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Sunday, December 31, 2023
Christmas is a Time for Jubilation! On the Seventh Day of Christmas, Exult with Mozart Exsultate, Jubilate!
Saturday, December 30, 2023
My Very Favorite Classical Piece -- Perfect for Christmas!
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach
-- Merry 6th Day of Christmas.
Time to Cut Your Ties with Church Militant (CM), If You Still Have Any!
....And I would suggest that you avoid the staffers who fled the sinking ship and handed out rose-colored glasses to cover up their own culpability in the CM fiasco. Neither Christine Niles or Dave Gordon deserve your support. They participated in the cover-up and now pose as persecuted reformers. Prudence dictates caution!
Facing defamation lawsuit, Church Militant confronts prospect of shutting down
Friday, December 29, 2023
You Haven't Taken Down Your Tree and Your Crib Have You?
On the fifth day of Christmas, I offer this beautiful gift from Bach, my favorite classical composer. Listening to a little Bach every day is guaranteed to make your season brighter. And what better time to do it than during the 12 days of Christmas! Enjoy listening as you read this brief excerpt from the Christmas Oratorio:
Thursday, December 28, 2023
On this Feast of the Holy Innocents...
...please pray for the defenders iof our modern innocents imprisoned for trying to rescue them from our modern Herods!
And today, the 28th of December, the Church marks the Feast of the Holy Innocents, who were martyrs in deed though not, being infants, in will.The horrific slaughter of children at the command of King Herod is a jarring contrast to the peace and innocence of the birth of Jesus we celebrated just three days earlier. [Read more here....]
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Feast of St. Stephen, the First Martyr
Holy Mother Church, in her wisdom, doesn't let us spend too much time with Baby Jesus and the angels singing around the crib. The very next day after welcoming Jesus, she reminds us that the spiritual life is more than a precious smiling baby. She gives us St. Stephen, stoned to death for his fidelity to our crucified Lord.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas! And Here's My "Tiny" Camp Kreitzer Christmas Gift to You!
Our oldest daughter gave us a delightful little book for Christmas titled Tiny Ridge with almost no words, just photos. The brief introduction reads:
Deep in the mountains of North Carolina, my daughter Josephine and I imagined a tiny world coexisting just under our feet. All of these images were created in-camera (with lots of balancing and not Photoshop alterations.) The series is designed to reflect how our organic farm and the residents of Tiny Ridge wake up over the seasons.
Do yourself a favor and visit the author/photographer's page to see the incredibly delightful and creative photos. Then let your imagination run rampant!
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Gaudete Sunday Meditation: A Brief Break from My Advent Fast for an Exhortation
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I say, rejoice." (Phil 4:4)
Have you made a holy hour this Advent? Have you made many? No matter your answer, I urge you to make one more this week as a gift to lay before the manger. Many people suffer at this time of year. If you are one of them, run to Bethlehem, the "house of bread." There the Lord waits for you to pour out his love in an infinite flow of consolation and peace. If you have only a drop of love to give Him, He will pour out an ocean of love in return; if your love is only the size of grain of sand, He will offer you all the sands of the desert that Moses and the Israelites passed through on the way to the Promised Land.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Advent Time Out: Entering the Dark Silence and Searching for the Light
Dear Readers,
How grateful I am for all of you, both those who encourage Susan and me and those who think we are on the road to hell and deserve eternal punishment.
"All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
Saturday, November 25, 2023
The Excalibur Mystery: Just in Time for Christmas Gift Giving!
Glastonbury Tor, the portal to time travel in the Glaston Chronicles |
Friday, November 24, 2023
Wind of Change - Globalists Have Giant Meltdown
The Breitbart article states:
Similar to other populist leaders in the world, including Donald Trump in the United States, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Wilders, 60, expertly capitalized on the frustrations of disenfranchised voters who claim they feel ignored and unheard, and used similar tactics as other hard right autocrats to harness widespread frustration about migration promising that he would make “borders closed.”
Victor Orban, Hungary's Prime Minister, congratulated Wilders by sending him Scorpions Wind of Change.
