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Monday, April 29, 2024

"Dying Slowly While the World is Watching!"

But does anyone care?

Tucker Carlson recently interviewed a Lutheran priest from the Holy Land. All the people fighting over the war in Gaza need to watch the interview. Frankly, I'm shocked at Catholics who seem to celebrate the war in the Middle East, cheering for Israel no matter what. Any act of atrocity by Israel is justified or it never happened! Maybe someone should ask the Christians of Bethlehem about family members in Gaza whom they can't visit.

But who cares about all those terrible folks in Gaza anyway? They're all terrorists. Some say they deserve the treatment the Japanese received at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That's the opinion of Michigan GOP Congressman Tim Walberg a "Christian" pastor. Just nuke Gaza to "get it over quick." No humanitarian aid: no food for the starving, no medicine for the sick. NADA! Just nuke 'em! Oh, and if Israeli snipers kill little old ladies coming out of church and then shoot people running to help them -- no big deal. They're somebody's grandmothers, but not yours. 

Walberg says now that he was just using a metaphor to emphasize that we should end it all quickly and he stands by his position. Sorry, Charlie, but words mean something. And do you really think that would end it? The hatred in the Middle East is long-standing. We should stay out of it except for humanitarian aid -- the very thing Walberg opposes.

The Christians in the Holy Land are invisible to most people. They are caught in the middle between the Jews and the Muslims. They have been subjected to incredible persecution by the Israeli government. 

And, of course, Tucker is being slammed as anti-semitic because of the interview. That's always the response. Israel is always right and anyone who suggests otherwise is anti-semitic. I will no doubt get the same accusation for this post. It's nonsense. War never solves anything; it just leads to more violence, more hatred, and more war. 

Maybe all of those who call themselves Christians should act like it and work for peace. "Bring a peaceful solution," Rev. Isaac begs. He describes the current situation as like apartheid. His summary at the end of the interview is powerful:
I don't think the Bible justifies or calls for an unconditional support to a political entity. The Bible calls us to be good neighbors to all people: Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists. The Bible calls us to love all people....It's the credibility of the Christian witness that is at stake....The way many of these Christians talk about Israel actually puts us, makes us as Middle Eastern Christians in the defense position....When this support translates into support for this how to walk in Jesus' footsteps?....Please reconsider....Come and listen; come and talk to us. It's time that Christian leaders recognize that war is not the way?....When will we take Jesus' words seriously about being peacemakers?....As a follower of Christ we have to pursue the path of peace and justice and we have to avoid simplistic polarizations, good and evil. 
Watch the video! 


  1. You mention the "hatred in the Middle East". The hatred began with Ishmael's hatred and envy of Isaac.

    1. The issue at hand is that Shlomo is seeking payback from Mohammed because of what Adolf did to him. Munther is caught in the middle without any consideration since Americans like Susan identify with Shlomo because of common European ancestry and (how shall I say it?)...the melanin absorption spectrum.

      The descendants/successors/supporters of Adolf avoided Ashkenazi-Reich in Germany by underwriting Israel in Palestine and then proceeded to facilitate the mass migration of Jews and expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from their creation. SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich had more to do with that than either Ishmael or Isaac.

  2. Susan, my mom taught me two wrongs never make a right. Does the hatred and envy of Ishmael justify the hatred and envy of Isaac?

  3. Could S. Matthiesen give one source for her view that Ishmael hated and envied Isaac? Her Zionist view comes from protestant hatred of Catholicism and deciding to interpret the Bible themselves. It will culminate with their acceptance of the anti-Christ. You can read the source of evangelical Zionism which culminates:

    "In 1981, Falwell said: "To stand against Israel is to stand against God (get it? ALL Palestinians are standing against God). We believe that history and scripture prove that God deals with nations in relation to how they deal with Israel."[80] (Is he saying that he accepts Israel as the head nation of the world?) They cite part of the blessing of Isaac at Genesis 27:29, "Those who curse you will be cursed, and those who bless you will be blessed."

    The blindness is incredible: Mattheisen condemns a young woman for saying she should die, while she herself is unable to condemn Israel's destruction of Gaza and murder, starvation and torture (by trauma/horrible wounds/eyes and limbs gone/orphaned) of innocent arab children! By overlooking/defending these crimes, she is guilty of them--what is the penalty for war crimes?

    It is chilling to me, knowing the greedy, disgustingness of mankind, that the day after this attack, Netanyahu ordered all Gazans to leave: "Residents of Gaza, get out now. We will be everywhere and with all our might,”" -- where were these people supposed to go?

    In February, real estate magnate Jared Kushner tells Harvard, Israel should bulldoze some place in the Negev desert for them. Gaza is excellent waterfront property. "“But in addition to that, I would just bulldoze something in the Negev, I would try to move people in there,” he said. “I think that’s a better option, so you can go in and finish the job.”"

