll be interested to see the entire documentary. They are offering a free ten-day screening on the internet. Watch the trailer and take advantage of the short window to see the entire movie.
I'm not sure how this movie will actually reflect environmentalism, etc., but it looks promising. Note the concern over the increasing infertility of the population because of chemicals poisoning us. Especially, note the lovely presentation of the unborn baby. I'll be interested to see the entire documentary. They are offering a free ten-day screening on the internet. Watch the trailer and take advantage of the short window to see the entire movie.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Want to Worship Allah or Hold Your Same-Sex "Wedding?"
Washington, D.C.'s National Cathedral will welcome you with open arms!
Sex Change Regret? Censored!
You've got to read this story (Buried Stories based on original by Stella Morabito) if you've bought into the belief that sex changes are simple and just one-more "choice."
The regret (bigtime) is out there, but, like women who regret their abortions, it's not politically correct to talk about it. The paragraphs from the article (below) indicate the regret is there and why you aren't hearing about it. How would you like to be targeted by the gender Nazis when you are already suffering deeply over a bad decision?
The regret (bigtime) is out there, but, like women who regret their abortions, it's not politically correct to talk about it. The paragraphs from the article (below) indicate the regret is there and why you aren't hearing about it. How would you like to be targeted by the gender Nazis when you are already suffering deeply over a bad decision?
Buy-Buy-Buy! I Hate Black Friday!...
...and the Black Friday creep into Thanksgiving Day itself.
So I congratulate the stores below who are refusing to open on Thanksgiving. Employees deserve a break and a day to spend with their families.
Meet The Anti-Black-Friday-Creep Crowd
So I congratulate the stores below who are refusing to open on Thanksgiving. Employees deserve a break and a day to spend with their families.
Meet The Anti-Black-Friday-Creep Crowd
Black Friday,
Thanksgiving Day
Book Review: My Battle Against Hitler by Dietrich von Hildebrand
Published by Image Books
Some books tell stories so important about figures who shape
the history of their times that they demand to be read. My Battle Against Hitler (MBAH) by Dietrich von Hildebrand is one such book. It records the memoirs of Catholic German philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand, a man Pope Pius XII called a “20th century Doctor of the Church.” The book covers a 17 year slice of this great man’s life from the early years of National Socialism up to 1938 as he battled the “antichrist” of Nazism trying to wake a sleeping world
to its grave errors and criminal actions. During this intense period, von Hildebrand abandoned his University post in Munich and his beloved home fleeing Germany in 1933 with his family. To stay, he felt compelled him to choose either compromise and silence, impossible to his conscience, or the concentration camp. The von Hildebrands settled first in one country and then another before finally emigrating to the United States in 1940. During Hitler's rise to power von Hildebrand's lonely voice trumpeted the warning of Nazism's threat to Europe and the world.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Same-Sex Relationships No Road to Happiness!
Former lesbian on why it’s ‘cruel’ for Church leaders to go soft on same-sex relationships
“Priests need to stop people-pleasing. They need to speak the truth in love. If people pack-up and go away, well, so be it. When their lives get broken, they’ll be back. And they’ll be back at a place that truly is a hospital, where people can find true comfort and healing.”
When CDF (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) released the document on homosexuality back in the mid 80s, local homosexual activists organized a protest at the Vatican Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Robin Beck,
same-sex relationships,
true joy
A Surfer Saint Coming?
I love this story:
Beatification cause opened for Brazil's 'Surfer Angel'
Holy men and women come from all sorts of backgrounds with all kinds of interests and quirks. Think of St. John Bosco who loved to walk a tightrope, juggle, and do magic tricks. He'd use those talents to attract the children and then teach them the catechism. St. Philip Neri was a great jokester and used humor to teach others and himself humility. He once went to a reception at a noble woman's home (She wanted to introduce him to her worldly relations.) with half his beard shaved off. He also gave some interesting spiritual direction. Once when a man asked if he could wear a hair shirt as a mortification, St. Philip told him yes if he wore it outside his clothes.The ridicule the man suffered did more for his humility than the penance of wearing the shirt next to his skin.
Now I there a saint who loved to ride roller coasters?
Beatification cause opened for Brazil's 'Surfer Angel'
Holy men and women come from all sorts of backgrounds with all kinds of interests and quirks. Think of St. John Bosco who loved to walk a tightrope, juggle, and do magic tricks. He'd use those talents to attract the children and then teach them the catechism. St. Philip Neri was a great jokester and used humor to teach others and himself humility. He once went to a reception at a noble woman's home (She wanted to introduce him to her worldly relations.) with half his beard shaved off. He also gave some interesting spiritual direction. Once when a man asked if he could wear a hair shirt as a mortification, St. Philip told him yes if he wore it outside his clothes.The ridicule the man suffered did more for his humility than the penance of wearing the shirt next to his skin.
Now I there a saint who loved to ride roller coasters?
