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Friday, June 30, 2017
Contact President Trump TODAY! Can We Save Baby Charlie?
I received the email BELOW from Bob Marshall. Please take action. How can it be right for hospitals and courts to kidnap children from their parents. Why can't these parents make decisions for their baby? Since when are doctors and judges allowed to usurp parental authority? Please ask President Trump to request the U.K. to release Baby Charlie and allow him to be brought to the U.S. for treatment. After the parents made a heartfelt video plea, the hospital is giving them a few more days before disconnecting life support. We have this short weekend to stand up for Baby Charlie. Fight for his and his parents' rights. If Charlie were your baby wouldn't you want to give him every chance? Pray and fast for this little one and his parents and pray the President Trump intercedes.
Reaping the Consequences of Political Correctness - Univ. of Missouri Scrambling
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What do you mean my degree in gender studies is worthless? That's a macro-aggression. I need a safe space and a teddy. |
Ya just gotta laugh! And rejoice that alumni have enough common sense left to cut off the dough to these crazy places.May all such schools experience the same. Hey, they can convert all those empty dorms into apartments for the illegals invading the country! The lobby lounge can be the prayer space for Muslim worship.
Personally, I think most colleges and universities will be collecting cobwebs as graduates with degrees or courses in feminist studies, black studies, gender studies, climate studies, queer musicology (USLA), etc. try to find jobs in the real world. "I went into $100,000 in debt for a degree and now all I can get a job doing is driving a truck, tending bar, or being a greeter at Wal-Mart?"
Think of an employer asking a prospective employee fresh from the ivory tower about his degree and hearing that his favorite course was The Phallus (Occidental). You can't make this stuff up. Satire is dead. It's been replaced by the insanity of the leftist loons!
Job Opportunity: Editor of Communications for Home School Legal Defense Assoc.
If I were younger and more energetic I'd love this job!
HSLDA Communications Department Seeking an Editor
HSLDA Communications Department Seeking an Editor
Bishop Paprocki Responds to His Critics
A Bishop Who's a Real Shepherd. How refreshing!
Chris Ferrara at The Remnant, a warrior for the faith, raised the question of why bishops should be praised for just doing their duty. It's a valid point, but one that can be answered fairly easily by looking at the bench of English bishops during Henry VIII's reign. When a culture is collapsing into immorality, it takes real courage to stand up and speak the truth.
Chris Ferrara at The Remnant, a warrior for the faith, raised the question of why bishops should be praised for just doing their duty. It's a valid point, but one that can be answered fairly easily by looking at the bench of English bishops during Henry VIII's reign. When a culture is collapsing into immorality, it takes real courage to stand up and speak the truth.
Bishop Thomas Paprocki,
same-sex marriage
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Would Walker Percy Be Surprised? Not Hardly!
Thanatos, the Greek god of death |
The Thanatos Culture at work!
In Greek mythology Thanatos was the personification of death. He is the minor god that most inspires the morally bankrupt culture of death. Those who worship death, like the English death panel, are like the false mother in the Solomon story. The child must die to justify her grief. Misery loves company. It isn't grief that these doctor ghouls are justifying -- it's their lust for power and control. They think they are gods with the power over life and death. WE decree that WE know better than the parents and by OUR decree baby Charlies must "DIE WITH DIGNITY!"
Not only would Walker Percy not be surprised. He wrote about this in The Thanatos Syndrome. His character, Fr. Smith, describes his World War II experience liberating Eglfing-Haar, a famous hospital outside Munich with a children's ward called the Kinderhaus. The English death panel could have worked there doing their dirty business:
What Would Walker Percy Think?
Spirit of the Liturgy and will move from there to Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. Thinking about the liturgy got me to pick up the Ottaviani Intervention and I also just finished re-reading Walker Percy's The Thanatos Syndrome which is fascinating, especially in view of the "thanatos culture" we live in.
After reading Percy's fiction, I picked up a book of his essays which contains an interview with Zoltan Abady-Nagy conducted shortly after Percy celebrated his 70th birthday, a milestone I reached myself a few months ago. One thing really struck me in the interview. Addressing the question of whether literature is more "cognitive" or "morally judgmental" Percy said this:
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Deja Vu: Did the Ambiguity of Vatican II Lead to Amoris Laetitia?
I'm reading the short book on the Ottaviani Intervention which was published in 1969 before the Novus Ordo was officially sanctioned. In his letter sent to Pope Paul VI, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani wrote:
…the Novus Ordo represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session XXII of the Council of Trent… [my emphasis, et ad infra]The intervention was not the work of Cardinal Ottaviani alone, but of theologians and other members of the hierarchy concerned about the changes in the Mass that downplayed the elements of sacrifice and even the doctrine of Transubstantiation.