    "Massoud raised the possibility that many in the Arabic world are concerned that Israel would not allow Gazans to return to Gaza if they were relocated elsewhere, to which Kushner responded: “Maybe, but I’m not sure there’s much left of Gaza at this point.”

    The worst is that Israel funded Hamas and other radical Islamic groups to avoid a Palestinian state--and now they blame Palestinians for Israel's crime!

    "Israel in the 1980s aided the rise of the Islamist Hamas as a rival to the secular Palestinian Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel’s policy was clearly influenced by the U.S. training and arming of mujahideen (or Islamic holy warriors) in Pakistan from multiple countries to wage jihad against Soviet forces in Afghanistan."

    "For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.
    The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    What a joke if this was a war to grab waterfront real estate to enrich politicians and it ends up getting the Palestinians their state free of Israeli occupation!

  4. one other reason to doubt that Israel is destroying Gaza because they have to do that to destroy this tunnel system is that: "Bunkers Under Gaza Hospital Were Built by Israel, Former Israel PM Says"In an interview on CNN, Christiane Amanpour asked Barak whether or not he felt the Israeli government has sufficiently proved that the tunnels under al-Shifa were being used as major command centers by Hamas forces. In response, Barak simply said that “it’s already known for many years that … the bunkers that originally [were] built by Israeli constructors underneath Shifa were used as a command post of the Hamas,” seemingly offering this as proof that Israeli officials’ claims were true.

    In disbelief, Amanpour then asked, “when you say it was built by Israeli engineers, did you misspeak?”
    “No, no,” Barak replied. “Decades ago, we were running the place so we … helped them to build these bunkers in order to enable more space for the operation of the hospital within the very limited size of this compound.”
    “Okay, that’s sort of thrown me a little bit. So these were there for a long, long time, but you’re claiming, or they’re claiming, that they’re used as a major command center. Anyway, the fact of the matter is, as yet, they have not shown conclusive proof of that,” Amanpour responded.

    So Israelis built these bunkers under the hospital because the hospital needed more space, but despite the hospital needing and using the space, suddenly Hamas was using the space such that it necessitated the COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of these hospitals.

  5. I do not mean to infer, Mary Ann, that you are a Communist. Sincerely not what I want to say, HOWEVER.....
    I think it is important to understand in every conflict in history where communists have been on the losing side they are the ones calling for an immediate peace deal, a halt in the conflict. It isn't that they are "more Christian" it is always because it is to their advantage to get Christian peace lovers stirred up with them to support what is to THEIR ADVANTAGE.
    Calling for cease fires, for peace deals, for sympathy from the world is a TACTIC of operations.
    They want a break to regroup, resupply, retrain, and get ready for next round of fighting to accomplish their ultimate aims.
    The Palestinians have had the opportunity to live in peace with the Jews since the State of Israel was formed. THEY don't want that. THEY don't want peace. THEY don't want a two state solution. THEY hate the Jews. Period.

    You and I are women. And as much as you and I have to say about warfare, the fact is, war is a man's game. Women, like me, think "who is going to clean up this mess when this is over" since I have a nest building home making mentally and am grateful to God that I am a woman and not a man.
    Men make decisions differently than we do. Reading war history has taught me to accept that. I therefore won't allow myself to be influenced by people calling for peace in a hellish conflict that requires more knowledge, guts and masculinity than I've got.
    I stand with Israel who fights to defend their homeland. And I will continue to support them until the hostages are back home and Hamas, like the Japanese, signs an unconditional surrender.

    1. Indeed. When was the "it's about humanity" rhetoric from the self-proclaimed Philistines on October 7th? True, lasting peace comes from the destruction and suppression of barbarians, their states and ideologies and religions - a barbarian is only peaceful when you take his strength and ability to wage war away. If you show mercy to the barbarian, you condemn the future generations of your people to war and danger.

      How did the Communists, the Nazis and Islam repay all the help that they've once got from the civilized world? The West once scraped it's head bowing to them; gave them whole peoples (Ukraine and the Balts, for example) to oppress, gave them an uncountable amount of weapons, food, aid and everything. Yet, nothing comes out of the barbarians except war, hatred and death - they gleefully violate treaties, they harm innocent people. They are incapable of everything else - like mad animals, they bite all people around them (including their fellow Arabs. It's almost a wonder why Egypt and all the other Arabic states keep away from the self-proclaimed Philistines like a man keeps his hand out of the burning fire).