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Alice von Hildebrand: Human Demotion, Supernatural Promotion
Alice von Hildebrand doesn't mention a word about Cardinal Raymond Burke in this touching article, but there is no doubt in my mind that her beloved friend is whom she had in mind. It was Alice von Hildebrand who requested a spiritual bouquet of masses to be said for the cardinal several months ago when the rumors about his demotion from the Apostolic Signatura began to fly. I also heard via friends how grieved she was by his demotion. But I didn't need to be told. I only had to read the words below:
Well known, alas, is the human temptation of making reproaches to God for “ill-treating his friends” – in contrast to Satan who favors his “children” in every possible way… until they die. Power, success, fame, riches: these are the gifts that the Evil one generously distributes to those who have sold their soul “for a mess of pottage.”
It's a Bulls Eye for the Rosetta Program!
Wow, the Rosetta program has captured the attention of the world as well it should. Think of trying to hit a bulls eye on a target a mile away with a high-powered rifle. Then imagine trying to hit a target 311 MILLION miles away. That is the accomplishment of the Rosetta Philae program that landed a refrigerator-sized probe on a small comet. What an amazing feat!
Think of what our scientists could accomplish if they all worked conforming their goals to the will of God. What a thought! Let's pray for scientists to imitate the great Catholics Louis Pasteur who always had well-used rosary in his pocket. And if you want to reflect on the contributions of Catholic scientists who were also priests and monks visit here for an impressive list. There is absolutely no conflict between faith and science.
Think of what our scientists could accomplish if they all worked conforming their goals to the will of God. What a thought! Let's pray for scientists to imitate the great Catholics Louis Pasteur who always had well-used rosary in his pocket. And if you want to reflect on the contributions of Catholic scientists who were also priests and monks visit here for an impressive list. There is absolutely no conflict between faith and science.
Rethink Roundup! Glyphosate is Toxic!
Roundup herbicide damages sperm cells, affects reproductive system
This reports on a very small study, nevertheless, it indicates some serious problems with the pesticide. Roundup is everywhere: used in agriculture, on yards, in parks. What impact is it having on the reproductive health of men? Think of children exposed to it over and over on sports fields. How much of it is leeching into the groundwater? How many health problems can be linked to the overuse of chemicals like Roundup.
Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines.
Gasnier C1, Dumont C, Benachour N, Clair E, Chagnon MC, Séralini GE.
Author information
Glyphosate-based herbicides are the most widely used across the world; they are commercialized in different formulations. Their residues are frequent pollutants in the environment. In addition, these herbicides are spread on most eaten transgenic plants, modified to tolerate high levels of these compounds in their cells. Up to 400 ppm of their residues are accepted in some feed. We exposed human liver HepG2 cells, a well-known model to study xenobiotic toxicity, to four different formulations and to glyphosate, which is usually tested alone in chronic in vivo regulatory studies. We measured cytotoxicity with three assays (Alamar Blue, MTT, ToxiLight), plus genotoxicity (comet assay), anti-estrogenic (on ERalpha, ERbeta) and anti-androgenic effects (on AR) using gene reporter tests. We also checked androgen to estrogen conversion by aromatase activity and mRNA. All parameters were disrupted at sub-agricultural doses with all formulations within 24h. These effects were more dependent on the formulation than on the glyphosate concentration. First, we observed a human cell endocrine disruption from 0.5 ppm on the androgen receptor in MDA-MB453-kb2 cells for the most active formulation (R400), then from 2 ppm the transcriptional activities on both estrogen receptors were also inhibited on HepG2. Aromatase transcription and activity were disrupted from 10 ppm. Cytotoxic effects started at 10 ppm with Alamar Blue assay (the most sensitive), and DNA damages at 5 ppm. A real cell impact of glyphosate-based herbicides residues in food, feed or in the environment has thus to be considered, and their classifications as carcinogens/mutagens/reprotoxics is discussed.
This reports on a very small study, nevertheless, it indicates some serious problems with the pesticide. Roundup is everywhere: used in agriculture, on yards, in parks. What impact is it having on the reproductive health of men? Think of children exposed to it over and over on sports fields. How much of it is leeching into the groundwater? How many health problems can be linked to the overuse of chemicals like Roundup.
Read this abstract from a 2009 study:
Glyphosate-based herbicides are toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines.
Gasnier C1, Dumont C, Benachour N, Clair E, Chagnon MC, Séralini GE.
Author information
Glyphosate-based herbicides are the most widely used across the world; they are commercialized in different formulations. Their residues are frequent pollutants in the environment. In addition, these herbicides are spread on most eaten transgenic plants, modified to tolerate high levels of these compounds in their cells. Up to 400 ppm of their residues are accepted in some feed. We exposed human liver HepG2 cells, a well-known model to study xenobiotic toxicity, to four different formulations and to glyphosate, which is usually tested alone in chronic in vivo regulatory studies. We measured cytotoxicity with three assays (Alamar Blue, MTT, ToxiLight), plus genotoxicity (comet assay), anti-estrogenic (on ERalpha, ERbeta) and anti-androgenic effects (on AR) using gene reporter tests. We also checked androgen to estrogen conversion by aromatase activity and mRNA. All parameters were disrupted at sub-agricultural doses with all formulations within 24h. These effects were more dependent on the formulation than on the glyphosate concentration. First, we observed a human cell endocrine disruption from 0.5 ppm on the androgen receptor in MDA-MB453-kb2 cells for the most active formulation (R400), then from 2 ppm the transcriptional activities on both estrogen receptors were also inhibited on HepG2. Aromatase transcription and activity were disrupted from 10 ppm. Cytotoxic effects started at 10 ppm with Alamar Blue assay (the most sensitive), and DNA damages at 5 ppm. A real cell impact of glyphosate-based herbicides residues in food, feed or in the environment has thus to be considered, and their classifications as carcinogens/mutagens/reprotoxics is discussed.