…It is evident that the Novus Ordo has no intention of presenting the Faith as taught by the Council of Trent, to which, nonetheless, the Catholic conscience is bound forever.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Guerrilla Warfare against Planned Parenthood! Hit 'em where it hurts.
I fully believe you have to know your enemy to fight your enemy so I've read Sanger's autobiography and many of the articles she published in the Birth Control Review. But that's another story.
What do you do when you get that kind of a mailing? Roll your eyes and throw it in the trash I bet.
Please don't!
Are You Eating Poisoned Food?
Yes! We all are. Thanks to groups like Monsanto we're all consuming glyphosate. It's in the food supply, even non-GMOs and organic crops are tainted with glyphosate. And when I read that every sample of honey no matter where it comes from has glyphosate in it...well...that made me downright mad.
Monsanto is Scrambling
I'm also concerned for my grandchildren. An MIT researcher predicts that by 2025 half of children will be diagnosed as autistic and that the symptoms of autism closely resemble glyphosate toxicity as well as the symptoms of dementia. I'd like to think all of this is just alarmist, but it makes sense that putting all this poison on crops may have unintended consequences. I expect this is one of the factors affecting the bee populations too.
It makes sense from a spiritual point of view as well. Think of the plagues of Egypt. We've poisoned our spiritual lives with sin because we worship the pleasures of the world and we've poisoned our physical lives with chemicals because we worship our green lawns. Give me a field of dandelions any day!
Monsanto is Scrambling
I'm also concerned for my grandchildren. An MIT researcher predicts that by 2025 half of children will be diagnosed as autistic and that the symptoms of autism closely resemble glyphosate toxicity as well as the symptoms of dementia. I'd like to think all of this is just alarmist, but it makes sense that putting all this poison on crops may have unintended consequences. I expect this is one of the factors affecting the bee populations too.
It makes sense from a spiritual point of view as well. Think of the plagues of Egypt. We've poisoned our spiritual lives with sin because we worship the pleasures of the world and we've poisoned our physical lives with chemicals because we worship our green lawns. Give me a field of dandelions any day!
chemical poisoning,
tainted food supply
Ahhhh.....Reporters of Fake News Resign from CNN
Well that's refreshing. And then there's the joke asking, "What are three CNN journalists at the bottom of the ocean?" Answer? A good start. Now, let's move on to MSNBC.
Three CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story
Yup, CNN is a "fake news" channel concerned about nothing but "ratings!" Watch what Project Veritas found with their undercover research on CNN. "It's a business....They've gotta do what they gotta do to make the money." Which proves the accuracy of the old adage - follow the money. "Trump is good for business right now." And, of course, they're talking about the rabid, mad dog attacks. It pleases their liberal viewers. And, hey! Did we mention it's good for ratings?
Three CNN Journalists Resign After Retracted Story
Yup, CNN is a "fake news" channel concerned about nothing but "ratings!" Watch what Project Veritas found with their undercover research on CNN. "It's a business....They've gotta do what they gotta do to make the money." Which proves the accuracy of the old adage - follow the money. "Trump is good for business right now." And, of course, they're talking about the rabid, mad dog attacks. It pleases their liberal viewers. And, hey! Did we mention it's good for ratings?
fake news,
John Bonifield,
Project Veritas
Monday, June 26, 2017
Monday Headlines and Action Items on Church Issues
1) The left is attacking Bishop Paprocki for upholding Catholic teaching on gender insanity. Don't just stand there, Catholics, do something to defend this courageous bishop!
Thank Bishop Thomas Paprocki who is being viciously attacked by the left for denying funerals to "married" gays.
After you sign the petition, why not send a direct message or call. Contact information for the diocese is here. I just sent an email thanking the bishop and telling him I'm having a Mass said for him. I also signed the petition. Let's all offer a rosary today for this real shepherd! Sadly, we don't have that many.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Johnny Depp Jokes about Assassinating Donald Trump....Not Funny, Dude!
Johnny Depp is just one more rich, selfish, narcissistic celebrity showing his "make America kind again" side.
So, I have a question for Johnny Depp..."When was the last time a Republican assassinated a rich, narcissistic Hollywood actor who, as you said, "lies for a living?" I sure can't recall a single one. It's all about #DemocratViolence, folks. It's the party sport.
So, I have a question for Johnny Depp..."When was the last time a Republican assassinated a rich, narcissistic Hollywood actor who, as you said, "lies for a living?" I sure can't recall a single one. It's all about #DemocratViolence, folks. It's the party sport.
Friday, June 23, 2017
LGBT Crowd in a Tizzy over Courageous Bishop Thomas Paprocki!
