In our great country, we hold the principles that all men (humans) are created equal by God and that accused people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. In human history, these two principles are very radical. We, as Americans, do not think of them that way but if one looks back through history, one quickly sees this.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Monday, June 29, 2020
Oklahoma Gets it Right: “When you act like a terrorist, you will be treated like a terrorist.”
More states need to do this. Anarchy hurts people. The longer it's allowed to continue the more destabilized our country will be.
Oklahoma Authorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: ‘This Is Not Seattle.’
Oklahoma Authorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: ‘This Is Not Seattle.’
Jesus and the devil go to confession, get the same penance

The priest thinks, "Hmmmm - a bit prideful, isn't He. Pride is definitely a sin," so he gives Jesus His penance: "Do an act of mercy." Jesus then goes out of the confessional to heal the sick, make the blind see and the deaf hear. He raises the dead and then does the most merciful act of all - He dies on the cross so that we can be redeemed and live in heaven with Him for eternity.
The devil then goes into the confessional and tells the priest that he has compassion for all people and their rights, that he is a devoted social justice warrior, that he accompanies people on their earthly journey encouraging them to fight for their rights whatever they might be - the right to move about freely from country to country, the right to be themselves or change themselves into whatever they dream themselves to be, the right to be free from all burdens and authority, the right to think and speak as they want.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Two More Doctors Talk About How Hydroxychloroqhine was Politicized
If I develop COVID-19 I want to be treated immediately with hydroxychloroquine and zinc. I don't believe the lying media. All the official studies with hydroxychloroqhine were done with patients who were already near death when the drug could have no effect whatsoever. The experience of doctors in the field is that given early with zinc before patients' systems are overwhelmed, they almost all immediately improve and recover. The powers that be dismiss all their experience as "anecdotal." Frankly, I'll take the "anecdotal" data from doctors on the front line than so-called experts like Fauci whose office helped create the virus in the first place by funding the China lab where it originated!
Guest Post: Virginia Covid-19 update 6/27 by Thomas McFadden
Editor's Note - Okay, folks, it's time for a reality check. We are being played by the liberal elite who couldn't care less about our lives! Look at the data! It does NOT support the draconian measures being levied on us. Go out in the sun and enjoy yourself without a mask. Practice deep breathing and boost your immune system with vitamin C and Vitamin D3. Eat healthy and do at least some minimum exercise. If you're vulnerable, use some caution to limit contact in large crowds. Follow Padre Pio's advice: "Pray, hope, and don't worry." You can only die if the good Lord allows it. The coronavirus and Dr. Fauci are not in charge!
40,000 of Northam's people with "deadly disease" never needed medical care.
We Need More Thomas Sowell and Less Black Lives Matter
Yesterday I gave you Walter Williams as an antidote to BLM. Today I give you another economist and icon of common sense, Thomas Sowell. The first video is from 1986.
Even in 1986 Sowell was making it clear that the problems in economic disparity among the races have more to do with culture than color.
Even in 1986 Sowell was making it clear that the problems in economic disparity among the races have more to do with culture than color.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Before You Jump on the BLM Bandwagon, at Least Find Out Who They Are!
Are you a lemming? Do you look for the herd and join up even if you don't know where they're going or what they're doing? Or do you pause, take a deep breath, do a little research, and determine whether the herd has got it right or wrong?
Seems for many it's the first. "Hey, look, let's be part of the crowd and play follow the leader. Who's the leader? Who cares. It looks like fun." What does it matter if no one knows who the real leader is and what the objectives are?
Eugene Ionesco, a member of the Theatre of the Absurd movement, wrote an interesting play called The Leader which perfectly illustrates the idiocy of many in these days of pandemonium over both the coronavirus and the Black Lives Matter movement. I actually participated in this play when I was in college. Trinity was down the street from Catholic U. with its famous drama department. Some friends and I acted the play for a C.U. student's senior project. She had us running around the stage like these actors, but bleating like sheep. Lee-eee-eee-eea-der, Lee-eee-eee-eea-der. It was perfect!
