And money came flowing into the state. We've been bought -- lock, stock, and barrel by outside money and outside influence. Please pray for my beautiful state of Virginia.
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Saturday, November 30, 2019
Flipping Virginia: It was more than demographics!
Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit
buying a state,
Flipping Virginia,
It's St. Andrew's Feast Day and the Start of his Christmas Novena
I love St. Andrew. What a gift he had for bringing people to Christ! He brought Peter; He brought the little boy with the loaves and fishes. What a humble missionary heart he had -- not even considering himself worthy to die on the same type of cross on which our Lord suffered.
I call my guardian angel Andrew because I want my angel to lead me to Jesus. (And for those who go ballistic about anyone calling his angel by name, I asked my spiritual director who is a priest and he affirmed it. I am not claiming to know the angel's real name, but I'm confident it's not, "Hey you!" My other choice is Angelito because I'm sure my angel is one of the little ones since I'm small potatoes on the angel assignment registry.)
Speaking Truth to Heresy: The Growing List Calling Out the Disastrous Amazon Synod
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Who are these synod fathers who betrayed Christ by carrying the Pachamama idol into the synod hall? |
Amazon Synod,
calling out the synod,
idol worship,
Friday, November 29, 2019
Are you on the Battlefield or Hiding in the Tall Grass?
“I do not love the sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend…”
– J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
– J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
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Are you in the fight or hiding in the tall grass? |
Thursday, November 28, 2019
While You're Thanking God today, remember these Clerics!
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Lesbian judge Sara Smolenski |
Here's what Canon 915 says:
Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.
Our First Act of Thanksgiving Must Be to God!

"Would that I could exhaust myself in acts of thanksgiving and gratitude towards this Divine Heart, for the great favor He shows us, in deigning to accept our help to make Him known, loved and honored; He reserves infinite blessings for all those who devote themselves to this work." -- St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
No More Chick-Fil-A for this Chick! Back to the Beef!

I was willing to give Chick-Fil-A the benefit of the doubt until I got more information, but now that I learned more...Wow! It's clear. They not only caved, but their philanthropic bucks will now go to "charities" (e.g., Covenant House) that champion the gay agenda. The corporate bosses are liberal and they've dumped Adam and Eve for Adam and Steve.
Doug Mainwaring at LifeSiteNews tells it like it is:
The Preeminent Issue in Our Country is the Murder of the Unborn...
...and among those suffering for the little ones today are the Red Rose Rescuers. This morning I received the message below from Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-LIfe Society (CPLS). I know most of you can't be there physically, but we can all be there in prayer. Even if you read this after the hearing, please pray. God is not limited by time. Every prayer you say for these defendants, the judge and the attorneys will be heard and will pour graces down upon those crucial courtroom moments. Beg for the intercession of the Holy Spirit for the courageous defendants threatened with this draconian charge. When you consider the hands off treatment of violent ANTIFA protestors, this persecution stands in stark relief. Lord Jesus, King of the Universe, have mercy on us.
Show Support for the Red Rose Rescuers and Attorney Robert Muise
Come to the Hearing Monday, Nov. 25th
Details Below
Show Support for the Red Rose Rescuers and Attorney Robert Muise
Come to the Hearing Monday, Nov. 25th
Details Below
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Hour is Late when the Abomination of Desolation Desecrates the Altar of St. Peters!
You no doubt have noticed that the readings over the past weeks center around the book of Maccabees and the abominations raised up in the temple and the persecutions of Antiochus. Is it "just a coincidence" that we heard these things (and continue to hear them) during and after the pagan Amazon Synod? I don't think so. God seems to be pointing his finger at the desecrations and inviting us to open our eyes and SEE. If you haven't been fighting yet, Church Militant, it's time, way past time in fact. Today I'm writing to my bishop asking for Masses of repentance -- at the Cathedral -- and at every parish in the diocese. Whom do we serve? Pope Francis and Pachamama or Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. "I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live." (Deut 30:19)
"We Need Formal Acts of Repentance!" What Will You Do Today to Make Reparation for Idolatry?