A modern Bishop John Fisher |
How encouraging to the flock to find a pastor who cares enough about the souls in his care to warn them of the danger to their souls from their "manifest grave sin."
Yes, we are all sinners, but there's a big difference between the one who says, "Have mercy on me, Lord, for I'm a sinner" and works hard to amend his life vs. the one who says, "Love me, love my sin." and stands proudly affirming immoral behavior. The first is a struggling sinner. The second reflects arrogant scandal to all who know him.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
The Activist Mommy Goes After #GenderInsanity!
Wow! Why doesn't she tell us what she really thinks! I hope you go like her page.
Catholic, Steve Scalise, Watched Over by the Lord
Pray for the Scalise family. |
Read the inspiring story and thank God for watching over his people. And continue to pray for the full recovery of Congressman Scalise and for his family.
Parochial vicar by the side of Congressman Scalise
Who Really Cares about the Children of the Poor?
Wouldn't the Democrats say this child would be better off if she were killed by abortion? |
Crisis Magazine has a great article by Regis Nicoll about the hypocritical "party of the poor" and the obligations of government vs. local communities and churches.
Let's face it. Poverty is big business. Many bureaucrats who administer these programs make six-figure salaries. According to the GAO, BILLIONS of dollars in fraud happens EVERY YEAR in the government MEDICAID program. Fraud and embezzlement unfortunately are rampant. A lot of people enrich themselves off the poor!
Oh, I'm sure there are Democrats who truly care about the poor. But, I ask you, can you imagine Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or Michelle Obama or Bill Clinton or Debbie Wasserman Schulz picking lice out of a poor child's hair or ladling soup at a shelter? If they were, it would be for the photo op. Click on the article below. The author hits the nail on the head.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Words, Words, Words -- Steppingstones to the Word Made Flesh!
My mother loved words. She used to read the dictionary. Really! It amused us children, but as an adult I appreciate her fascination with words.
I was thinking about that this morning at adoration. I'm reading The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger who became Pope Benedict XVI. As I read the section on Sacred Time I thought, "I want to look up the derivation of some of these words: liturgy, reality, epiphany, cosmology."
It isn't that I don't understand what I'm reading and need word definitions. But I think understanding can be enriched by plumbing the depth of word meanings. Where did they come from? How has the word changed? Why does the author use this particular word instead of another? I guess that's my inner English major coming out.
I was thinking about that this morning at adoration. I'm reading The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger who became Pope Benedict XVI. As I read the section on Sacred Time I thought, "I want to look up the derivation of some of these words: liturgy, reality, epiphany, cosmology."
It isn't that I don't understand what I'm reading and need word definitions. But I think understanding can be enriched by plumbing the depth of word meanings. Where did they come from? How has the word changed? Why does the author use this particular word instead of another? I guess that's my inner English major coming out.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Muhammad and "Gabriel" the Genie
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Muhammad's "Gabriel"? |
Could those who blindly follow Muhammad as their heaven-sent prophet and leader and adhere to Islam as the one divinely revealed religion and the only true way to salvation possibly be deceived by Satan?
City Journal, Spring 2004, published an article by Theodore Dalrymple, titled When Islam Breaks Down. Dalrymple said, “No Muslim in an Islamic society would dare to suggest that the Koran was not divinely dictated through the mouth of the Prophet but rather was a compilation of a charismatic man’s words, and incorporating, with no very great originality, Judaic, Christian, and Zoroastrian elements.”
To be sure, Muslims believe that the Quran is of divine origin, eternal and co-existing in the very essence of Allah and is his sacred and direct word dictated in Arabic by the Angel Gabriel to Muhammad, containing Islamic revelations and doctrine. They believe that through Muhammad’s visions of the Archangel Gabriel, the Quran was revealed by installments, some at Mecca and some at Medina, over the span of twenty-three years. As the words flowed from Gabriel to the inspired lips of the Prophet Muhammad, they were written down upon palm leaves, leather or wood by his secretaries Zeid and Abdullah.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Ben Stein's Tribute to His Father
I love Ben Stein! I loved his movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. What a joy to see that arrogant so-called scientist, Richard Dawkins, appear like the fanatical nutcase he is speculating that aliens seeded the planet with life. Hey, it makes as much sense as the primordial soup.
Then there's the delightful column he wrote about Christmas controversy where he described how much he enjoyed Christmas trees and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Then there's the delightful column he wrote about Christmas controversy where he described how much he enjoyed Christmas trees and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
A Monday Metaphor: Dealing with Liberal Provocateurs
I recently had a contentious exchange with a provocateur who is an unregenerate liberal and fallen-
away Catholic. She seems to delight in stirring people up. Like many who reject the faith, she is antagonistic toward the Church of the apostles. If anyone speaks to her about something religious, she presumes they are trying to convert her or are making a judgment about the state of her soul. (As my mom used to say, "A guilty conscience needs no accuser.") However, she will speak about her own ethical and political beliefs and take offense at disagreement. When disagreements she often believes it's the other person's fault.