Seems for many it's the first. "Hey, look, let's be part of the crowd and play follow the leader. Who's the leader? Who cares. It looks like fun." What does it matter if no one knows who the real leader is and what the objectives are?
Eugene Ionesco, a member of the Theatre of the Absurd movement, wrote an interesting play called The Leader which perfectly illustrates the idiocy of many in these days of pandemonium over both the coronavirus and the Black Lives Matter movement. I actually participated in this play when I was in college. Trinity was down the street from Catholic U. with its famous drama department. Some friends and I acted the play for a C.U. student's senior project. She had us running around the stage like these actors, but bleating like sheep. Lee-eee-eee-eea-der, Lee-eee-eee-eea-der. It was perfect!
We Need More Walter Williams and Less Black Lives Matter!
I love Walter Williams. Two of my children took classes from him at George Mason U. He was raised in poverty by his mother and was the first in his family to graduate from high school. He fought for civil rights. No shrinking violet, he was a radical for a time who described himself more in the model of Malcolm X than Martin Luther King. He decided to study economics and came to recognize that "economics brings people to their senses" beginning with himself, I think.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Well...It's Official...Catholic Charities is Racist. Rob the Racist explains it!
Thanks to One Mad Mom for alerting me to gosh, I can't call it what it is. Ladies don't use that kind of language so I'll just call it horse hockey! Be sure to read One Mad Mom's commentary. Rob McCann, the featured madman, is CEO of Catholic Charities Eastern Washington. By supporting an organization that champions intrinsic evils like sodomy and Marxist principles, he demonstrates how decidedly un-Catholic he is.
Fr. Tom Collins: The Lemmings Are Stampeding!
There is a lemming-like stampede of many Catholic clergy to join in a #Me-too effort to ratify the
legitimacy of the allegations and demands of those directing the Antifa and the Black Lives Matter
movements. They are even acquiescing to the allegation that racism is both a systemic and a pandemic sin polluting the soul of every person of European ancestry.
legitimacy of the allegations and demands of those directing the Antifa and the Black Lives Matter
movements. They are even acquiescing to the allegation that racism is both a systemic and a pandemic sin polluting the soul of every person of European ancestry.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
A Dose of Common Sense for Thursday Morning -- "Enough with the Anti-White Narrative"
(Hat Tip to Mundabor.)
And if you want more common sense check out this Matt Walsh podcast. The popular narrative today is that whites and only whites can be racist. Even some of our bishops have bought into the big lie. Matt Walsh isn't having it!
anti-white narrative,
Black Lives Matter,
common sense,
Matt Walsh,
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The Holy Spirit really does listen to us
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The young man's first reading assignment. This book will interest him because James Delingpole is politically astute as well as humorous. |
Father kindly suggested calling someone in a nursing home however, not knowing anyone in a nursing home, that wasn't an option. He then suggested that I do any act of mercy. ??? I suggested that perhaps I should make up with a close relative who had decided to stop speaking to me but knew that wouldn't work because they had, well, stopped speaking to me. I can't force them to speak to me. So what was I to do? On the way home I asked God for help, then forgot about it.
The next day a situation presented itself as a definite solution. An 18 year-old young man where I work needed help navigating the computer there to access the paycheck screen and other information. That was not the act of mercy.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Oh no, Father! Nachew too!
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Do this, then say: don'T You, beT You, etc. |
Let's use prayer as an example. When we pray to the Lord we must not offend His ears. For instance, let's not catch ourselves saying, Gamornin' God. You OK t'day? So...You said that we would finejew in prayer so I'm kneelin' down here to visichew because I wanchew to do sumpin' for me. I want to perswayjew to let me have a good ehjewkashun so I will no longer speak like this. Doanchew want me to senjew prayers properly?
Monday, June 22, 2020
HLI Head Fr. Shenan Boquet Reveals the Appalling Double Standard about BLM Protests!
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The real agenda of BLM! |
Double standard indeed! Fr. Shenan Boquet of Human Life International hits the nail on the head! Here's a bit from the article which relates the story of the two black sidewalk counselors arrested outside Planned Parenthood for defying New York's COVID-19 rules about social distancing the day after thousands of protesters ignored the rules with impunity:
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Look at the Data: Is "Systemic Racism" Real?