Round-up toxicity,
toxic herbicides
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Have You Said, "Thank You" Today?
Today's gospel reading told about the cure of the ten lepers. When only one came back to say, "Thank you," Jesus asked if all ten were cured. He lamented that the only one to return was a "foreigner," because he was a Samaritan. But Jesus paid him the greatest compliment -- "Your faith has saved you." He was definitely NOT a foreigner to gratitude! Those who are "foreigners" to gratitude are likely to be "foreigners" to faith as well. Because gratitude is one of the "parent" virtues that stimulates all the others.
So think of someone to whom you owe gratitude and give them a phone call today or write them a note. I remember a friend of mine telling about a priest to whom she had written a thank you note. One day when she was with him she noticed that her note was the bookmark in his breviary (or perhaps it was another book). It was long past when she had sent it and it made her realize how important a little thing like saying thank you can be. How would you feel to know someone had a five or ten year old note from you marking the pages of his Bible?
What a great month to think about thanksgiving. Start today and say, "Thank you!" to someone every day through Thanksgiving. Won't that make your Thanksgiving Day especially meaningful?
I want to send a big prayer of gratitude especially to my parents, Ray and Margaret, for all the sacrifices and love they showered on me growing up and even after, and to my husband's parents, Albert and Margaret, who raised such a wonderful, considerate son. I couldn't have found a better man to marry and rear children with. Thanks, Honey, you are the best!
So think of someone to whom you owe gratitude and give them a phone call today or write them a note. I remember a friend of mine telling about a priest to whom she had written a thank you note. One day when she was with him she noticed that her note was the bookmark in his breviary (or perhaps it was another book). It was long past when she had sent it and it made her realize how important a little thing like saying thank you can be. How would you feel to know someone had a five or ten year old note from you marking the pages of his Bible?
What a great month to think about thanksgiving. Start today and say, "Thank you!" to someone every day through Thanksgiving. Won't that make your Thanksgiving Day especially meaningful?
I want to send a big prayer of gratitude especially to my parents, Ray and Margaret, for all the sacrifices and love they showered on me growing up and even after, and to my husband's parents, Albert and Margaret, who raised such a wonderful, considerate son. I couldn't have found a better man to marry and rear children with. Thanks, Honey, you are the best!
cure of the ten lepers,
give thanks,
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Press Release: "Just Say No!" to the CCHD Collection
PRESS RELEASE - Catholic Media Coalition
Mary Ann Kreitzer
“Just Say No!” to the CCHD Collection
November 11, 2014
“Just Say No!” to the CCHD Collection
November 11, 2014
The Bishops are Meeting in Baltimore: Think They'll Reform CCHD?
Not a chance!
I hope you are praying for the bishops. You can watch the proceedings live at EWTN. I'm listening right now and they are talking about money. (I don't think they plan to take up a collection from the bishops, but maybe the media covering the meeting.)
The conversation got me thinking about the collections they do take up among the faithful, like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection scheduled in the next few weeks.
I hope you are praying for the bishops. You can watch the proceedings live at EWTN. I'm listening right now and they are talking about money. (I don't think they plan to take up a collection from the bishops, but maybe the media covering the meeting.)
The conversation got me thinking about the collections they do take up among the faithful, like the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection scheduled in the next few weeks.
Bishops General Meeting in Baltimore,
Monday, November 10, 2014
Are You Paying Attention?
Did you notice? I added two new pages on my sidebar list -- a book review page and a page linking to blog posts on churches and shrines in the U.S. Several links will take you to my Camp Kreitzer blog where you can see some of the other interests I have besides fighting for the authentic Catholic faith.
Curious about beekeeping? I have some posts on my favorite hobby (after reading). You can also meet some of my grandkids there. We are expecting #23 and #24 in 2015. Aren't we blessed?
Life truly is beautiful!
Life truly is beautiful!
blog pages,
book review,
Catholic Shrines in U.S.
Sidewalk Counseling: The Front Line of the Abortion War!