Mothers, Don't Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Soldiers (in the Woke Military)!
US military asks unvaccinated soldiers to come back
Invitation to re-enlist comes amid dire recruiting crisis
The US Army this month sent letters to almost 2,000 former service members who were discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine urging them to come back.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving! I Hope You're Spending it with Those You Love. Don't forget to thank the giver of all gifts!
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Will Bishop Strickland be Banished to Muck Island!
Editor's note: Msgr. Antall's article struck me immediately when I saw his reference to the book, The Catholics, which was made into a film of the same title later changed to The Conflict. I recommend both the book and the film. It's amazing how prophetic they were. We are now experiencing a very similar situation to the Catholic flock in the movie who are deprived of the Latin Mass and other devotions.
Anyone who is currently attending a Traditional Latin Mass is on a modern Muck Island. We can hope and pray, however, that our modern Fr. Kinsellas, with no belief in Catholic doctrine praying to who knows who from their lotus positions, will be converted. Nothing is impossible with God!
We don't know what happens as time moves forward at the end of the movie. Neither do we know the end of God's story here and now. But we can be ever confident in the reality that "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and serve according to His purpose."
Welcome to Muck Island
by Msgr. Richard Antall
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
A Message from Church Militant, But Don't Look for it On Their Website!
Michael Voris is out at Church Militant for "breaching the....morality clause. |
Editor's note: Michael Voris, founder of Church Militant and chief scandal monger has resigned over "morality issues." Regular readers are aware of our longstanding concerns over Church Militant, their dishonesty and tabloid journalism.
Fr. Tom Collins to the Episcopal Vicar of His Region in the Diocese of Richmond on Bishop Strickland
Monday, November 20, 2023
Hamas - The New Nazis
This is exactly like the Russia/Ukraine war, that is, Russia having to go in to de-Nazify, de-radicalize and de-militarize Ukraine because of Nazi Ukraine's murder and persecution of Russians in the Donbas. The problem with the Israel/Hamas-Palestinian war is that in order for there to be de-militarization and de-radicalization of Islamic Hamas and a future of peace in the area, Islam would have to be destroyed.
Please study the origin of Islam in older sources (going back at least 100 years) in order not to be duped by the Left's whitewashing of Muhammad and his religion. The Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary at the Annunciation. Did the Archangel Gabriel also appear 600 years later to Muhammad to announce a new religion? God is immutable so that's impossible, but people easily believe Satan's deceit that Islam came before Christ and Muhammad is God's most beloved last prophet. When you discover who Muhammad's Angel Gabriel is, you'll have the key to understanding exactly what Islam is.
Can things get any crazier? Absolutely! See what Biden's EEOC has in store for Christians!
When Sanity Reigned! |
Saturday, November 18, 2023
A Touching Portrait of Bishop Strickland from One of His Flock in Tyler!
They're grieving in Tyler. The portrait of Bishop Strickland from a member of his flock varies significantly from some of his critics. The latest negative article for me came from Fr. Raymond de Souza at National Catholic Register. It was a serious hit piece. His portrait of the bishop totally conflicts with this article at Crisis Magazine from a member of Bishop Strickland's flock:
When the Cathedral bells swung five minutes before Mass last weekend, they seemed to know. The Ave sung with the Rosary was so mournful, you’d think someone had died. A light went out in Tyler on Saturday.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Scholastic Pushes Porn and Perversion on Kids! Time for Real Bankruptcy to "Reward" their Moral Bankrupty!
Caving to Leftist Pressure, Scholastic Plans to Import the LGBT Agenda to Every School in America (I've included a few photos in this post from Scholastic's gay offerings. Great for pervert story hours.)
I used to love Scholastic when my kids were in elementary school. I loved the book fairs and went over the order forms with the children to help them pick out books before it started. I often went and bought books myself. The school benefitted and so did our young readers.
How sad it is to see Scholastic join the scandal mongers to push porn and perversion on children hardly out of the playpen. How did this all happen so fast? How could a small percentage of the population, originally miniscule, gain so much power that they are now perverting more and more kids, especially girls?