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Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert |
I receive a daily summary of articles from Lew Rockwell, a libertarian website. Scanning the headlines generally leads me to at least one article on a timely subject. Today it was this one, Hysteria Based on Phony Numbers, BLM Edition. The author, Tom Woods, challenges his readers to check the data. Question! Study! Don't just accept uncritically the talking points you're being fed!
Over and over at every recent protest we hear that police officers target blacks, that all whites are racists, that racism is systemic. Woods describes a challenge by cartoonist Scott Adams (Dilbert creator) for anyone to give a real example of systemic racism in America. Adams has yet to get one.
Friday, June 19, 2020
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on Us!
I can't let this Feast of the Sacred Heart end without praising and thanking God for using St. Margaret Mary Alacoque to reveal to us the intimate love He has for each one of us. I think of little Francisco of Fatima wrapping his arms around the tabernacle and lamenting, "Love is not loved!"
Guest Post: The Face Mask Delusion Unmasked
While people have frantically rushed to the stores to get their face masks for the prevention of COVID-19, they apparently haven't been aware that wearing face masks can increase the infection risk for COVID-19.
It is no secret that the COVID-19 scare was politically motivated to empower government elites and restrict our liberties. Many state "authorities" have been spreading COVID-19 under the guise of preventing it.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Another Doctor Says Universal Masking of the Public is Unnecessary!
I get a daily summary of health care articles from MedPage Today. This morning the list included an article by a doctor on "mass mask panic" saying universal masking is unnecessary.
Don't Miss This One on the Nation of CHAZ (or Mommy's Basement!)
My colleague Janet has a hilarious post today about what's going on in Seattle. Don't miss it. We all need a good laugh; it's healthy and these babies in adult bodies look more and more like clowns. The love fest in Seattle is a three ring, X-rated circus.
CHAZ Or Mommy's Basement?
Janet Baker,
Seattle protests
Who Cares about the Flock? Do Souls Matter? Who is Challenging Caesar's Discrimination against Religion?
Hint -- It's not your local bishop with all the money and power backing him up. Actually, I'm not too surprised about that. When you get buckets of hush money from Caesar it has a chilling effect on your willingness to challenge him -- especially when contributions from the flock are AWOL due to your abandoning them to the apocalypse that wasn't. Sadly, many of our bishops these days are more committed to liberal politics than to the faith. Their priorities are more in line with the godless pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, anti-Western culture, liberal Democrat party than the faith, so why not bow down to the gods of climate change and open borders?
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El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz bends the knee to Black Lives Matter an organization committed to destruction of the nuclear family and promotion of sexual depravity. Read their own website if you doubt it! They are a Marxist organization bent on destruction of society including the Church. |
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Michael Matt Explains It All For You: "Our Religion Calls Us to be Color Blind!"
The left is a group advancing "racist pandering rot." They fundraise on it! They need racism. They campaign on it! "How dare they project their racism on the rest of us?"
Look at history. Moral anarchy leads to barbarism. Will that help inner city residents -- black or white? Will defunding the police help the poor or leave them at the mercy of hoodlums? Welcome to the new world order! The only way to victory is moral revolution and the law of God! "Without God's law, lawlessness is inevitable."
Look at history. Moral anarchy leads to barbarism. Will that help inner city residents -- black or white? Will defunding the police help the poor or leave them at the mercy of hoodlums? Welcome to the new world order! The only way to victory is moral revolution and the law of God! "Without God's law, lawlessness is inevitable."
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Mundabor and Don Quixote -- A Reflection on Modern Times
Mundabor has an interesting post today that jibes with my current reading.
The Big Emptiness, And How It Connects To The Rise Of Madness
"What am I reading?" you ask.