      The Philistines should all be forcefully reminded of their crime of sedition against Israel. Their barbaric religion should be prohibited entirely and their children should all be assimilated to the Israeli way of life so much that they should even forget Arabic. Israel already shown them more mercy than they deserved - it allowed them to exist and practice their barbaric religion. In the interest of peace, Israel should rescind that permission. And true Christians would not forget the fact that the Islamic religion fosters great evils in all lands held under Islam's sway - that it is an abomination that all Christians should join forces against and unrelentingly wage war against, until the Middle East (and, in time, the world) is fully under the sway of Christianity.

    2. It seems to me, Sviatoslav, that you embrace the same philosophy as the Muslims: conversion by force. St. Francis did not go into the camp of the Sultan to destroy a barbarian, but to witness to Christ. Many of us are the descendants of the barbarians who sacked Rome who later converted. Maybe we should act more like Christ instead of like Herod and Pharoah.

    3. "The same philosophy as the Muslims" - clearly, the Islamic barbarians are so civilized, wonderful, reasonable and easy to live with or near. Their religion must be so wonderful and so good that we ought to leave it alone and even respect it. Maybe it's even better for leading them to God and good living, if we listen to all the proponents of "peace and tolerance" and the modern proponents of the "Church of Nice". Sparing evil will not avoid you war, Mary Ann, nor it will win you peace; you will simply kick down the problem to the future generations - and they will have to pay the price. And, in the meantime, you will leave the people suffering under Islam to continue to suffer under it.

      "Herod and Pharaoh" - I advocate for acting like Goshtasp when his armies crushed the wicked forces of Arjasp and forced the div-worshippers to cease their gruesome rituals.

    4. The Romans had some pretty barbaric practices. Can you show me the places in the New Testament where Jesus and later the apostles advocated killing them all? The "price we pay" may be martyrdom. The missionaries knew that when they went to barbaric lands to convert the pagans. They didn't go with guns and bombs. I'm not talking about "peace" at any price and "tolerance;" I'm talking about proclaiming the truth in love and being prepared to die for it. I pray for the grace to act on my beliefs.

    5. Mary Ann,

      "Killing them all" - Jesus advocated for making disciples of all nations. But He advocated for truly doing that. Sometimes, the barbarians required more military methods of being convinced - it's not about killing, it was about breaking the barbarian continuity of their own state/religion, so that the barbarians could have their children grow up in the Christian religion. On their own, the barbarians would not convert. For example, what do you think was done to the Germans after World War 2? They were not killed. But they were taught - and, the only generation to start asking questions and apologizing for what their nation did en masse was the generation raised more properly under Allied occupation.

      "They didn't go with guns and bombs" - the Balts would disagree. They are mostly wonderful people, but let's not pretend that the orders of knights that went there to convert them didn't have more in common with my vision of things than yours.

      What is the number of people that were merely talked into accepting Christianity without bloodshed, as is per your ideal scenario? One, that I know of. Only one. The people that are now Ukrainians are the first actual Christian country, narrowly beating out Armenia thanks to Fofors' rule in Crimea indicating that he and his realm had such widespread Christianity that even Fofors' own coinage had crosses on it - and, to my knowledge, the only actual one without even a single report of any murders of proselytizing clergymen. Of course, the ancient Greeks called us "the most just people on Earth" (back when we were still called "Scythians" and "Sarmatians" by the Greeks), but how many peoples in the world are like that?

    6. You didn't answer my question: "Can you show me the places in the New Testament where Jesus and later the apostles advocated killing them?"

  6. Mary Ann, I seriously doubt that Jews envy Muslims. What's there to envy?

    And, Anonymous @ 1:01 PM - Why do you think Sarah had Abraham send Hagar and Ishmael away? In Genesis 21, v 9, the English word "playing" sounds like Ishmael was being a nice older half brother, yet Bible commentary says this:

    Ver. 9. Playing, or persecuting, as St. Paul explains it, Galatians iv. 29. The play tended to pervert the morals of the young Isaac, whether we understand this term metsachak, as implying idolatry, or obscene actions, or fighting; in all which senses it is used in Scripture. See Exodus xxxii. 6; Genesis xxvi. 8; 2 Kings ii. 14. (Menochius) Ismael was 13 years older than Isaac; and took occasion, perhaps, from the feast, and other signs of preference given by his parents to the latter, to hate and persecute him, which Sara soon perceiving, was forced to have recourse to the expedient apparently so harsh, of driving Ismael and his mother from the house, that they might have an establishment of their own, and not disturb Isaac in the inheritance after the death of Abraham. (Haydock) --- In this she was guided by a divine light; (Menochius) and not by any female antipathy, ver. 12. Many of the actions of worldlings, which at first sight may appear innocent, have a natural and fatal tendency to pervert the morals of the just; and therefore, we must keep as much as possible at a distance from their society.