Two thumbs up for this great video! I spent about 15 years sidewalk counseling -- in Falls Church and in Alexandria. One of the things we avoided was bloody pictures out front -- not because I disagree with their use. I'm 100% in favor of them in the correct context. But outside the abortion mill you are trying to reach the mom and you don't want a barrier that may keep her from talking to you. If see sees the bloody picture first she is more likely to go right by. If you give her literature that focuses on HER and HER NEEDS, she may listen. I usually had one photo of an abortion in the packet I distributed, but it wasn't the up front approach. That was a smile and a, "We're here today to offer you help. Most women don't really want an abortion but feel desperate. How can we help you? Sometimes they would talk, sometimes not. But I have photos of saved babies from my front line work and I rejoice in thinking about those little ones out in the world. I'm not so close to any abortion mills these days (Thank God!) but I still think and pray for all those dear ones out saving babies. Pray for sidewalk counselors. I know some absolutely wonderful, godly men who retired from worldly work to do the most important work in the world. They sidewalk counsel frequently.
Dick and Jim, I pray for you and your wonderful work. May God use your example to inspire many more to imitate your holy apostolate! Our Lady of Life, pray for us.
Thought for the Day: For Those Who Think Every Word a Pope Speaks is Infallible...
...and that the Holy Spirit controls the bishops who cast the ballots at a conclave.
If you don't know the faith, you are susceptible to every shifting tide and every variable wind. You can only be rock solid if you are firmly attached to the rock of the faith which the Holy Spirit promises cannot be destroyed. And that is the meaning of "Where Peter is, there is the Church." It doesn't mean that Peter is holy or that everything he says is the truth, but only when his words and actions match the unchanging doctrine of Holy Mother Church. Love God, pray unceasingly, and discern the spirits.
Here's what Josef Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, replied in 1997 when he was asked by a reporter on Bavarian TV whether the Holy Spirit picks the pope:
I would not say so, in the sense that the Holy Spirit picks out the Pope.... I would say that the Spirit does not exactly take control of the affair, but rather like a good educator, as it were, leaves us much space, much freedom, without entirely abandoning us. Thus the Spirit's role should be understood in a much more elastic sense, not that he dictates the candidate for whom one must vote. Probably the only assurance he offers is that the thing cannot be totally ruined.....There are too many contrary instances of popes the Holy Spirit obviously would not have picked. SourceObviously we are called to honor our spiritual father on earth, but don't mistake him for someone he is not. The pope is not God and every pronouncement he makes is not necessarily from the mouth of God. We have had many bad popes who were more diligent about advancing their own interests than the will of God. How do we know a good pope from a bad one? Jesus told us, "by their fruits." How will you know if their fruits are good? Do they advance the faith consistent with the unchangeable doctrine of Holy Mother Church? How will we know if their actions are consistent with the doctrine? STUDY THE FAITH. KNOW THE DOCTRINE!
If you don't know the faith, you are susceptible to every shifting tide and every variable wind. You can only be rock solid if you are firmly attached to the rock of the faith which the Holy Spirit promises cannot be destroyed. And that is the meaning of "Where Peter is, there is the Church." It doesn't mean that Peter is holy or that everything he says is the truth, but only when his words and actions match the unchanging doctrine of Holy Mother Church. Love God, pray unceasingly, and discern the spirits.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
It's Finally Official ---
Good-bye to Cardinal Burke...hello to French Archbishop Dominique Mamberti,
Some statements from Cardinal Burke as he prepares to take up his new assignment to Malta. (Interview with Edward Pentin):
Some statements from Cardinal Burke as he prepares to take up his new assignment to Malta. (Interview with Edward Pentin):
[The cardinal] said he “often heard” prelates at last month’s two-week Synod on the Family in Rome say that because the culture has changed “so radically,” the Church “cannot teach as we had in the past.” But Burke responded by saying such a view betrays a “loss of hope in Jesus Christ, Who alone is the salvation of the world.” He acknowledged that the culture is “very corrupt” but added that doesn’t mean “we go chasing after it, but rather bring to the culture that which will save it and be full of hope.”
Evil Has Consequences and We Can See Them in the "Signs of the Times"
By Fr. Tom Collins
I see the "signs of the times" reflecting our current situation. For example, as Church leaders began to proclaim the "gospel of tolerance", we saw a new disease in our midst - AIDS. The AIDS virus should be, according to their thinking, a welcome evolutionary breakthrough. What the AIDS virus does is knock out the body's immune system, thus making it "tolerant" of any infectious organism that wants to kill it. The AIDS virus leads the body to react in a way that asserts that one organism is just as good as any other organism. So an infectious bacteria cell has as much "right" to live in the human body as does a cell of that body.
Also, cancer is just a mass of body cells that grows at its own accelerated rate, rather than at a rate in harmony with the rest of the body. In a similar manner, progressive theologians do not want to promote the integral and organic development of Church doctrine, but push for the accelerated acceptance of their cancerous agendas by members of the Mystical Body of Christ. In particular,
this "sign of the times" is evident in the dramatic rise of breast cancer.
As our society has embraced the idea that the womb, which should be nurturing new life, should be the place where new life is brutally butchered, so also female breast tissue, which God intends to be used to nurture new life, is becoming a two-edged sword of death. For we are witnessing how the breasts are being used ever more flagrantly through immodesty to seduce souls into lust and eternal perdition. Likewise, as a secondary effect of the widespread use of contraception and abortion, they also have become the nurturing ground for malignant cancers.