Monday, June 15, 2020
Communist Organizing Comes to Front Royal, VA
I was appalled when a friend sent me the information about Front Royal Unites that is establishing a 501.C.4 organization in the town of Front Royal, VA. They recently held a large protest at the town stadium. They claimed over 1000 participants but who knows? And now they are organizing a march and who knows what else? Will it be peaceful? We can hope, but we've all seen what's going on around the country. I sure don't want to see that kind of violence here.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Will America Survive the All-Out Attack? Step One: Know the Enemy!
We are under attack as surely as if a line of tanks, a fleet of warships, and a squadron of fighter jets were all heading our way manned with tens of thousands of enemy troops. Sadly, the enemy is within our borders. It was predicted by the Soviets years ago. The way to victory was infiltration. Subvert the institutions and destroy from within.
Cheryl Chumley,
know the enemy,
Saturday, June 13, 2020
Will America Become Armenia?
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Massacre of Christians in Turkey, 1909 |
Yes, the same Islamic law allowing beheadings - first of statues, then of people. Yep. Black Lives Matter, Antifa and Islam are all three on the same side. Even in my small local town, a few years ago, there was a BLM "march" which was a three block walk from the park to the court house. Very leisurely. No hysterics. I went to see what BLM was all about and to take pictures. Who was there? The local Democrat party with their "Vote Democrat" T-shirts, flags and signs. A man holding a large sign to nuke white people. A well known leftist communist high school teacher. The Imam from a mosque in Tampa who gave the "keynote speech" on the courthouse steps.
Today Leftist Democrats use the coronavirus as a worldwide attempt to keep people separated from one another, make people wear Islamic veils (masks), remove the middle class by closing all small businesses, remove the Catholic Church from the face of the earth (in complete compliance with the leftist USCCB) while allowing Mosques to thrive, and the richest of all was the opportunistic tossing away of all rules - social distancing, Islamic veils (masks), staying at home - for the BLM/Antifa/Islamic anarcist organizations to riot and loot.
So now let's get down to what awaits America should President Trump lose to that dimwitted Alzheimer-afflicted manipulated puppet of the Left and BLM/Antifa/Islam - Catholic (hahahah!) Joe Biden.
The Lord Speaks to His People by Raising Up Prophetic Voices among Us!
Editor's Note: My friend, Angie, a deeply spiritual woman, offers a prophetic voice about all that is happening in these troubling times.
Angie's letter,
prophetic voice
Friday, June 12, 2020
It's the French Revolution All Over Again!
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So far the beheadings are statues. What's next? |
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Breaking News: Archbishop Vigano Drops a Bomb on Vatican II
The archbishop's letter was published on The Remnant website with an introduction by Michael Matt. Check it out. Everything that has happened in the world and the church in the recent past shows exactly what a crisis exists in the Church. The novelties, the sacrilege, the casual disrespect, the loss of faith in the Real Presence, the ease with which our shepherds abandoned us and denied us the sacraments during the CCP virus -- they all point to a ship adrift, a situation that can't possibly be pleasing to Almighty God, our Captain! Read Viganò's letter, recognize the problems foisted on us through syncretism and modernism which were endemic to the Council, pray the Holy Spirit Prayer, and then listen to a modern prophet. If you only have a few minutes, read the red. It gives the tenor of the state of the emergency. God bless Archbishop Viganò, our modern Jeremiah!
Letter of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Saint Ephrem
Archbishop Vigano letter,
Church crisis,
Vatican II
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
WHO is Now Saying that Secondary Transmissions from Asymptomatic Virus Carriers are RARE!
UPDATE: As usual, WHO, after a backlash, is saying they misspoke and they don't really know what the heck they are talking about or whether asymptomatic people are major spreaders! Do they know anything about anything except that the Chinese Communist Party is their best friend? Are we surprised? Here's the new narrative: ‘We don’t actually have that answer yet’: WHO clarifies comments on asymptomatic spread of Covid-19
Monday, June 8, 2020
The Commies in China are Calling Us a "Failed Country."
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Tiananmen Square 1989 |
This from a commie country that's murdered millions of its own children under the one child policy?
A country that quelled the 1989 peaceful student-led Tiananmen Square protest with tanks and guns?
A country that deliberately unleashed COVID-19 on the global population?
