Schools should NEVER keep secrets from parents or enable exploitation of children. Chloe Cole testified to Congress about those who encouraged her to "transition." |
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Saturday, September 30, 2023
Many School Administrators are Parents' Enemies! They Will Pervert Your Children If You Let Them.
Friday, September 29, 2023
Want Clear Teaching about the Faith in a Time of Crisis? Listen to Bishop Schneider!
I recently finished Bishop Athanasius Schneider's book, The Catholic Mass which enriched my understanding of the great gift Jesus gave us in the Holy Eucharist. Now I'm reading The Springtime that Never Came, which exposes many of the challenges we face today. If you want to know why we have a crisis in the Church, Bishop Schneider's book will open your eyes to many of them.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
How do you know the Deep State Drive-By Media is lying? Presume they are and you're almost always right!
Lying Liars
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) September 27, 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Come for Lunch and Pray the Rosary Together!
During the COVID lockdowns I began hosting bi-monthly rosary lunches with a group of Catholic women to get us all out of isolation -- laughing, chatting, and praying together. I still do them occasionally but not as frequently. They are always a blessing to me personally and fulfill a desire God has given me to practice hospitality.
This morning, reading The Imitation of Christ, I meditated on this passage:
Monday, September 25, 2023
Michael Hichborn Interview with Sr. Dede Byrne on the Euthanasia Murder of Sr. Burle.
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The medical profession used to fight the grim reaper; now they welcome him with open arms as they hasten death! |
The other day I did a post about the medical murder of Sr. Phillip Marie Burle who was deliberately over medicated, declared incompetent, and then killed by Mount Carmel Senior Living in St. Charles, MO. Reading her case reminded me so much of the murders of Hugh Finn and Terri Schiavo and, more recently, teenager Grace Scharra. She was hospitalized with COVID and killed while doctors lied to her family that she was improving. Meanwhile they administered an increasingly lethal drug cocktail.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Are you Grieving? Grieve Like a Christian and Imitate Mary.
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And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed. (Luke 2:35) |
From The Imitation of Mary:
The Believer:
Noble Virgin, can we show Jesus true love only by following Him to Calvary and suffering with Him? Can we not also show our love in tranquility and peace?Mary:
Saturday, September 23, 2023
God Has Not Abandoned Us by Fr. Bill Aitcheson
The wheat and the cockle will grow together until the harvest |
"For the time is, that judgment should begin at the house of God. But if first of us, what shall be the end of them that believe not in the gospel of God?" (1 Pt. 4:17)
Friday, September 22, 2023
Will the Virginia General Assembly become an X-rated body of Deviants?
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Thought for the day from St. Louis de Montfort: Take up your cross and follow Me!
Editor's note: I recommend this beautiful little work of St. Louis de Montfort. We all have crosses in our lives. Will we use them to become holy or run from them to our loss? "Take up your cross and follow Me," says the Lord, "for my yoke is easy and my burden light."
You Know that you are living temples of the Holy Spirit and that, like living stones, you are to be set by the God of love into the building of the heavenly Jerusalem. And so you must expect to be shaped, cut and chiseled under the hammer of the cross; otherwise, you would remain rough stones, good for nothing but to be cast aside. Be careful that you do not cause the hammer to recoil when it strikes you; respect the chisel that is carving you and the hand that is shaping you. It may be that this skillfull and loving craftsmanwants you to have an important place in his eternal edifice, or to be one of the most beautiful works of art in his heavenly kingdom. So let him do what he pleases; he loves ou, he knows what he is doing, he has had experience. His strokes are skillful and directed by love, not one will miscarry unless your impatience makes it do so. From A Letter to the Friends of the Cross #28
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Medical Murder! Why did they kill Sr. Phillip Marie Burke, CPPS
Watch “Sr. Phillip Marie Burle, CPPS - Why?” on #Vimeo
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) September 20, 2023
Deliberate murder!
It's important to recognize that end of life care has now become another path to murder. The latest assault is PCHETA which enlists an entire team of death dealers to convince patients to refuse even ordinary means to preserve life. [See Have you heard of PCHETA?] Many people today are being starved and dehydrated to death.