Reflecting on this, I keep thinking of a little boy who goes past a fenced yard where a dog is innocently playing with his toy. The little boy starts teasing the dog and poking a stick through the fence getting a charge out of the dog's increasingly agitated reaction. That is how I feel about my friend, the provocateur. Are her provocative statements and below the belt punches subconscious or are they deliberate? Whichever they are, they damage her relationships.
away Catholic. She seems to delight in stirring people up. Like many who reject the faith, she is antagonistic toward the Church of the apostles. If anyone speaks to her about something religious, she presumes they are trying to convert her or are making a judgment about the state of her soul. (As my mom used to say, "A guilty conscience needs no accuser.") However, she will speak about her own ethical and political beliefs and take offense at disagreement. When disagreements she often believes it's the other person's fault.
Reflecting on this, I keep thinking of a little boy who goes past a fenced yard where a dog is innocently playing with his toy. The little boy starts teasing the dog and poking a stick through the fence getting a charge out of the dog's increasingly agitated reaction. That is how I feel about my friend, the provocateur. Are her provocative statements and below the belt punches subconscious or are they deliberate? Whichever they are, they damage her relationships.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
One More Reason I Can't Take Bishop Barron Seriously!
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St. John Fisher vigorously fought Luther. He knew the man was no "mystic of grace." |
That's not what historian Michael Davies says. Below is the second part of a lecture series on the great English bishop and martyr, St. John Fisher. Fisher's response to Martin Luther, his heretical contemporary who did so much damage to the Church, shows exactly how arrogant and proud Luther was. How many souls are in hell because of Martin Luther? We'll find out on Judgment Day.
Historians are more credible when they use primary sources. St. John Fisher wrote four books addressing Luther and his heresy.
Wake up, America. The Left Wants a Replay of 1789 Paris!
Execute this selfish, rich, narcissistic Republican! |
Hey, Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore. We're in Liberal La-La Land where the mob wants to resurrect the guillotine in Washington, D.C. and execute conservatives beginning with Donald Trump.
I started reading Jason Fuller's article calling for Trump's execution for treason (published and withdrawn by the Huffington Post after the shooting in Alexandria), but it was so full of lies (or delusions if he really believes what he wrote) that I started to hyper-ventilate. I stopped to pray a Memorare for the poor man.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." #liberalviolence#liberalhate
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Satan is no match for Mary, St. Michael, and Mary's legion of holy angels. |
Really! No joke.
The witches started in February and plan to cast their spell every month during the waning moon (Yikes! One of the dates was my birthday.) calling on “demons of the infernal realms" that the president..."may fail utterly, that he may do no harm.”
They are also after us, friends. Their chant calls down evil on “all those who enable his wickedness and those whose mouths speak his poisonous lies.” The witches call on the spirits to “bind them in chains, bind their tongues, bind their works, bind their wickedness.”
Wow! We're wicked and they are the good guys as they wish evil on us! Talk about blind and deluded souls. Sin really does make you stupid!
When Will the Mainstream Media Investigate Hate-Filled NJ Democrat James Devine
Talk about giving two thumbs up to the shooter. Hey, you bird doggers, get out your hunting rifles and go get yerself a Republican!
James O'Keeffe showed how deliberate the violence on the left was with hired provocateurs during the presidential campaign. They sent out operatives to incite violence at Trump rallies. Does anyone really think Trump's election got them to stop? Have you been paying attention to all the violence on the left since last January's inauguration?
Democrat hate,
hate-filled liberals,
James Devine,
Friday, June 16, 2017
The 2017 Chartres Pilgrimage Walk Will Fill You with Hope!
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The reliquary holding Mary's tunic which is carried on the 70-mile Chartres pilgrimage. |
The pilgrimage is led by participants carrying the "glory of Chartres," a relic believed to be the tunic Mary wore when she gave birth to the Christ child. Here's an article about its history:
The Veil of the Virgin, or Sancta camisia in Chartres
"This silk relic kept at Chartres is believed to have been worn by Mary when she gave birth to Jesus. Byzantine Empress Irene of Constantinople sent it as a gift to Charlemagne, whose grandson Charles the Bald donated it to Chartres Cathedral in 876.
"The presence of the Holy Cloak began the cult of the Virgin at that site, although Chartres was reportedly originally a site dedicated to a pregnant pagan virgin. The Veil of the Virgin is associated with many medieval miracles at Chartres. Through the sancta camisia, Mary is said to have spared Chartres from the invasion of Rollo army. The miracles affected by the holy tunic are often associated with protection of her believers.
