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Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Life is Challenging and Often Very Interesting! Handle with Prayer!
Monday, October 30, 2023
We Need It in Canon Law: No Homosexuals in the Priesthood!
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My husband and I with the priest who witnessed our marriage on the left (Fr. Hugh Monmonier) and Fr. James Haley on our 25th wedding anniversary |
I spent about 25 years in regular contact with Fr. James Haley who became a cancelled priest in the Diocese of Arlington when our former bishop, Paul Loverde, deep-sixed him over his efforts to address the homosexual problems in the diocese. While Arlington had a reputation for orthodoxy, there were a number of active homosexual priests practicing sodomy and using gay porn. Some of the cases went public because of Fr. Haley's perseverance to uncover the truth. Also, several good men left the priesthood voluntarily because of their experiences with the homosexuals.
More on the Synod and the State of the Church from Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Christ the King Rules from the Cross!
We had a terrific homily today for the Feast of Christ the King that really set me thinking. Father emphasized the Latin phrase, Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat, Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands. Here's the translation of the hymn which is based on Psalm 117:
Christ conquers,
Christ reigns,
Christ commands.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Summary of the Synod part 1 and It's not good! Are We Surprised?
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Set up for the Delphi Technique under the eye of the serpent |
In an interview with Vatican journalist Edward Pentin, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller gave his assessment of the process and the goal of radicals in the group. Nothing he says is really a surprise in view of the previous synods which all had manipulated outcomes to undermine the faith. This one so obviously used the Delphi Technique that anyone familiar with it could recognize what was happening. More on that later. The cardinal's interview appeared in the National Catholic Register with this introduction:
Friday, October 27, 2023
Courses at Hillsdale College are Worth Checking Out!
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Hillsdale College, Home of Imprimis |
We never stop learning from the time we are in the womb where we can hear our mother's heartbeat and her voice. A child is born having an intellect infused with the natural law and the gift of free will. The intellect was given to us to study the world and recognize and learn the truth. Our free will was given to us, not to choose to do whatever we want, right or wrong, but to choose the true, the good and the beautiful, in other words, to choose the will of our Creator.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Is Armageddon on the Horizon? Sure Looks Like It!
Ep. 33 Looks like we’re actually going to war with Iran. Are we ready for this?
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 23, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Gassing Rats
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
If You Believe in Macro-evolution, You Need to Watch This! Make it a mini-course. Learn and Share!
Watch Hugh Owen: Creation, Evolution, and the Crisis of Faith online at
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) October 24, 2023
Hugh Owen is a personal friend and one of the most intelligent and articulate speakers I've ever known. Catholics have an obligation to study the faith and the reality of life in order to bring others to Jesus Christ. Consider this a mini-course. Listen, take notes, read some of the documents mentioned, pray about how you can share this with others.
Please pray for the Kolbe Center and support them financially if you are able.
Monday, October 23, 2023
Ruling Class Warmongers and Money-Launderers at Work by Fr. Bill Aitcheson
The United States is at war with the Russian Federation. Since before the commencement of the Russian military incursion into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the United States has waged an aggressive war against Russia. The U.S. aggression has been grandual and, until the uniparty warmongers began their money laundering operation in Ukraine, they were only publicly sporadic in their hostility to Russia.
During the Clinton regime, American policymakers, with Clinton approval, made the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe a globalist uniparty priority, beginning with the U.S.-NATO. interference in the Balkans against Serbia, a Russian ally. From that time on, NATO, with U.S. encouragement and leadership, insinuated itself into Eastern Europe callously disregarding the legitimate security concerns of Russia.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Sunday Meditation: St. John Bosco on Islam
Saturday, October 21, 2023
"Be Brave Or You Will Not Exist!" Hey Republicans, #BeLikePoland! Listen to this wise pollitician!