Like Msgr. Pope says, there are many ways a person can make reparation for what happened at the Vatican during the synod. Can you give up coffee today, say an extra rosary, take a virtual Jericho walk around St. Peter's and St. Maria in Traspontina? As Catholics we MUST make reparation to console the Sacred Heart for blasphemy and sacrilege. Please join me in acts of reparation and ask your bishop to offer a Mass of reparation and to instruct his priests to do the same. And pray for the pope who is bringing such evil into the heart of the Church.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Should We Obey the United Nations?
I've been reading up on Catholic social doctrine and international organizations since the pope said Catholic doctrine means "we should obey" the United Nations and other international organizations.
Really? I'd like a citation for that in the dogmatic teaching of the Church.
Coincidentally (or providentially), the U.N. was established the same year C.S. Lewis' novel That Hideous Strength was published. The evil bureaucracy in his novel could be the model for the U.N.! Sometimes I wonder if the Holy Spirit was involved using Lewis (who certainly had great insight into the workings of Screwtape and his Father Below) to send a warning about the new Big Brother in town getting ready to unleash incredible evil on the world.
Really? I'd like a citation for that in the dogmatic teaching of the Church.
Coincidentally (or providentially), the U.N. was established the same year C.S. Lewis' novel That Hideous Strength was published. The evil bureaucracy in his novel could be the model for the U.N.! Sometimes I wonder if the Holy Spirit was involved using Lewis (who certainly had great insight into the workings of Screwtape and his Father Below) to send a warning about the new Big Brother in town getting ready to unleash incredible evil on the world.
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The evil bureaucracy at work. Is that Big Sister on the screen? |
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
An Ode to Our New Don John, Alexander Tschugguel (With a Hat Tip to G.K. Chesterton)
A good Catholic prince and a brave soldier of Christ! Don John of Austria |
But really, read Chesterton's Lepanto, my inspiration. Talk about a master poet. He is unparalleled when it comes to writing ballads about warriors! After you read Lepanto, I recommend The Ballad of the White Horse about England's Christian king, Alfred the Great, another heroic warrior. And DO read the poems out loud. Poetry is meant to be heard!
Monday, November 18, 2019
Need Encouragement and Hope? Watch this! The Catholic Future is in Good Hands!
My friend Janet at Restore D.C. Catholicism posted this video the other day. Thanks so much, Janet. As Catholics, we have great hope! The Lord is raising up warriors among the young. Like Don John of Austria who led the Catholic League at Lepanto (he was only 24), Alexander is in his 20s and filled with the spirit of zeal for God's house. How pleased the Lord must have been when he gathered up the idols from the church and threw them in the river. Watch the video and praise God! Support the front line warriors with your prayers and actions. Why not write a letter to your bishop today asking him to ask all the parishes in the diocese to offer a Mass in reparation for the desecration in Rome! Oh, and by the way, for a rousing poem about battling the enemy read Chesterton's ode to Don John in Lepanto. Everywhere Chesterton uses "Don John" substitute "Alexander Tschugguel." might be fun to use Chesterton for a model and write a poem about Alexander and Pachamama! I might try it just for fun.
Our Lady, Scourge of the Demons, pray for us!
Our Lady, Scourge of the Demons, pray for us!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Sunday Meditation: "We Are Catholics First!"

This was not a unique position among German clerics as Dietrich von Hildebrand relates in his great work, My Battle against Hitler. Sadly, many men in roman collars and other German Catholics defended the tyrant long after his evil plan was clear.
Adenauer wasn't one of them. He replied to the abbot, "We are Catholics first, Germans second."
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Too Funny not to Share! Six Million Views and Counting! Make America Great Again!
I missed this the first time around and wasn't one of the six million viewers, but, hey, with the election season upon us it's still relevant. So enjoy and share. Donald Trump has a done a lot for the country. Let's show our appreciation. If nothing else, thank him for speaking out so eloquently for the babies waiting to be born. I will be praying for him every day this Advent in thanksgiving for that one big thing (as well as all the smaller things). God bless him!
It's a "Nineveh Moment" -- Pray, Fast, and Do Penance!