How Are You Keeping Friday as a Traditional Day of Sacrifice?
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It's Friday -- having fish for dinner? |
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Will Rachel Maddow Condemn This Death Threat?
GOP rep. received threatening email with subject line 'One down, 216 to go...' after lawmaker shooting
Don't hold your breath. The "Party of Peace" may not use machete's to do their beheading, but they instigate violence with their hate. And, as Jeff Sessions so eloquently pointed out, they are masters of character assassination by innuendo.
When I Use the Terms Liberal and Liberalism, This is What I Mean
A comment on this morning's blog post from Hans Georg Lundahl made me think I need to address how I use the terms liberal and liberalism. Here's what Mr. Lundahl wrote, "Chesterton said 'Capitalism is a Sin, Communism is a Heresy' and I think how you use "Liberalism" falls more under the label Communism. (As using labels myself, I am conscious of how other bloggers use them)."
Mr. Lindahl is correct. First, I use "liberal" to define principally those individuals who are cultural Marxists or secular moral relativists. Their beliefs shift in the wind because they do not believe in absolute truth. Whether or not they describe themselves as such, they are revealed by their stated beliefs and their actions. Second, I use the term "liberalism" as did Fr. Felix Sarda Y Salvany in his classic work, Liberalism is a Sin. His book, to me, perfectly describes the liberal mind and can be illustrated through liberals' words and behavior.
So how does Fr. Salvany define liberalism? He identifies four principles of liberal propaganda:
I Challenge Liberals to Show Examples of Conservative Hate to Match Theirs! They Can't!
15 Times Celebrities Envisioned Violence Against Trump and the GOP
Rachel Maddow did a show back in 2009 titled "A Disturbing Summary of the Death Threats against Obama and Other Democrats."
The difference between these two lists is that most of the threats listed by Maddow were individuals outside townhalls or making anonymous phone calls who had no platform to shout from the housetops. Only a handful of people (if that) were aware of their vitriol and hatred and could have been stirred up by it. Nobody was making rap videos or staging plays that urged the murder of Obama. These individuals didn't have audiences in the millions that they could stir up to violence. They also didn't have George Soros-backed organizations fomenting violence in the streets with paid thugs.
Note that these statements are all made by celebrities whose positions essentially give them a bullhorn for advertising their hatred.
The difference between these two lists is that most of the threats listed by Maddow were individuals outside townhalls or making anonymous phone calls who had no platform to shout from the housetops. Only a handful of people (if that) were aware of their vitriol and hatred and could have been stirred up by it. Nobody was making rap videos or staging plays that urged the murder of Obama. These individuals didn't have audiences in the millions that they could stir up to violence. They also didn't have George Soros-backed organizations fomenting violence in the streets with paid thugs.
by Martin Mariano Barillas
times the best way to learn about another country is not from an academic history
book, but rather from historical fiction, principally written by an author
whose family lived that history which was handed down orally through
generations. Such is Shaken Earth, a dynamic
first novel by Martin Barillas whose father lived in the Guatemalan era of the
1930s and beyond. This novel should be required reading for anyone traveling to
Guatemala today.
is home to many volcanoes and earthquakes, hence the name Shaken Earth, however the earth shakes in other ways there with
dark politics, insurrections and the overthrow of Central American governments
in order to build banana republic dictatorships created to accommodate United
Fruit Company and vast international coffee plantations. Barillas describes
Guatemala in the 1930s as a country “where there was a scrim of European
culture overlying a Creole blending of Spanish conquistador ethics and Maya
traditions with the addition of Yankee business and diplomatic acumen.”
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
More on Congressional Shooting by Violent Democrat James Hodgkinson
Congressman Steve Scalise after shooting at baseball field |
What do you think...will the mainstream media report that Hodgkinson (who died from his wounds) was a far left Democrat, fan of Rachel Maddow and other left-wing extremists who wrote things on social media like "Trump is a traitor. Trump has destroyed our democracy. It's time to destroy Trump and co." He apparently wasn't a great shot since he shot over 50 rounds using an assault rifle and handgun. Thank God, or the toll might have been higher with dead bodies instead of wounded ones.
A Birthday Present for Donald Trump from a Crazed Liberal?
In President Trump's honor I am going to the Battle of Front Royal once again and taking birthday cupcakes and a Happy Birthday banner. After we pray the rosary we will sing Happy Birthday to the President.
As I was writing the paragraph above I heard about the shooting in Alexandria that deliberately targeted Republicans. Kind and loving liberals will try to absolve themselves of responsibility for inciting violence, something they've been doing since the minute Donald Trump won the nomination.