17 Have Died in Riots around the Country. Do These Lives Matter?
Retired police officer, David Dorn murdered in St. Louis |
Do these lives matter? Do blue lives matter? I posted on Facebook last night about three young blacks who traced two police officers to their homes to firebomb their cars. (Source) Our police officers have wives and families. Do their lives matter?
My brother was a Baltimore County cop.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Archbishop Vigano Speaks a Prophetic Message to President Trump
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Archbishop Vigano, a prophet for our time. Pray for him through the intercession of Our Lady! |
Editor's Note: I'm reading the Book of Jeremiah and marvel at the parallels between what's happening today and the evils faced by the "weeping prophet." Cardinal Vigano more and more appears to be a prophet, called like Jeremiah to warn an evil age and evil leaders of the punishment levied on us by our actions. Heed Archbishop Vigano's call, Americans. Devote yourself to prayer and penance for our nation and our world. May God protect us in this time of great need especially through the intercession of Mary, our Mother.
Saturday, June 6, 2020
While Rioters Loot and Beat Up and Even Kill, Police in NY Arrest Two Pro-Life Woman Over Social Distancing!
But hey, they were outside a Planned Parenthood killing business violating "social distancing" -- you know -- one of the "essential" places. Gotta keep killing those black babies even during the pandemic. And it's lots more important (not to mention safer) to arrest a couple of
Funny isn't it? Somehow no one thinks of rioting or saying "black lives matter" when it comes to PP's genocide of black babies!
Friday, June 5, 2020
Candace Owen Tells the Truth about George Floyd: His Killing was Wrong, But He Was a Serial Criminal!
So stop turning the guy into a hero. She makes the point that the black community is the only ethnic group that holds up the worst element as heroes and martyrs. George Floyd was a serial criminal. One of his most heinous acts was to participate in a home invasion where he held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach and then helped ransack her home. How many people will watch this video and listen to Candace Owen. "George Floyd was a criminal" and she will not play a part in the "broken black culture that always wants to martyr criminals." Her video is no defense of the white officer's actions, but as she points out, no one in the white community (or any other) is holding him up as a hero. They are, however, canonizing Floyd and committing further criminal acts in him name. In view of his history, their actions model their "hero." I applaud Candace Owen for her courage. She will no doubt be a target because of speaking the truth!
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Fr. Tom Collins' Observations on the Behavior of our Catholic Bishops
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
An Important Message from Archbishop Vigano to the People of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
Former U.S. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Issues Urgent Warning to Priests and Faithful of the Diocese of Washington
Written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
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Editor's comment: False Shepherd Wilton Gregory, walks in the footsteps of his predecessors, McCarrick and Wuerl. Wake up, Catholics. Don't follow these hirelings. Gregory was identified by Dr. Richard Sipe as a homosexual. He can't be trusted? |
Another Crisis Not to Be Wasted: The Violent Demonstrations are Organized and Orchestrated!
It's organized, deliberate anarchy, folks.
The irony of this is that many of the stores being looted and torched (Think Starbucks, Target, Gucci) are firm advocates of liberalism: pro-radical feminism, pro-LGBTQ extremism, pro-abortion, hatred for conservatives. they're being hoisted on their own petard as the saying goes. Ironic ain't it?
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
SAVE BABIES! Join Defend Life's D.C. Area FACE THE TRUTH Tour in July!
July 27-31 are the dates of our 20th Annual Maryland Face the Truth Tour. I want YOU be part of it! Now more than ever, we have a chance to END Legalized Abortion. By showing what Abortion Really is, we will hasten the day that it happens.Click here for detailed information on our Face the Truth Tour.
Monday, June 1, 2020
The Wages of Pandemic Panic Are Death! And That's a Fact.
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Be scared, be very scared or the pandemic will get you! |
After watching some of their ads and checking out their website I decided it was a paper worth reading (unlike the Washington Post, the New York Times, and, sadly, even the Wall Street Journal).
Here's an article I read this morning from the May 21st issue that puts the "pandemic panic" in perspective.
I'm not sure you can read the article without a subscription so I'll provide some highlights. First this:
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