You know not the day or the hour, but the signs of the times are serious indeed. The video below can give you plenty of subject matter to take before the Blessed Sacrament in adoration. Let's all commit to prayer, penance, and fasting: for the Holy Father, for all the bishops and clergy of the world, for the laity, especially for parents. Above all, pray for the little ones. I grew up in a time of relative faith, innocence, peace, and prosperity. I remember 40 Hours Devotion, May Crownings, and Corpus Christi processions. I knew nothing about pornography or abortion. Most of the families we knew were intact.
What are we giving the little ones today? Transgender story hours and diversity bookbags, violent video games, ads on TV that deserve an R (or X) rating, not to mention scandalous films by the bucketful. God have mercy on us!
What are we giving the little ones today? Transgender story hours and diversity bookbags, violent video games, ads on TV that deserve an R (or X) rating, not to mention scandalous films by the bucketful. God have mercy on us!
Friday, November 15, 2019
A New Buzz Phrase for the Lexicon of Catholic Liberals: The "Francis Magisterium"
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Just tell those recalcitrant bishops in the U.S. it's the "Francis magisterium" and they better obey! |
...When his critics question his authority over innovations he's introduced into Holy Mother Church including pagan idols like Pachamama.....
....When his critics express horror at the company he keeps and question his giving a Vatican voice and platform to those who promote abortion, contraception, homosexuality, population control, eugenics, etc.....
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Take Up Your Cross, Draw Your Sword, Raise Your Voice!
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Alexander Tschugguel, known by all for expelling idols from the church in Rome recently. |
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The "Ghost of Bernardin" Haunts the USCCB
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Sixty-nine bishops and four abstainers don't care much about these little feet! |
What have they accomplished so far? Well, they voted to uphold the sanctity of life as the pre-eminent issue of the U.S. bishops.
Goodness... What a radical idea!
Sixty-nine voted against it and four abstained!
Really?...ONE THIRD of the bishops present voted no or abstained! How silly to make defending life the first order of business for Christians when the planet is so endangered by all those little carbon footprints!
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
If You Wondered Where the Apostolic Nuncio Stands on the Francis New Church....
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Go tell those American bishops to get behind my magisterium! |
Vatican envoy tells U.S. bishops to get in line with Pope Francis in ‘bomb-drop’ address
Does Pope’s representative hope to silence US bishops’ questions?
Monday, November 11, 2019
And the Vatican Scandals Continue with Conference on Food Waste
What's wrong with this picture? Note the logos at the top! Is today's Vatican likeminded with the murderous Rockefeller Foundation? |
Well...that's what he's doing this week at the Vatican -- playing angel of light. His latest antics follow up his month of promoting Pachamama (Mother Earth) and pagan idolatry. He's now using the Pontifical Academy of Science to give the evil Rockefeller Foundation a platform and respectability in Rome with a noble-sounding conference on "Reduction of Food Loss and Waste."
Now keep in mind that this is an organization that has no problem, and in fact encourages, the "waste" of little babies in the womb waiting to be born. They are so much trash, a blight on the planet in fact, that must be reduced to a "mess on a napkin" and dumped in the local land fill. Suck 'em out and throw 'em out!
You have to kind of laugh (in an ironic way) about this kind of propaganda. Does anyone really think that the Rockefellers peruse the fridge to make sure they use everything up and don't "waste" any food?
Why We Need the Catholic Identity Conference
I signed up yesterday to watch the videos from the Catholic Identity Conference that was held in Pittsburgh earlier this month. The theme was "Uniting the Clans." Both the FSSP and the SSPX had priests speaking. To see them on the same program sharing the same podium surely emphasizes the gravity of the situation in our beloved Church. Michael Matt compared it to the different branches of our armed forces which can show incredible rivalry and disagreement among themselves until they face the common enemy when they immediately have each other's backs.
Several bishops and hundreds of clergy and laity attended to the point that the conference was sold out and others who wanted to come had to do so by signing up for the video presentations. Here's the promo video for the conference.
Several bishops and hundreds of clergy and laity attended to the point that the conference was sold out and others who wanted to come had to do so by signing up for the video presentations. Here's the promo video for the conference.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Sunday Meditation: Abortion: A Doctrine of Demons -- The New Documentary from Created Equal
Sidewalk counselors save babies! |
violence against peaceful pro-lifers in the documentary below.