As I was writing the paragraph above I heard about the shooting in Alexandria that deliberately targeted Republicans. Kind and loving liberals will try to absolve themselves of responsibility for inciting violence, something they've been doing since the minute Donald Trump won the nomination.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Time Out for the True, the Good, and the Beautiful
I'm working on my quarterly newsletter and am writing an article about my garden. It got me thinking about the Blessed Mother. I'm sure she had a garden, a reminder of the Garden of Eden. She is the new Eve, after all, who leads us back to union with God through her Son, Jesus. We recover paradise through imitating her "Fiat." To do God's will was her delight. We will be truly blessed if we make His will our delight as well. Thank you Lord, for Mother Mary!
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Madonna of the Blooming Garden by Maurice Denis 1870-1943 |
More Hate from the Kind and Tolerant Left
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in Central Park has been transformed into an assassination of Donald Trump spectacle! The depth of hate of these disgusting liberals should anger every patriotic American. Check out these examples beginning with the Trump murder scene.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Monday Morning Thought: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
Are you discouraged about the state of the Church? Are you scandalized by the bad guys in Roman collars? Do you imagine them at the pinnacle of the temple looking down upon the earth while the evil one whispers in their ears about what he will give them?
Things have always been thus and the Holy Spirit remains with Holy Mother Church despite the ear tickling, scandalous clergy. Here are a few situations that prove sin is never original and never goes out of style among bad clergymen. It ain't new, but it's not the "rest of the story."
Example #1
Cardinal Cupich is our own modern Cardinal Wolsey. Just as Wolsey was willing to mess with the doctrine of marriage to give Henry VIII what he wanted (i.e., normalization of his adulterous relationship with Ann Boleyn), Cupich is ready to dump Christ's teaching on marriage to normalize adultery and encourage sacrilegious Communion for the adulterers. Unfortunately there are plenty of others in the Church just like him. (The bishops of Malta and Argentina come to mind.)
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Sunday Meditation: Celebrating the Lord's Day around the "Altar" of the Domestic Church
Grandchild generation experiencing the Sunday brunch tradition. |
Several months ago my husband and I returned to the practice of the Sunday brunch which was a staple of our growing family. Often in the early years we spontaneously invited another family to join us when we chatted in the parking lot after Mass. The more the merrier!
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Poland's Anti-Immigrant March
Warsaw, Poland
"This is Poland. This is OUR land. OUR country. OUR rules and values. Here - Jesus Christ is our KING. We are not interested in any European directives nor immigration quotas. I repeat: These are not our wars. It is not our culture. It is not our faith and not our immigrants."
"Here - Jesus Christ is our KING"
Thoughts on Ecumenism or When Will Pope Francis Rehabilitate Henry VIII?
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Rehabilitate Henry VIII? |
- Cardinal Walter Kasper spoke a few days ago at an ecumenical monastery in Bose, Italy at a Conference on justification, the Gospel of grace. Among other things, he said, "the ecumenical program should be formulated in the following terms: an evangelical Catholicism and a Catholic Protestantism." What the heck does that mean? If both faith's compromise we can reunify? Hey, you Catholics give up on the indissolubility of marriage and evil of abortion and the Protestants will give clergy? Yeah...don't hold your breath.
- Kasper also said that Catholics and Protestants are part of "the one and only body of Christ, that is the Church" and ended his talk saying, "If we do not want the Churches to empty even more, we need to focus on the core." Anyone who has followed Cardinal Kasper's convoluted reasoning at the two synods on the family could easily believe he has no core on which to focus. Everything is up for grabs -- and that, essentially describes Protestantism. Empty pews are certainly preferable to empty (non-existent) theology. Kasper and other churchmen of his ilk explain why Jesus lamented, "When I return will I find any faith on the earth?" I don't think Christ will find much at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity headed by Kasper.
Friday, June 9, 2017
I Know Who I'm Voting for in the Virginia Republican Primary for Governor
We sure don't need another establishment wonk in the governor's mansion and that's exactly what Ed Gillespie is!
And we don't need a Terry McAuliffe clone! To be a Democrat these days you need to support sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. Murder of the innocent is a platform staple of their party and those who call them "Demon-crats" have it about right.
Sorry if that makes you mad, but it's the truth. The Democrat machine won't let anybody pro-life advance in the party. Unless a candidate advocates abortion, sodomy, transgender insanity, and persecution of those who oppose their evil agenda, they get the hobnailed boot. Hey, you know what they do to small business owners who refuse to offer the pinch of incense to Baal.
So get out and vote on June 13th for Corey Stewart and encourage your friends to do the same. Any Catholic who votes Democrat these days should go to Confession.