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Bishop Rene Gracida on the Attempted Assassination of Bishop Strickland's Ministry!
Run, Death is Near (Remdesivir, the killer drug!)
The article is from the Front Line Doctors. I know people murdered by the Remdesivir/Ventilator protocol. My sister ended up in the hospital with COVID and I told her to absolutely refuse it. She did. They still pressured her over treatment and kept her in the hospital longer than necessary. Medical murder became mainstream during COVID and they are still pushing the dangerous gene therapies. Be your own advocate and make sure you have a doctor who respects life. |
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
We Need Our Faith with Skin On. The aesthetics, music, and reverence prepare us for the reality: THE REAL PRESENCE!
This video is really worth watching. I found his point about our "incarnational sense" absolutely on target. We need our faith with skin on. Here's a bit of what he said beginning with what he, as a former Protestant, felt was a big problem:
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Monday, November 13, 2023
Monday Morning Musings
Where will the road take you this week? |
- Life is often challenging, no surprise in this "valley of tears." I was holding a new baby after Mass yesterday. Little Pio is only a little over a week old. His sister who I think is nine was holding him with such an air of motherly protection, but she gave him up to me to fondle for a few minutes. There is nothing like a new baby to give one hope. As Charles Dickens wrote in one of his novels (I think it was The Old Curiosity Shop), "It is no small wonder that these who are so fresh from God love us." That is a truth indeed!
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Bishop Strickland Interview with John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews
WATCH: My exclusive interview with Bishop Strickland, where I ask him all the questions on everyone's heart in the midst of his unjust cancellation.
— John-Henry Westen (@JhWesten) November 12, 2023
Pray for this good Bishop. #IstandwithBishopStrickland
In This St. Athanasius Moment, Please Pray for Bishop Joseph Strickland
#IstandwithBishopStrickland |
Saturday, November 11, 2023
The Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea
Visual meaning of "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" In short, it means genocide of Jews |
Friday, November 10, 2023
One of the Barbarians on Display. Warning: Obscene language!
One of my readers commented on the previous post that he thought the barbarians were still a minority. I'm not sure about that. How many "progressives" are out there who believe killing babies is fine, even virtuous, and throwing obscenities at those with whom you disagree. I've had people on the blog say that I want to kill people. Where does that come from? Their own barbarian minds. They apparently wish to kill me and so they project their feelings onto me. Hey! All I want is their conversion and for us to meet merrily in heaven.
Unhinged progressive confronts Republican poll greeter in Arlington, Election Day 2023.
— Matthew Hurtt (@matthewhurtt) November 7, 2023
The Barbarian Invasion Has Engulfed Us!
The Roman Republic for many hundreds of years seemed invincible. They civilized the known world and built a thriving culture.
What happened?
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Is Francis a Valid Pope? Archbishop Vigano Appears to be Saying No.
The talk below is the one Archbishop Vigano intended to give at the 2023 Catholic Identity Conference (CIC). The original plan was for an interview with Michael Matt, the same format as Archbishop Vigano's zoom appearance at the 2022 conference.
That was the plan. But the Archbishop changed the agreed upon agenda just a few days before the conference was to begin and sent in the transcript of his talk.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Is Francis a Valid Pope? Bishop Schneider Believes So.
See Bishop Schneider's website |
One of the voices in the Church that I trust the most is Bishop Athanasius Schneider. Below, I reprint his statement on the validity of a pope, not simply Francis, but any pope. Is Francis a valid pope? He has certainly been accepted as one by most of the cardinals and bishops of the world. Is he a good and holy pope? Stop laughing.
Monday, November 6, 2023
Reflecting on Splinters from the Cross
Recently I was reading St. Louis de Montfort’s Letter to Friends of the Cross. It is jam-packed with admonitions and advice on embracing the cross in order to grow in the spiritual life. The same day I uploaded the post my husband and I went to visit my sister in a nursing home an hour and half away in Frederick, MD. Usually I check the route, but neglected to do so that day. We got to Harpers Ferry and, lo and behold, the road was closed. Apparently, they were working on the bridge crossing the Shenandoah. We had to backtrack for half an hour to take a different route. Just a tiny splinter from the cross. It gave us another half hour of conversation with my husband and time to pray a rosary before we got to the nursing home.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Sunday Meditation: What Good is a Useless Candle that Refuses to Burn?