Letter from Prison from Joan Andrews Bell
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Schneider Encourage Bishop Joseph Strickland
Let's pray that more bishops act like brothers to this faithful priest of God!
Eleven years ago, on this very day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, I had the honor of informing Msgr. Strickland-as I was then Apostolic Nuncio to the United States- that Benedict XVI had appointed him Bishop of Tyler.
— Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò (@CarloMVigano) September 14, 2023
The time has come to rediscover the sense of the…
Monday, September 18, 2023
"We Just Want to Be Catholic!"
I've been watching the Crisis in the Church series by the SSPX. Every episode I've watched so far is excellent and clear as a bell. These priests are incredibly well formed and understand the issues and explain in a way that's easy to understand. They go into the history of the crisis and reasonable ways for the faithful to respond.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Sunday Meditation: Prepare for Holy Communion and Receive with Joy and Reverence!

The Eucharist, according to the Council of Trent, is a divine antidote that delivers us from common faults and preserves us from mortal sin....Jesus comes to us to destroy the vestiges of our sins, to counteract our evil tendencies, and to prevent the Devil from re-establishing his power over us.
Of course, we have an obligation to approach the table of the Lord with a proper disposition, ensuring to the degree possible that we are in the state of grace so as not to commit a sacrilege by inviting the immaculate Lord into a literal cesspool. But when we are properly disposed, the Eucharist diminishes all the temptations that plague us and helps us overcome those venial sins that often become habitual and hard to root out.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
I Must Follow My Conscience, "the aboriginal Vicar of Christ."
I've been watching an interview by Eric Sammons, editor of Crisis Magazine, with Fr. Jason Charron, pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, PA and Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Wheeling, WV. The video is very interesting and I post it here if you are interested and have the time to watch it.
Friday, September 15, 2023
Infallibility 101: The Pope Can't Tell You What to Eat for Breakfast!
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Oatmeal is good for you! Just eat it already! |
Ridiculous right?
But there are some Catholics who believe that every word and every opinion of the pope is infallible. That is a mistaken notion and the first Vatican Council, which declared infallibility, expressed exactly how limited that gift of the holy Spirit is:
Thursday, September 14, 2023
No Religious Wars Here! Do the Research and Follow Your Conscience!
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
One of the reasons I believe people advise not discussing politics or religion is that only rarely can people remain civil. In my own experience here on the blog in the comment section and in person (particularly with some traditionalists), I see a marked tendency to pull out the long swords and attack. "Die, heretic!"
Cognitive Dissonance: Pope Francis is Trying to Impose it on the Church!
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Francis imposes cognitive dissonance on the flock by abusing his authority! Blind obedience is no virtue. Know what true obedience demands. |
What is it?
Here's a concise definition: "psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously."
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Refuting Sedevacantism! To Accept it Destroys the Papacy and Hierarchical Nature of the Catholic Church.
A few points from the video -- not my points, mind you, Fr. Tranquillo's:
- Heresies cannot come from the Catholic Church. That is true. And we must fight them. We agree with the sedevacantists on that.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Bishop Strickland on the Chopping Block? #StandwithStrickland
Pope Francis meets to discuss Strickland resignation
Monday, September 11, 2023
Please! Don't Follow Fr. Altman into the Labyrinth!
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Fr. James Altman |
Sunday, September 10, 2023
In your charity please pray for Frank Walker who had a stroke last Thursday and is currently hospitalized!
I had the great pleasure of having lunch with Frank several years ago when I visited my blog partner, Susan, in Florida. What a dedicated Catholic. May God return him to us soon to continue his defense of the Catholic faith.
Our Lady, Health of the Sick, intercede for Frank.
Did They Put Your Loved One on Remdesivir? It was a deliberate decision to kill -- FOR MONEY!
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Hospital Medical Murder is Real! Read about What they Did to Grace Schara.
No Description.
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) September 9, 2023
Doctors and nurses are following orders to murder patients. That's what happened at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Appleton Wisconsin.