And we don't need a Terry McAuliffe clone! To be a Democrat these days you need to support sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. Murder of the innocent is a platform staple of their party and those who call them "Demon-crats" have it about right.
Sorry if that makes you mad, but it's the truth. The Democrat machine won't let anybody pro-life advance in the party. Unless a candidate advocates abortion, sodomy, transgender insanity, and persecution of those who oppose their evil agenda, they get the hobnailed boot. Hey, you know what they do to small business owners who refuse to offer the pinch of incense to Baal.
So get out and vote on June 13th for Corey Stewart and encourage your friends to do the same. Any Catholic who votes Democrat these days should go to Confession.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
A Sad Email from Orlando: It's the Diabolical Disorientation Lucia Described
She and some friends published The Orlando Truth for years exposing the horrible situation there under Bishop Thomas Wenski. It doesn't sound like much has changed under the new bishops.
There really is something diabolical about the transformation of Martin Luther from revolutionary apostate who destroyed the faith of millions to someone Catholics should revere. Sorry, Pope Francis, it will never happen with orthodox Catholics. We love our Lutheran brothers and sisters enough to tell them their founder was a heretic who deprived them of the Eucharist.
Pray for our bishops. Many are misleading the faithful, encouraging the scourge of indifferentism! Rather than revere Martin Luther, we should pray that he repented before he died. Because heresy and apostasy are mortal sins that lead one straight to the bowels of hell! How many in the episcopate still believe in hell?
And now the cri de coeur from my Orlando correspondent.
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
The Battle of Front Royal Resumes Tomorrow
Liberal tolerance is a myth! |
I'm glad this takes place on Wednesday because my adoration hour is from nine til ten after Mass and I offer my Mass and my hour for the conversion of these poor folks. One man is a proud atheist. Several make no bones about being pro-abortion. They all will use any stick to beat the president whether it's calling him dangerous, stupid, unkind, a pawn of Putin, etc.
Good News for Catholic Teacher Mark Smythe
The diocese, like many infected by liberalism these days, was punishing him for telling the truth after the Huffington Post rallied all the haters to get him fired. They failed.
Read about it at the Florida Family Association and if you were one of those who emailed or called the diocese or prayed for a good outcome -- give yourself a pat on the back!
Mark Smythe,
Orlando diocese,
St. John Bosco
Monday, June 5, 2017
Time for Islamophobia: It's about self-preservation, stupid!
Terrorism, Islam, and Immigration
Willaim Kilpatrick is totally on target with his article. Here's the beginning:
Whenever a new terrorist attack is reported, I’m reminded of that LifeLock commercial about a bank robbery. After a group of masked robbers smash into the bank, the uniformed officer on duty explains to frightened customers that he’s not a security guard, only a security monitor. He notifies people if there’s a robbery, but he doesn’t do anything to stop it.
Over in Europe, people are beginning to understand that their local and federal governments aren’t going to do anything about the terrorist problem. Oh, sure, the authorities will investigate the latest attack, identify the perpetrator, and, if they’re lucky, break up the cell to which he belonged. But on the most basic level, nothing changes, nothing is ever done.
Islamic Dawa - A Dank Dark Cloud of Doom
While Christians, and especially Catholics, are busy arguing about the pope, mass, politics, President Trump and everything else, Islam is fast moving into every facet of our lives. Soon it will dominate. It's called dawa - "the insidious project to Islamize the world." (article from When Obama returns and he's wearing a turban people will say, "How did this happen! No one told us!"
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Michigan: Raw halal meat delivered to store in grocery cart
By law, meat should be first inspected by the USDA before it’s delivered to stores and sold to customers, however sources told Local 4 (Detroit) the meat hadn’t been inspected by the USDA and came from a facility that isn’t federally licensed. The gold delivery van is registered to the Al Nassr Halal Meat Market in Garden City, Michigan
The person who first shot photos of the meat delivery said it’s disgusting that federal and state food handling regulations are clearly being ignored.
Surely this is not the only halal market involved in the Detroit area or in the US.
Creeping Sharia article
YouTube video from Local 4 Detroit below
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Laugh for the Day! French Pres Invites Liberals to Migrate
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No, that's not Emmanuel Macron's mom; it's his former high school teacher and his wife since 2007. |
Let's hope a lot of them take him up on his offer. They should feel right at home in his company. He's pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, and childless. In 2007, he married a woman 24 years his senior with whom he's been involved since he was sixteen and she was his high school teacher. Sounds like a mommy's boy who never grew up.
It's likely that France, in a demographic tail spin, is finished. With a steady decline in marriage and the election of a pro-abort with no personal stake in strengthening the family, things are likely to only get worse in this formerly Catholic country. How I mourn for this country that is likely part of my own heritage. My dad's family was from the Alsace-Lorraine Region on the border between France and Germany. I also love the French saints: Joan of Arc, the French Jesuit martyrs to whom we owe so much, St. Catherine Laboure, who spread devotion to the Miraculous Medal. So sad.