A few years ago, I bought a beautiful red Christmas candle which has rested in my cupboard because I hated to deform it through use. Recently I decided it was time to burn that candle. After all, what good is a candle that's never used? So I took it into my little prayer room and lit it for the first time before I began my morning prayer. The pathetic candle
At least I tried to light it.
The silly wick kept sputtering and refusing to give me a flame. When I finally got it started, the flame gave a pathetic little fire and stayed lit for about one minute before again sputtering out.
That lovely red candle has continued to refuse to burn the way a proper candle should. It's pretty all right, but almost useless. Like the salt in the Bible that goes flat, it's unfit for the use intended by its maker.
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Is the Drive-By Media Abandoning their (Former) Hero, Volodymyr Zelensky?
Mundabor thinks so and provides a few articles to back him up. I read the one from TIME Magazine and it was refreshing to see a little bit of truth finally breaking through the curtain of lies and disinformation. Check it out for yourself.
Pray for the poor people of the Ukraine. With winter coming, they are the ones who will suffer. Zelensky and compay will be warm and well fed while the people freeze and starve.
Friday, November 3, 2023
Know the Enemy in Your Own Camp!
When my sons were teens and attending Catholic high school, I told them that just because someone is wearing a roman collar (or a habit for that matter), it doesn't mean that he (or she) is telling you the truth. The boys went to Bishop Ireton in Alexandria, a pricey institution that required serious family sacrifices. Sad to say, not only was I fighting abortion sidewalk counseling at the abortion business next door, but I was fighting with the principal and some of the teachers over abortion. Not once did I ever see any attempt by the Ireton community to oppose the killing within a stone's throw of the Tabernacle!
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Do You Believe Anything Target Tells You?
I stopped shopping at Target years ago. A bushel of rotten tomatoes for Target!
When they started letting men who play dress up use the women's bathrooms and changing rooms, it simply confirmed my suspicions that they couldn't care less about the safety of women and children. Now they want me to believe that Target cares about the safety of their employees.
Target CEO Defends Pulling LGBT Products After Customer Backlash
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Infant Mortality Rate Up for the First Time in 20 Years! Couldn't possibly be the Death Jab!
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Time to just say no to the snake oil salesmen! |
Infant mortality rose in 2022 for the first time in two decades
Surprise, surprise. Infant mortality is up.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Life is Challenging and Often Very Interesting! Handle with Prayer!
Monday, October 30, 2023
We Need It in Canon Law: No Homosexuals in the Priesthood!
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My husband and I with the priest who witnessed our marriage on the left (Fr. Hugh Monmonier) and Fr. James Haley on our 25th wedding anniversary |
I spent about 25 years in regular contact with Fr. James Haley who became a cancelled priest in the Diocese of Arlington when our former bishop, Paul Loverde, deep-sixed him over his efforts to address the homosexual problems in the diocese. While Arlington had a reputation for orthodoxy, there were a number of active homosexual priests practicing sodomy and using gay porn. Some of the cases went public because of Fr. Haley's perseverance to uncover the truth. Also, several good men left the priesthood voluntarily because of their experiences with the homosexuals.
More on the Synod and the State of the Church from Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Christ the King Rules from the Cross!
We had a terrific homily today for the Feast of Christ the King that really set me thinking. Father emphasized the Latin phrase, Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat, Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands. Here's the translation of the hymn which is based on Psalm 117:
Christ conquers,
Christ reigns,
Christ commands.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Summary of the Synod part 1 and It's not good! Are We Surprised?
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Set up for the Delphi Technique under the eye of the serpent |
In an interview with Vatican journalist Edward Pentin, Cardinal Gerhard Mueller gave his assessment of the process and the goal of radicals in the group. Nothing he says is really a surprise in view of the previous synods which all had manipulated outcomes to undermine the faith. This one so obviously used the Delphi Technique that anyone familiar with it could recognize what was happening. More on that later. The cardinal's interview appeared in the National Catholic Register with this introduction:
Friday, October 27, 2023
Courses at Hillsdale College are Worth Checking Out!