As a long-time sidewalk counselor and rescuer, the video hit very close to home. I recognized scenes like those depicted. On several occasions, I had conversations outside abortion facilities with new agers and others who self-described as atheists and satanists. Sometimes, the presence of demons was almost palpable especially when I was in jail with a large rescue contingent and at one of the women's marches in Washington, D.C.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Was the 2nd idol in the Vatican Gardens Pacha Mama's sister, Mama Quilla?
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The Two Sister Goddesses? L - Mama Quilla, R - Pacha Mama? |
I went into the classroom and took the book off the shelf while the teacher angrily told me I couldn't do that. "It's copyrighted you can't copy anything from it!" she shouted from across the room. I smiled sweetly and told her I'd bring it back when I was finished with it and walked out.
There were pictures of different kinds of drugs - a rock of cocaine stands out best in my memory, which would have come in handy since there was a crack house on the corner 2 blocks from the elementary school. A few days later I suggested to the teacher that she take the little darlings on a field trip down the street to really teach them about drugs...and at the same time they'd be earning money for the school which in turn would be a helpful lesson on economics. The main thing they'd learn was that selling cocaine earns far more money than selling cookies. The only problem was I wasn't sure who the teacher's supplier would be for the field trip. (I debated with myself that year at Christmas....Sweetie! Look what a pretty little mirror Mommy got you for Christmas! Take it in for show and tell. Your teacher will be thrilled!)
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Bishops Need to Hear Us in Our Pleas to Our Lady of America!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Christ, have mercy on us!
Lord, have mercy on us!
Our Lad of America, pray for us!
Please share this on social media!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
So: What Happens to Those Who Worship Pachamama? #IamCatholicMaccabees
Fr. Mitch Pacwa shares a chilling personal story of Pachamama idol worship and the destruction of a town in Peru.
And it's sobering to see that a few days after the synod a 4.6 magnitude earthquake hit near Rome. Wake up, folks, especially you pope worshipers who think anyone who questions the Holy Father is an enemy conspirator. The pope is doing a pretty good job of being his own worst enemy. As Scripture says: "To whom much is given, much is expected."
The pope's enemies are those who by their silent acceptance are cooperators in his evil! The pope has ears to tickle just like anyone else. I'm guessing that the reason the earthquake wasn't a lot more devastating is thanks to the courageous young men who removed the idols from the church and threw them in the Tiber. They deserve a great big thanks from all the people of central Italy.
And it's sobering to see that a few days after the synod a 4.6 magnitude earthquake hit near Rome. Wake up, folks, especially you pope worshipers who think anyone who questions the Holy Father is an enemy conspirator. The pope is doing a pretty good job of being his own worst enemy. As Scripture says: "To whom much is given, much is expected."
The pope's enemies are those who by their silent acceptance are cooperators in his evil! The pope has ears to tickle just like anyone else. I'm guessing that the reason the earthquake wasn't a lot more devastating is thanks to the courageous young men who removed the idols from the church and threw them in the Tiber. They deserve a great big thanks from all the people of central Italy.
Make Atonement for the Blasphemy of Idol Worship at the Amazon Synod!
Watch the video! That's what the pope and the bishops attending the Amazon Synod should have done when the Pachamama idols were brought on the scene, surrounded, venerated, and actually worshiped by the circle of people including a Franciscan.
Please don't try to explain this away. The body language of lifting up your arms and bowing down to the images of Pachamama and the earth are clearly postures of WORSHIP! How many of you bow down like that to your garden gnome?
Fr. Hugo Valdemar gets it! There are many in the Church who've been promoting this earth worship FOR YEARS. But now it's moved into the holy city itself. Thank you, Fr. Valdemar.
The pope should have acted like the good priest. Instead, he and his group of false ecology-worshiping brethrenis allowed and participated in and approved idol worship by their silence!
Please don't try to explain this away. The body language of lifting up your arms and bowing down to the images of Pachamama and the earth are clearly postures of WORSHIP! How many of you bow down like that to your garden gnome?
Fr. Hugo Valdemar gets it! There are many in the Church who've been promoting this earth worship FOR YEARS. But now it's moved into the holy city itself. Thank you, Fr. Valdemar.