I pray that through the prayers of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, we may recover a clear and reverent appreciation of the sacredness of all that has been entrusted to our care.
I see the "signs of the times" reflecting our current situation. For example, as Church leaders began to proclaim the "gospel of tolerance", we saw a new disease in our midst - AIDS. The AIDS virus should be, according to their thinking, a welcome evolutionary breakthrough. What the AIDS virus does is knock out the body's immune system, thus making it "tolerant" of any infectious organism that wants to kill it. The AIDS virus leads the body to react in a way that asserts that one organism is just as good as any other organism. So an infectious bacteria cell has as much "right" to live in the human body as does a cell of that body.
Also, cancer is just a mass of body cells that grows at its own accelerated rate, rather than at a rate in harmony with the rest of the body. In a similar manner, progressive theologians do not want to promote the integral and organic development of Church doctrine, but push for the accelerated acceptance of their cancerous agendas by members of the Mystical Body of Christ. In particular,
this "sign of the times" is evident in the dramatic rise of breast cancer.
As our society has embraced the idea that the womb, which should be nurturing new life, should be the place where new life is brutally butchered, so also female breast tissue, which God intends to be used to nurture new life, is becoming a two-edged sword of death. For we are witnessing how the breasts are being used ever more flagrantly through immodesty to seduce souls into lust and eternal perdition. Likewise, as a secondary effect of the widespread use of contraception and abortion, they also have become the nurturing ground for malignant cancers.
I pray that through the prayers of Our Blessed Mother, Mary, we may recover a clear and reverent appreciation of the sacredness of all that has been entrusted to our care.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
A Laugh a Minute from Cardinal Kasper!
Was it a joke? He told an audience at Catholic University on November 6th that Catholics shouldn't try to claim Pope Francis for their own agenda. Considering that's exactly what he does, one wonders how he had the chutzpah to say it!
Don't claim Pope Francis for your own agenda, Kasper says amid controversy
Don't claim Pope Francis for your own agenda, Kasper says amid controversy
Cardinal Kasper reminds me of the German bishops who met at Fulda in 1933 to praise National Socialism and give legitimacy to the errors of Hitler and his Nazi party. Dietrich von Hildebrand condemned their action which he knew would scandalize German Catholics and lead them to believe they could affirm and compromise with the Nazis. Kasper appears to be of the same mold.
Is it in the water?
Friday, November 7, 2014
Has the Democrats "War on Women" Mantra Run Its Course?
One of Saul Alinsky's rules for radical community organizers (#7) seems to have missed the attention of the Democrats:
"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."The "war on women" meme is just that -- a tactic that has "become a drag." Besides, does anyone believe it any more?
The Democrats will be waging their own war on a woman trying to get rid of Nancy Pelosi who's been dragging their party down forever. Frankly, I hope she stays, and she says she intends to run for Minority Leader. Good! Let's pray she wins. Every time she opens her mouth, she says something so incredibly stupid someone leaves the Democrat party. And can't you see those old, white, elitist Democrats cringing?
And with all the new Republican faces in Congress, including these beautiful young women, the Democrats will be a laughing stock if they try to push their tired, old mantras.
More on Democrats' Concern Over Pelosi. She may be toast!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Virginia Vote Machines Change Republican Votes to Democrat!
Why do we never hear of machines changing Democrat votes to Republican? I wonder if Mark Warner really had the votes.
See the article here.
See the article here.
The Pope is Infallible; What does that Mean?
See Mattei's brief bio at the end of the article excerpts below:
The constitution, Pastor Aeternus, establishes with clarity the conditions of pontifical infallibility.
Two Thumbs Up to Saira Blair
Libs are trashing Saira Blair, an 18-year-old Republican who just won a seat in the West Virginia legislature
Saira Blair is the youngest elected politician in the U.S. Daughter of WV State Senator, Craig Blair, she is pro-life, pro-family, pro-business, and supports the second amendment. If this doesn't give you hope for the future I don't know what will. She's a member of the survivors' generation and her dad, WV State Senator, makes no apologies of the fact that he was conceived before his parents married and they chose life.
Pray for this pro-life family and that Saira will be the vanguard of an army of youth fighting for a return to basic morality in this country.
The Real War on Women -- You'll Never Hear about This from Obama and Co.
Scientific Review Recommends Informing Patients About Abortion-Breast Cancer Link, Risks of Birth Control Pills and Menopausal Therapy
From the article:
“The strength of the breast cancer epidemiological evidence substantiates the necessity that all females receive full and accurate informed consent before they are provided hormones, induced abortion, or both. This informed consent is especially imperative for a girl (and parent/guardian) or a young woman, who is in the pre-FFTP (first full term pregnancy) breast cancer ‘susceptibility window.’[1,2] As a family history of breast cancer, of which the child may be unaware, increases the risk for the girl considering an abortion, the presence of a parent may provide clinical information critical to accurate informed consent.”
Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, explained:But who cares? Women are just vote machine fodder for the liberals.