On the other hand, of course, France may survive -- as a Muslim nation.
Good luck with that.
Liturgical Year: Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for Us
June is the month in the liturgical year dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. One thing we can celebrate this month is the fact that President Trump did not follow the Obama abomination of dedicating this month to the LGBTQXYZ agenda. Some federal agencies will continue to celebrate events and Ivanka sent encouraging messages to those with disordered attractions (She's a cafeteria Orthodox Jew.), but we can be thankful that there is no official recognition from the White House of misplaced pride in sodomy.
The Heart of Christ was pierced for the sins of mankind. Let us choose some penitential practices this month to atone for outrages against Jesus' love for us. Like the Roman centurion, we have thrust the lance of sin into Christ's heart. Have mercy on us, O Lord. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine!
The Heart of Christ was pierced for the sins of mankind. Let us choose some penitential practices this month to atone for outrages against Jesus' love for us. Like the Roman centurion, we have thrust the lance of sin into Christ's heart. Have mercy on us, O Lord. O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine!
Friday, June 2, 2017
Weird, Creepy, Laughable or All Three? Wacky Wobot!
As a celebration of the "Reformation" (also known as the Protestant Revolt), a German Church is offering "robot blessings." What's even weirder than the robot is the position of the person who had the idea who wants people to consider whether one even needs a real human being to give a blessing. (We can see Richard Dawkins borrowing this idea by having rocks and aliens bless people.)
Actually the Catholic Bishops in Germany may borrow this idea since their vocations are plummeting. I think the robot has more personality than Cardinals Kasper and Marx?
Read the article here.
Actually the Catholic Bishops in Germany may borrow this idea since their vocations are plummeting. I think the robot has more personality than Cardinals Kasper and Marx?
Read the article here.
Cardinal Kasper,
Cardinal Marx,
German church,
robot blessings
Liberal Tyranny or A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste
Below are several headlines that indicate exactly how intolerant and prone to censorship the liberal mind is. In a world governed by liberal minds, school children are forced to follow the latest politically correct liberal policies. Businesses are discriminated against. Speech is censored in favor of the latest group-think. Freedom is limited and denied. College and university professors are persecuted (even at so-called "Catholic" schools) if they deviate from the "diversity" that allows no diversity. Citizens are banned from pursuing certain activities unless they affirm the immoral new morality.
This is liberalism folks. Fight it if you are a Christian who loves the true, the good, and the beautiful as well as the natural law planted in the human heart. Bend your neck to the tyrant's foot if you are a go-along-to-get-along kind of coward.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Is "Personal Relationship with Jesus" Truly Catholic?
A friend
told me recently that her Bible Study group on Wednesday mornings at her parish
in Connecticut had over a hundred women in it.
I was pretty amazed and when she told me about the program they
followed, I naturally wanted to find out more about it. We should all be glad when Catholic's
enthusiasm for the faith is raised.
Bringing women together who have not previously been involved in their
parishes is a really good thing. My
hesitation to get on board with this program, however, stems from its embrace of
the concept of "getting to know Jesus personally." Of "having a personal relationship with
Jesus." This is part of the message
or plan in the materials written by Lisa Brennickmeyer in her program called Walking With Purpose.
"Scripture-based" program, I have discovered, is growing in
popularity among Catholic women around the country. I have not read the Brennickmeyer material and
I could be very wrong but I would encourage all to tread with caution on any
path not based on solid, historical, Catholic concepts of our relationship
and knowledge of God.
"Make America Kind Again" is a Liberal Joke.
Yesterday I blogged about our prayer rally in Front Rally responding to the liberals attacking the president. They protest; we pray. Two people on their side of the street carried signs saying, "Make America Kind Again." The implication was clear and other signs confirmed it. Trump is mean and a danger to democracy. (I won't use the word Constitutional Republic because I doubt if many of the protesters understand the difference which is significant.)
And of course that accusation extends to any who refuse to disavow and condemn the president. We are angry, hateful, Nazis, racists, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Well in view of all this, it seems appropriate to reflect on liberal kindness.
It was interesting (and ironic) that these signs appeared in the midst of the controversy over the incident with Kathy Griffin. That's what got me reflecting on liberal kindness. Here are a few examples:
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Imagine if this had been a mask of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton! |
Well in view of all this, it seems appropriate to reflect on liberal kindness.
It was interesting (and ironic) that these signs appeared in the midst of the controversy over the incident with Kathy Griffin. That's what got me reflecting on liberal kindness. Here are a few examples:
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