The pope should have acted like the good priest. Instead, he and his group of false ecology-worshiping brethrenis allowed and participated in and approved idol worship by their silence!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Finding the Truth on my Kitchen Counter

A "hot spot" is a place that accumulates stuff...and more stuff...and more stuff. My hotspots are generally large stacks of paper: books, newspapers (The Remnant, The Wanderer...), magazines (Chronicles, Celebrate Life, The Defender...), newsletters (from the FSSP, the Carmelites of Cody, the Carmelites of Clear Creek Abbey...), advertisements, fast food restaurant coupons, letters and drawings from grandchildren, etc. Every now and then I attack a hot spot. Generally I don't get very far because something invariably catches my eye and I absolutely MUST sit down and read it. At 5:30 this morning I found a gem! I have no idea where it came from or who wrote it, but it is well worth sharing and so I shall.
November 16th Pontifical High Mass in the Extraordinary Rite at the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
Pontifical High Mass celebrated by Archbishop Alexander Sample at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on April 28, 2018 in thanksgiving for Summorum Pontificum. |
Join us for a Solemn Pontifical High Mass, which is the first-ever celebration of the Mass of the Americas in Latin celebrated by Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Canon Avis is the Master of Ceremonies.
This Solemn Pontifical High Mass is free to attend. However, we ask for those attending to RSVP for planning purposes. Mass will begin at 10 a.m.
Parking is plentiful. The nearest Metro is about a 5-minute walk from Brookland CUA on the Red Line Metro.
Poor Virginia: God Have Mercy on Catholics who Voted for Pro-Abortion Politicians Yesterday!
Democrats win full control of Virginia statehouse
I thank God I don't put my trust in men, because if I did I'd be under the bed sucking my thumb this morning. The godless culture of death won the Virginia statehouse yesterday. And, let's face it, Northern Virginia, Richmond, and the Norfolk/Hampton Roads area are in control of the state. The results don't speak for the people of Virginia, but for the carpetbaggers who flock to the seat of power outside Washington, D.C. and the liberals who populate the cities. My rural county went strongly for the pro-life conservatives. God bless my delegate, Todd Gilbert, who stood up to the evil espoused by Kathy Tran whose bill introduced last season would allow abortion up to the moment of birth. She may reintroduce it now that the death peddlers are running the slaughter house.
Refugee Resettlement Watch: What Don't You Understand about Islamic Infiltration?
America is (or was) a Christian country -- a PROTESTANT Christian country. And that is part of the problem today impacting most government decisions. Because protestantism is the religion of individualism beginning with the firebrand that lit the holocaust, Martin Luther.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Bishop Bransfield's Immoral Shenanigans Keep Coming!
Now, really, don't the articles below make you ask yourself how many other of these immoral bishops and priests are stealing from their dioceses and parishes. I remember when one of my pastors put in a marble fireplace in the rectory. Nothing too good for him. Like the L'Oreal commercia, he "was worth it." He's dead and gone. But, hey, the legacy of his marble fireplace lives on!
As for disinviting Bransfield to the bishops' meeting, I will happily make a list of others who should be deep-sixed starting with Wuerl, Cupich, and any bishop who promotes the homosexual lifestyle by supporting Fr James Martin and other heretics of his ilk. It's high time the good guys formed another group like the orthodox nuns did years ago. Stop meeting with these wolves to scandalize the sheep.
Charleston priest retired over Wheeling bishop's costly renovation to Sacred Heart
USCCB leaders disinvite Bishop Bransfield from fall general assembly
Editorial: Reveal Details about Bransfield
As for disinviting Bransfield to the bishops' meeting, I will happily make a list of others who should be deep-sixed starting with Wuerl, Cupich, and any bishop who promotes the homosexual lifestyle by supporting Fr James Martin and other heretics of his ilk. It's high time the good guys formed another group like the orthodox nuns did years ago. Stop meeting with these wolves to scandalize the sheep.
Charleston priest retired over Wheeling bishop's costly renovation to Sacred Heart
Editorial: Reveal Details about Bransfield
How Do You Distinguish a Good Shepherd from a Bad Shepherd?