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Hillsdale College, Home of Imprimis |
We never stop learning from the time we are in the womb where we can hear our mother's heartbeat and her voice. A child is born having an intellect infused with the natural law and the gift of free will. The intellect was given to us to study the world and recognize and learn the truth. Our free will was given to us, not to choose to do whatever we want, right or wrong, but to choose the true, the good and the beautiful, in other words, to choose the will of our Creator.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Is Armageddon on the Horizon? Sure Looks Like It!
Ep. 33 Looks like we’re actually going to war with Iran. Are we ready for this?
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 23, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Gassing Rats
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
If You Believe in Macro-evolution, You Need to Watch This! Make it a mini-course. Learn and Share!
Watch Hugh Owen: Creation, Evolution, and the Crisis of Faith online at
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) October 24, 2023
Hugh Owen is a personal friend and one of the most intelligent and articulate speakers I've ever known. Catholics have an obligation to study the faith and the reality of life in order to bring others to Jesus Christ. Consider this a mini-course. Listen, take notes, read some of the documents mentioned, pray about how you can share this with others.
Please pray for the Kolbe Center and support them financially if you are able.
Monday, October 23, 2023
Ruling Class Warmongers and Money-Launderers at Work by Fr. Bill Aitcheson
The United States is at war with the Russian Federation. Since before the commencement of the Russian military incursion into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the United States has waged an aggressive war against Russia. The U.S. aggression has been grandual and, until the uniparty warmongers began their money laundering operation in Ukraine, they were only publicly sporadic in their hostility to Russia.
During the Clinton regime, American policymakers, with Clinton approval, made the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe a globalist uniparty priority, beginning with the U.S.-NATO. interference in the Balkans against Serbia, a Russian ally. From that time on, NATO, with U.S. encouragement and leadership, insinuated itself into Eastern Europe callously disregarding the legitimate security concerns of Russia.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Sunday Meditation: St. John Bosco on Islam
Saturday, October 21, 2023
"Be Brave Or You Will Not Exist!" Hey Republicans, #BeLikePoland! Listen to this wise pollitician!
This video is mis-titled. It's not an interview with Vivek Ramaswamy, but with a journalist at our border and then with Polish politician and journalist, Dominik Tarczyński. Tucker first talks about the border crisis here with a reporter at the border. Then he interviews Tarczynki about how Poland has kept their country safe from terrorists by keeping tight control of their own border. Talk about a straight talker who doesn't mince words and refuses to be cowed by a liberal lady leftist calling him a racist. That clip is very interesting!
Friday, October 20, 2023
Good News from Idaho to Protect (Mostly) Women from Assault
Federal judge allows Idaho law banning males from girls’ bathrooms to take effect
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?
this date when I read about him in Butler's Lives of the Saints. He took mortification seriously and spent many hours awake during the night. Those of us with sleep issues would do well to seek his help in our own "night watchings" although I can't say I'm ready to practice his mortifications:
He had no other bed than a skin laid on the floor, on which he knelt a part of the night and slept sitting, leaning his head against a wall. His [night] watchings were the most difficult and remarkable of all the austerities which he practiced, and in consequence of them he has been regarded in after-ages as the patron saint of night-watchmen.
Once when a friend of St. Peter lamented over the wickedness of the world, something we can all certainly relate to these days, he replied:
Monday, October 16, 2023
The Left's Disease Exposed: Vertigo with Vomiting (Also Insanity)!
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Worship Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar
Catholics, we need to take to the streets all over this country to witness to our Lord and Savior. Thanks be to God for this beautiful example of faith. May it be repeated everywhere!
Photos of the Eucharistic Procession through the streets of New York City on October 10th
Eucharistic Processions are often part of the celebration of the feast of Corpus Christi. Here's a video of Eucharistic Processions in 2022 on the feast. They represent countries all over the world.