“The ‘susceptibility window’ is the period between the onset of menstruation and first full term pregnancy (FFTP) when nearly all of the breast lobules are immature and cancer-susceptible. The worst time to be exposed to a cancer-causing agent is during the susceptibility window.”[1,2,5-9]
This Gives Credence to the FEMA Camp Stories
Update 3:57 p.m.: I added several more article links below. The last one indicates that the property will be sold:
NBC Local Crew Stumbles Across FEMA Camp in NY – Threatened, Chased by Gov’t Contractors
New York news crew uncovers potentially operational FEMA camp by mistake, threatened
NewsChannel 13 crew threatened with arrest at Mount McGregor
NYS Associated Press Association issues Mount McGregor statement
Security firm takes control of former Wilton prison
Empire State Development has been charged with finding a buyer for prison buildings. The state parks department hopes to acquire the 720 acres surrounding those structures and make it part of nearby Moreau Lake State Park.Let's hope that's what happens to it. Perhaps this was just a security guard who should have been wearing a brown shirt flexing his muscles. I've met more than one of those when I was arrested during rescues at abortion mills both on the sidewalk, in courtrooms, and in jail.
NBC Local Crew Stumbles Across FEMA Camp in NY – Threatened, Chased by Gov’t Contractors
NewsChannel 13 crew threatened with arrest at Mount McGregor
NYS Associated Press Association issues Mount McGregor statement
Exactly why would there be so much protection for an abandoned state prison? According to one source there are 76 employees at the empty facility. What exactly is going on there that a security officer would threaten a news crew? Every citizen of New York state should be sending this video to the governor and their state senators and state delegates demanding answers.
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but this stinks and people have a right to know what's going on up the hill from Grant's cottage. I hope the news team from the local NBC affiliate is stirred up enough to pursue this.
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but this stinks and people have a right to know what's going on up the hill from Grant's cottage. I hope the news team from the local NBC affiliate is stirred up enough to pursue this.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
A Modern Athanasius to Defend the Church against all Heresies
"A second Daniel, a Daniel [come to Judgment]!"
Gratiano, The Merchant of Venice
This is the first time in Church history that such a heterodox text was actually published as a document of an official meeting of Catholic bishops under the guidance of a pope, even though the text only had a preliminary character...this agenda reflects the corrupt and pagan main stream morality of our time, which is being imposed globally by means of political pressure and through the almost all-powerful official mass media, which are loyal to the principles of the world gender ideology party. Such a synod document, even if only preliminary, is a real shame and an indication to the extent the spirit of the anti-Christian world has already penetrated such important levels of the life of the Church. This document will remain for the future generations and for the historians a black mark which has stained the honour of the Apostolic See.Wow! No equivocation there! And who's to blame?
It's Time to Boot Fr. Mike Tegeder
Tevlin: Controversial priest's visit exposes rift in Catholic Church
When a priest publicly defies his bishop and essentially ridicules him in the media isn't it time to give him a disciplinary boot in the hindquarters? That's what Fr. Mike Tegeder needs and let's pray Archbishop John Nienstedt obliges.
Two weeks ago, the Catholic Media Coalition, a group of bloggers, writers, and Catholic organizations around the country, sent the archbishop a letter informing him of the upcoming event with the heretical Irish priest, Tony Flannery, who is also defying his bishop since he was "silenced."
These priests put their hands between their bishops' hands on ordination day and vowed to be obedient to them, but they have their own agenda - to "reform" the Church. And it's the same "reformation" Martin Luther wanted. We all know how that ended up.
So please pray that Archbishop Nienstedt will finally rein in this renegade pastor who is leading his people off the cliff. I've blogged about Fr. Tegeder before here and here.
And here's the letter we sent to the Archbishop. Can you pray a rosary for him today through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles? She is our 12-star general as Fr. Norman Weslin used to say.
"Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array."
When a priest publicly defies his bishop and essentially ridicules him in the media isn't it time to give him a disciplinary boot in the hindquarters? That's what Fr. Mike Tegeder needs and let's pray Archbishop John Nienstedt obliges.
Two weeks ago, the Catholic Media Coalition, a group of bloggers, writers, and Catholic organizations around the country, sent the archbishop a letter informing him of the upcoming event with the heretical Irish priest, Tony Flannery, who is also defying his bishop since he was "silenced."
These priests put their hands between their bishops' hands on ordination day and vowed to be obedient to them, but they have their own agenda - to "reform" the Church. And it's the same "reformation" Martin Luther wanted. We all know how that ended up.
So please pray that Archbishop Nienstedt will finally rein in this renegade pastor who is leading his people off the cliff. I've blogged about Fr. Tegeder before here and here.
And here's the letter we sent to the Archbishop. Can you pray a rosary for him today through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles? She is our 12-star general as Fr. Norman Weslin used to say.
"Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array."
The Holy See and the Bishops Should Practice What they Preach on Immigration
A Modest Proposal on Immigration
By Fr. Tom Collins
In a similar vein, it could be helpful to examine current Church disciplines in light of the advisability of the agenda consistently promoted by members of the Church's hierarchy concerning those who disregard and violate our nation's immigration laws.
Are You Prepared to Fight to Defend the Family?
This video shows exactly how Catholic groups undermine the faith. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is expert at this!