The amanita species can kill you quickly. |
If you knew that a restaurant owner gathered mushrooms from the woods and didn't know anything about which were good to eat and which were poisonous, would you eat in that restaurant?
Suppose you knew that not only did he put poisonous mushrooms in his dishes, but he considered it a game of mushroom roulette to add a little "spice" to the dining experience. His motto might be "Eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you may die." Hey, maybe he would even offer free meals for those willing to consume his mushroom dishes and see what happened, a life or death adventure.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Pray and Repent in Sackcloth and Ashes: A New Message from Sr. Agnes of Akita
Reports coming out of Japan and published by an EWTN radio affiliate (WQPH Medford, MA) say that on October 6th, the opening day of the Amazon Synod, Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, the seer of Akita (an approved apparition), received a private message from her angel which included a public call to repentance. Sister, who is 88 and suffering from multiple health problems gave the message to another sister who shared it.
Before you read the messages, watch this video by Michael Matt that indicates exactly how vigilantly the hierarchy is to hide the serious messages that warn very graphically of the impending chastisement if we do not repent.
Need Hope? Listen to this young man who threw the idols in the river. #Iamcatholicmaccabees
Watch the video below and listen to the words of this impressive young Catholic warrior! Shouldn't these words have been spoken by a cardinal? Where was the descendent of St. Boniface to throw the idols in the river? God forgive the cowards in pointy hats! At least a few are speaking out, but actions speak louder than words. Thank you, God, for this young man and his friends. Isn't it meaningful that they threw the idols from the "angels bridge?" God bless these young men.
And God Said..........
I checked out a book from our parish library last Sunday that is giving me a lot to think about. The title is Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament, Genesis 1-11. One of a whole series of books, it is a collection of writings from early Church fathers and saints. The quotes are included in this book in order that the subjects of the quotes appear in The Bible. It is or could be an excellent companion guide along side Holy Scripture. Each of the quotes below corresponds to specific verses which are noted in the book.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Sunday Meditation: "Take up your cross and follow me."
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The Carthusian martyrs of England joyfully accepted martyrdom. St. Thomas More seeing them from his own prison cell wrote to his daughter Margaret, “these blessed fathers be now as cheerfully going to their deaths as bridegrooms to a marriage." (Source) |
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Take Your Children to a Cemetery Today to Pray for the Dead!
Why are we here? Really? What is life on earth all about?
Some think it's to "eat, drink, and be merry", acquire as many toys as you can, seek power and prestige and the money that brings it (and surrounds you with sycophants who flatter and cajole).
Is that what it's all about? Is that ALL it's about?
HELL NO! (And I mean the hell part literally.)
How many are dancing merrily along the primrose path to perdition? It seems like a pleasant saunter, but those foolish souls who choose it are missing the big picture. They spend all their energy on what is essentially the first ten feet of the journey that ends here:
Some think it's to "eat, drink, and be merry", acquire as many toys as you can, seek power and prestige and the money that brings it (and surrounds you with sycophants who flatter and cajole).
Is that what it's all about? Is that ALL it's about?
HELL NO! (And I mean the hell part literally.)
How many are dancing merrily along the primrose path to perdition? It seems like a pleasant saunter, but those foolish souls who choose it are missing the big picture. They spend all their energy on what is essentially the first ten feet of the journey that ends here:
Friday, November 1, 2019
Laity Against Laity: The Facebook Wasteland!
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If someone on Facebook is plucking out your feathers, aren't you a dumb cluck to keep engaging with them? |
By logical extension, then, it's no surprise that laity also are warring against laity. Which brings me to the Facebook battlefield, a wasteland where "friends" engage in daily armed conflict flinging text back and forth like grenades.
I recently got into a "discussion" on Facebook (the more fool I!) over a Catholic school that would not send its students on a field trip to hear the lesbian astronaut speak. Interestingly, while serving on the space station, she committed an arguably criminal act getting into her partner's bank account. Headlines opined about the "first crime in space." What a role model, eh? I can't remember her name offhand and don't care enough to look her up. She is not the point of this post. Facebook is and the nonsense that masquerades as discussion.
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