This video is mis-titled. It's not an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, but with a journalist at our border and then with Polish politician and journalist, Dominik Tarczyński. Tucker first talks about the border crisis here with a reporter at the border. Then he interviews Tarczynki about how Poland has kept their country safe from terrorists by keeping tight control of their own border. Talk about a straight talker who doesn't mince words and refuses to be cowed by a liberal lady leftist calling him a racist. That clip is very interesting!
Friday, October 20, 2023
Good News from Idaho to Protect (Mostly) Women from Assault
Federal judge allows Idaho law banning males from girls’ bathrooms to take effect
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?
this date when I read about him in Butler's Lives of the Saints. He took mortification seriously and spent many hours awake during the night. Those of us with sleep issues would do well to seek his help in our own "night watchings" although I can't say I'm ready to practice his mortifications:
He had no other bed than a skin laid on the floor, on which he knelt a part of the night and slept sitting, leaning his head against a wall. His [night] watchings were the most difficult and remarkable of all the austerities which he practiced, and in consequence of them he has been regarded in after-ages as the patron saint of night-watchmen.
Once when a friend of St. Peter lamented over the wickedness of the world, something we can all certainly relate to these days, he replied:
Monday, October 16, 2023
The Left's Disease Exposed: Vertigo with Vomiting (Also Insanity)!
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Worship Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
Catholics, we need to take to the streets all over this country to witness to our Lord and Savior. Thanks be to God for this beautiful example of faith. May it be repeated everywhere!
Photos of the Eucharistic Procession through the streets of New York City on October 10th
Eucharistic Processions are often part of the celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi. Here's a video of Eucharistic Processions in 2022 on the feast. They represent countries all over the world.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Ambiguity Goes on with Francis and the Question of Blessing Same-Sex Unions
Thursday, October 12, 2023
A School Choice Success Story
Some commenters here oppose school choice because of the involvement of the government. And that certainly is a danger. But for children in public schools, the school choice movement offers an escape from horrible failed schools. How many people would willingly put their children in the shop class of the freak from Canada with the prosthetic breasts? The man impersonating a woman was fire from his last school, but has a new gig where he can continue to impose his transgender insanity on the kids. I won't post his photos here, but you can check out the new school where the kids will be assigned specific doors they must use to enter and exit the school. Inconveniencing the kids doesn't matter; catering to the transgender scandal trumps all!
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Stop the jabs! "Turn away from the perpetration of this monstrous crime against humanity,"
Top microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi calls mRNA injections ‘crime against humanity’
Here We Go Again - Islamic Massacre of Every Jew in Sight
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Israeli mother and two little sons captured by Hamas. |
While reading Lindsay O'Rourke's Covert Regime Change:America's Secret Cold War, she mentioned a book - Years of Horror, Glimpse of Hope:the Diary of a Family in Hiding by Moshe Maltz - which I immediately ordered and read. It was about the eradication of all the Jews in Sokal, Ukraine, during WWII...a horrific book with Nazis killing Jews much in the same way as Hamas Islamic terrorists slaughtered Jews this past weekend in Israel. I was glad to be finished reading about the horror. Then I turned on the Internet (I have no TV) and could see the very same horror in real life, in real time, taking place in Israel. No more just reading about it from 80 years ago. We can watch the barbaric terror, killings and slaughter still happening today in 2023.
As much as Canada and Ukraine need to deal with their Nazi problem, Islam needs to deal with the Quran. Their "holy book", or as they like to call it, the Nobel Quran, is the main problem of Islam along with their murderous pervert prophet, Muhammad.
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Deborah Ben Aderet - "How I Survived the Hamas Attack"
This is an interesting account of how one family lived through the Hamas horror. Deborah Ben Aderet also gives insider facts of living in a kibbutz close to the Gaza Strip and Israel's actions with the Palestinians on a daily basis (before the attack).
Monday, October 9, 2023
Study Catholic History!