Pray that those who advertise themselves as Catholic will act like it. If they don't, challenge them to display truth in advertising. Like the sayings go, "Put your money where your mouth is." and "Actions speak louder than words."
There's a Lot of Post Election Chortling by Republicans....
But will their elections make any difference? Let's pray these pro-lifers don't sell their souls for their politics. We see that with plenty of so-called pro-lifers who abandon babies in the "hard cases" as if a baby conceived in rape or incest is less worthy of life. Since when do we sentence children to capitol punishment for the crimes of their fathers?
Fact Check ran an article clarifying the positions of GOP candidates against the distortions of their opponents. I found it rather horrifying, since most of the corrections are for charges that the candidates defend the unborn in all cases. Fact Check outlines all the exceptions these "pro-lifers" enthusiastically support. How would you feel about the statement -"I'm against abortion except in cases of rape and incest," if you were conceived in those situations?
Two rape victims lived with us when we were a shepherding home.. One was stabbed and lost her baby. The other was a victim of a date rape. Her child is an adult today and a mom herself. God never made a baby by accident even when the circumstances of conception were not according to His will. That just proves that God is bigger than sin. He brings good even out of evil.
Praise God today for all the survivors of rape -- both the rape victims -- and the little ones who survived in a culture that says their lives aren't worth living. And pray that our political leaders will defend the lives of all unborn babies. They are created equal and have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Fact Check ran an article clarifying the positions of GOP candidates against the distortions of their opponents. I found it rather horrifying, since most of the corrections are for charges that the candidates defend the unborn in all cases. Fact Check outlines all the exceptions these "pro-lifers" enthusiastically support. How would you feel about the statement -"I'm against abortion except in cases of rape and incest," if you were conceived in those situations?
Two rape victims lived with us when we were a shepherding home.. One was stabbed and lost her baby. The other was a victim of a date rape. Her child is an adult today and a mom herself. God never made a baby by accident even when the circumstances of conception were not according to His will. That just proves that God is bigger than sin. He brings good even out of evil.
Praise God today for all the survivors of rape -- both the rape victims -- and the little ones who survived in a culture that says their lives aren't worth living. And pray that our political leaders will defend the lives of all unborn babies. They are created equal and have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
So What Should We Make of This?
Yet another revealing 'error' in a Vatican translation
What was left out of the Synod's final report? If the Italian had been translated accurately it would have read that the Synod Fathers renewed “their commitment to the family founded on marriage between a man and a woman.”
But the English translation instead was translated to say that the Synod Fathers came together to “discern how the Church and society can renew their commitment to the family.”
What do you think? Just an oversight or a deliberate act to deceive? would be sooo insensitive to restrict marriage to the way God ordained it. Besides, Catholic doctrine is open ; it's fluid and not a "closed system" as Cardinal Kasper tells us. So we wouldn't want the English speaking world to get the wrong idea.
I think we're safe in saying there's something rotten in the Vatican City state.
Pray for the Church
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Mourning at Mass this Morning
I don't know why it overcame me this morning at Mass, but as I stood for the Our Father and sign of peace, I started thinking about the excommunication of the SSPX in Italy and all the faithful who attend their services. I have friends who go to an SSPX parish here in Annandale so the excommunication felt personal even though it doesn't affect them.
What also grieved my heart was the realization of the double standard, the almost total lack of discipline for the heretics who peddle the murder of the unborn and the destruction of the family and publicly agitate for women's ordination and normalization of fornication and serial marriage. The list goes on and on.
None of the nuns on the bus or the priests running gay parishes have been disciplined. Clergy and laity who promote contraception and abortion and gay relationships for the most part go on their merry way undisturbed by the local bishop. I think Bishop Bruskewitz was the only one EVER to excommunicate the radical dissenters of Call to Action which he did along with a long list of Masonic organizations and the SSPX.
What also grieved my heart was the realization of the double standard, the almost total lack of discipline for the heretics who peddle the murder of the unborn and the destruction of the family and publicly agitate for women's ordination and normalization of fornication and serial marriage. The list goes on and on.
None of the nuns on the bus or the priests running gay parishes have been disciplined. Clergy and laity who promote contraception and abortion and gay relationships for the most part go on their merry way undisturbed by the local bishop. I think Bishop Bruskewitz was the only one EVER to excommunicate the radical dissenters of Call to Action which he did along with a long list of Masonic organizations and the SSPX.
Time to Strip these Universities of the Name Catholic
Let's have a little truth in advertising for parents paying the bills. And even for students putting themselves deep in debt for their "education." Do they have to be buried deep in doo-doo as well?
Lecture ‘Not for a G-Rated Audience’ during LGBTQ History Month at Fairfield University
Homosexual-Themed Productions Take the Stage at Notre Dame
Georgetown Univ. Celebrates ‘LGBTQ History Month’ with ‘OUTober’
Thank God for some Catholic schools upholding the truth!
Vocations Continue to Pour from Thomas Aquinas College
Monday, November 3, 2014
The Dark Side of Euthanasia: Did Brittany Know?