Friday, September 8, 2023
"Rescue Those Being Led to the Slaughter!" Rescuing Babies in the Womb is God's Will.
'Jesus, I want to do your will': The astonishing story of pro-life heroine Joan Andrews Bell
— bluejay (@angrybluebird47) September 8, 2023
Some, even in the pro-life movement, oppose the rescue movement for "breaking the law." But the reality is that a law which violates God's law is no law at all.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Masks are not only Useless, but Cause CO2 Toxicity. Masking Children is Child Abuse!
Do not comply
On planes and trains and children
Tucker Carlson is one of the Few Sane American Voices in a Cacophony of Lunacy!
I like to listen to Tucker Carlson because he sounds like a man with a brain and a sane outlook. He loves our country, so he doesn't engage in the relentless "God damn America!" like the BLM/Antifa commies and Jeremiah Wright (I can't call him "Reverend.) He isn't embarrassed to talk about God. He treats others with respect instead of launching into continuos ad hominem attacks against those with whom he disagrees. He clearly loves his family and enjoys spending time with them.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Have You Heard of PCHETA? It's the death hastening "palliative care" bill. (Part 1)
PCHETA (Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (S. 2243, previously introduced in the House in 2019 as H.R. 647), is the death peddlers kill bill. We need to oppose it!
Palliative care used to be patient focused -- to help patients with chronic or terminal illnesses live as fully as possible until natural death. Often, patients assisted with palliative remedies from their primary physicians lived comfortably and fruitfully for years. They were encouraged to enjoy their families, have a positive outlook, and continue to participate in activities as much as they could. It wasn't about using every possible extraordinary means to prolong life, but to treat illnesses and offer pain relief when necessary.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Hospital Homicide and the COVID Killing Fields!
COVID 2 is on the horizon and some institutions are already once again requiring useless masks and threatening new lockdowns and other mandates. Here's an article that explains it all for you. Get smart and push back. NO MORE MANDATES!
Monday, September 4, 2023
Letter from Jail: Will Goodman shares his experience of being jailed for defending God's least ones.
Will Goodman in cuffs for defending the lives of the innocents |
Editor's note: Five rescuers remain in jail for violating the so called FACE Act at a D.C. abortion killing center in 2020. Many political prisoners have shared their experiences of being jailed for defying the tyrants in power who treat abortion like a sacred sacrament.
Principles of The Ice Man vs Abortionist Cesare Santangelo
Parke-Davis' 1960 "Baby in a Womb" Advertisement for Tabron |
It's an amazing sculpture weighing 2 pounds and is highly realistic. Looking at it, no one on the face of the earth could deny the baby's humanity. This is definitely a human person. This is not a clump of cells, not a non-human "thing". This is a living human being developing through the first nine months of life in what should be the safest place - his or her mother's womb.
This baby is about to be born. The sculpture is upside down mainly for viewing purposes, but by turning it with the cervix at the bottom we can see the baby's head positioned ready to be born. It's precisely at this stage of life that a human person can be murdered. Legally. Protected by law. An abortionist such as Cesare Santangelo cuts the baby's umbilical cord (maybe) then stabs a knife into the child's brain after which the abortion contract serial killer mutilates and disembowels his victim, methodically carving him or her up into little pieces. After that, the pieces of human body parts are either burned or gathered up, put on ice or in a jar and sold to hospitals or research centers.
Sunday, September 3, 2023
(In)Justice in America for apostles who "Rescue those being led to the Slaughter"
Saturday, September 2, 2023
The Woke Culture is Erasing Native Americans!
The handsome brave of the Redskins was replaced by a (white?) Commander? |
Did you ever poke an anthill?
The ants go scurrying around carrying the eggs, looking for a place of safety. That's the same kind of activity we see from leftists who scurry around carrying their precious culture-destroying agendas far and wide. And what is part of that agenda? Erasing just about everybody. Women are being erased with men the left thinks make better women. (After all they can't experience that dreadful "disease" called pregnancy.) White men are being erased by the bigoted accusation of being "privileged" and bearers of "white supremacy." (Tell all the white people struggling in Appalachia how privileged they are! Read Hillbilly Elegy.)