When I was home schooling I remember checking out a history series from a Protestant publisher Abeka that taught about the Protestant religious "awakening" in America but said not one word about the Spanish Catholic explorers in California and Florida. You could read about the "first" colony in Massachusetts, but nothing about the Spanish colonies founded 100 years earlier.
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Saturday, October 7, 2023
The Feast of the Holy Rosary and the Battle of Lepanto
Two months out of the year are dedicated to Our Lady, May and October. Today is the Feast of the Holy Rosary in honor of the great defeat of the Muslims at Lepanto in 1571 when the Holy League defeated the invaders in a terrific sea battle. That decisive battle saved Western civilization and drove the Turks out of the Mediterranean for years.
Thursday, October 5, 2023
The Cheating Has to Stop! Get the Men Off the Women's Teams!
Watch the clip of Payton McNabb getting spiked in the face by a male competing with the women. Then watch her testimony she gave today for the first time publicly. I was honored to stand alongside her in NC to continue the fight to protect women's sports.
— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) April 20, 2023
As the Synod Begins, A Faithful Shepherd Speaks a Warning!
If you've been watching the reports on the Synod on Synodality, two things are obvious targets: marriage and the priesthood. First, it's clear that there will be discussions about blessing same-sex unions, a direct attack on marriage and its meaning. Second, women's ordination, an impossibility, is back on the table. It's a direct attack on the priesthood which means a direct attack on the Holy Eucharist, the central tenet of our faith.
Bishop Strickland has been very clear in recent letters about both the sacrament of marriage and the sacrament of ordination. In his letter of September 19, 2023, he specifically linked the discussion of marriage to the Synod which began yesterday:
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
On Our 54th Wedding Anniversary I Offer a Great Article on Marriage and Parenting
Dad Teaches Sons to Do Simple, Loving Acts for Mom Every Week, and It Changes Her Life:
A loving dad and his three young sons are showing the world the true impact of running regular errands for Mom.
Riverside, California-born Brooklyn Powell, 35, and her husband, Jonathan Powell, 36, live in their hometown with their four kids. When Mr. Powell, a business owner, took one of his wife's most challenging errands into his own hands one day, it was a game-changer for the overworked mom.....
Another Day Another Dubia -- One More for Francis to Ignore?
To his Holiness, Francis, Supreme Pontiff
Most Holy Father,
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
"Rescue Those Being Led to Slaughter!" -- Will Goodman writes from jail.
This atrocity must end! |
Rescue as a sidewalk supporter. I was impressed by his spirit of gentleness and his love for the Lord. Now he's in jail, who knows for how long? Like the J6 prisoners, some of whom remain untried and unsentenced for their "crimes," the rescuers may remain in jail for months waiting...and waiting...and waiting.
The right to a speedy trial has disappeared in this country which is rapidly becoming a banana republic run by corrupt politicians who use the "justice" system to stifle the voices and suppress the actions of their adversaries. The only reason these pro-lifers remain in prison is because their non-violent attempt to save lives was defined as violent because they were charged under the FACE Act. Like Humpty Dumpty in Wonderland, when our tinpot tyrants use words they mean exactly what they want them to mean. They twist and distort reality all they want.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Have You Thanked Your Guardian Angel Today?
guardian angel for his 24/7 attention. When you have a close call on the road, when you meet a friend "by coincidence" when you need someone to talk to, when you take a serious fall but are spared any serious injury? Was it, perhaps, the protective action of your angel always on watch?
The angels are powerful and eager to help us -- but only in things that bring us closer to God. Don't ask your guardian angel to give you the numbers for the big lottery win. How many people's lives have been ruined by quick riches? Too many to count. But praying before studying that you might be well prepared for a test or praying before taking up the Scripture asking for guidance in understanding God's word....
The angels will happily respond to those kinds of prayer.
Today's meditation in Benedictus is well worth quoting in part:
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Sunday Meditation: October is Respect Life Month. Will You Join the Pro-Lifers in Jail as They Pray?
May our prayers to end abortion join us in a chain of prayer warriors that circles the world! |