Brittany Maynard became the poster girl for Compassion and Choices in the last months of her life. Did she know the dark side of this evil group that sprouted from the Hemlock Society founded by Derek Humphrey? Probably not. Here's just one piece of the puzzle about the suicide of Ann Humphrey, Derek's second wife. His first wife, Jean, killed herself (with a little push). Ann also killed herself after Derek abandoned her following her diagnosis of breast cancer, an ugly divorce, and his marriage to third wife Gretchen Crocker. Ann left a suicide note that revealed the truth about the death of Derek's first wife, Jean. He also assisted the double suicide of Ann's parents which led to her own depression and sense that they were murderers. Ann exposed the truth about Jean's death in her suicide note:
Good Questions, Pat!
From the article:
In his beatification of Paul VI on Sunday (October 19th), Pope Francis celebrated change. “God is not afraid of new things,” he said, “we are making every effort to adapt ways and methods … to the changing conditions of society.”
But among the social changes since Vatican II and Paul VI have been the West’s embrace of no-fault divorce, limitless promiscuity, abortion on demand and same-sex marriage.
Should the church “adapt” to these changes in society?
Should the church accommodate itself to a culture as decadent as ours? Or should the church stand against it and speak moral truth to cultural and political power, as the early martyrs did to Rome?
Pope Francis is hugely popular. But his worldly popularity has not come without cost to the church he leads and the truths he is sworn to uphold.
“Who am I to judge?” says the pope. But wasn’t that always part of the job description? And if not thee, Your Holiness, who?
Remember Our History and Vote Tomorrow for Our Constitutional Republic!
Defeat liberalism, the godless assault on the values upon which this country was founded! Vote pro-life and pro-family. Disqualify every politician who supports the murder of children waiting to be born and for the destruction of the traditional family.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Victory for the Death Peddlars
Brittany Maynard Kills Herself.
Where is she now? I'm praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for her. To think she spent the last months of her life advancing the agenda of the euthanasia movement.
So evil.
Father, forgive her, she didn't know what she was doing.
And may God forgive all those surrounding her who supported her decision.
Where is she now? I'm praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for her. To think she spent the last months of her life advancing the agenda of the euthanasia movement.
So evil.
Father, forgive her, she didn't know what she was doing.
And may God forgive all those surrounding her who supported her decision.
Holy Innocents in Manhattan Spared -- For Now!
Holy Innocents will remain open and will NOT merge with the local homosexual parish. One bit of good news.
But the bigger question is why are all these parishes closing?
When the apostles went out at Pentecost inspired by the Holy Spirit, they began a movement that converted much of the known world in only a few decades. So what has happened to us as Catholics? Where is our zeal and our witness?
Why do the the Jehovah Witnesses, the Morman missionaries and even the Islamic terrorists show more zeal than we do? Why are we, who have the fullness of the truth, not the leaven in the culture?
Time to examine our consciences.
But the bigger question is why are all these parishes closing?
When the apostles went out at Pentecost inspired by the Holy Spirit, they began a movement that converted much of the known world in only a few decades. So what has happened to us as Catholics? Where is our zeal and our witness?
Why do the the Jehovah Witnesses, the Morman missionaries and even the Islamic terrorists show more zeal than we do? Why are we, who have the fullness of the truth, not the leaven in the culture?
Time to examine our consciences.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
SuperTradMom Pegs it: Many Clergy at the Synod had a "Protestant Mind-Set"
The Protestant Mind-set in the Synod
May all the saints who fought against the protestant revolution and its heresies intercede for the hierarchy of our Church so infiltrated by false ideas and mushy thinking.
You can be sure that listening to clerics and laity who spout all kinds of mish-mashed views on doctrine are suffering from mush-brain. Don't let them infect yours.
Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the early Church Fathers, Church history, papal encyclicals (not just recent popes!), and trustworthy theologians and Catholic philosophers like Fr. John Hardon, S.J., Fr. William Most, Dietrich von Hildebrand, and the doctors of the Church.
Love the faith enough to study it so you can share it with others. And while you're at it, why not get a group together to join you! Knowledge is power and it will enable you to "be ever ready to explain the reason for the hope within you." 1 Peter 3:15
May all the saints who fought against the protestant revolution and its heresies intercede for the hierarchy of our Church so infiltrated by false ideas and mushy thinking.
You can be sure that listening to clerics and laity who spout all kinds of mish-mashed views on doctrine are suffering from mush-brain. Don't let them infect yours.
Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the early Church Fathers, Church history, papal encyclicals (not just recent popes!), and trustworthy theologians and Catholic philosophers like Fr. John Hardon, S.J., Fr. William Most, Dietrich von Hildebrand, and the doctors of the Church.
Love the faith enough to study it so you can share it with others. And while you're at it, why not get a group together to join you! Knowledge is power and it will enable you to "be ever ready to explain the reason for the hope within you." 1 Peter 3:15
learn the faith,
mush brain,
Protestant mind-set
Will We See More of This - To Celebrate the" Gift" of Homosexuality?
How do you think Catholic parents feel about this Catholic chaplain?
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