    Genesis 16:12 says of Ishamel - "He shall be a wild man: his hand will be against all men, and all men's hands against him: and he shall pitch his tents over against all his brethren."

    St Paul says in Galatians 4:29. "But as then he, who was born according to the flesh (Ishmael) PERSECUTED him who was according to the spirit (Isaac).

  7. In Galatians 4:29, St. Paul is calling those who reject Christ and persecute Christians, "Ishmael." Firstly, the Jews who didn't accept Christ (faith/promise) but are righteous from obeying the law (i.e. those you call Isaac, he calls Ishmael). St. Thos Aquinas: "the Apostle calls this playing a persecution, because there is deception when an older person plays with a younger one; since the older person, in playing with the younger, intends to deceive him. Or, as some say, Ishmael compelled Isaac to adore the clay images he fashioned. By this he was teaching him to be turned from the worship of the one God; and this was a considerable persecution, since it is a greater evil to cause spiritual death than bodily. Furthermore, in Genesis this is called a game because he did this under the guise of a game.... from the beginning of the early Church the Jews persecuted Christians, as is obvious in the Acts of the Apostles, and they would do the same even now, if they were able. Now, however, those who are carnal persecute spiritual men in the Church even as to the body; those, namely, who seek glory and temporal gain in the Church. Hence a Gloss says that “all who seek from the Lord earthly aggrandizement in the Church pertain to this Ishmael. They are the ones who oppose those who are making spiritual progress and slander them. They have iniquity in their mouth, and craft and deceit on their tongues.” But the ones who spiritually persecute the spiritual sons are the haughty and the hypocrites. For sometimes they who are plainly carnal and evil recognize their guilt and humble themselves before the good; but the foolish persecute in others the goodness they themselves lack." Aquinas concludes: ""Finally, as to their right to the inheritance, they are distinguished by the authority of Scripture: Cast out the bondwoman and her son (Gen 21:10). By this we are given to understand that the Jews and persecutors of the Christian religion, as well as carnal and evil Christians, will be cast out from the kingdom of heaven: “Many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 8:11)...Furthermore, the bondwoman, i.e., vice and sin itself, will be cast out: “Every work that is corruptible shall fail in the end” (Sir 14:20). The reason for all this is added, because the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman. For in this world the good are mingled with the wicked and the wicked with the good: “As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters” (Cant 2:2). But in the eternal fatherland there will be only the good. "

    Catholics do not believe that God has predestined anyone--let alone entire nations/ demographic groups--to be "haters"/persecutors/bad (or good) or to go to hell (heaven) (calvinists and some other protestants teach pre-destination; some Jews teach certain countries are "amalek" and others are "esau" and others "Ishmael" (and they are to wipe them all out so the messiah can come)). Jesus Christ said, "Going therefore, teach ye ALL nations baptizing them" (Matt 28).

    P.S. Do you think "Ephrem the SYRIAN" in your citation is an ARAB? How was this son of Ishmael SAVED? How did Christian Monasticism have its birthplace in EGYPT?

    Egypt was the motherland of Christian monasticism;[3] it came into existence there in the middle of the third century. Paul of Thebes is recognised as the first lone hermit... The first monk is seen as being St. Anthony.

  8. "You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt. You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. If ever you wrong them and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry. My wrath will flare up, and I will kill you with the sword; then your own wives will be widows, and your children orphans.(Exodus 22:20-26

  9. Perhaps Hamas should not have molested or oppressed men, women, children, babies, elderly on October 7th and taken over 250 hostages.

  10. I DO NOT support the modern-day country that calls itself Israel. While I do sympathize with the people of Gaza and the West Bank (the Christians especially) I DO NOT stand with these free Palestine idiots on American college campuses. Like the useful idiots of 1917, these fools have no idea what they’re protesting and eventually, those shadowy globalists paying them and feeding their talking points will turn on them cause history always repeats itself.

    Modern-day Israel is a wicked, atheist country. Wicked to the core. Besides the obvious ethnic cleansing in Gaza and coming soon, the West Bank and Southern Lebanon, Israel is a modern day Babylon with LGBTWXYZ culture, hedonism and occultism everywhere. Tel Aviv makes Vegas look like a 1950s-era hamlet.

    The Church officially replaced the old covenant when Christ died on the Cross and the temple was rent. Todays modern-day “jews” don’t follow the Old Testament, they follow the wicked talmud (intentional lower-case t) which is filled with satanic blasphemies directly against Our Lord and His Mother that are so shocking and vile, I can’t bring myself to type them here. The talmud is 100x more evil than the koran (intentional lower-case k) which is a nonsensical manifesto of insanity that, while pure evil, does not directly attack Our Lord and Our Lady like the talmud does.

    Dear Lord, in your mercy, convert the jews and the muslims to Your One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  11. Andrew,
    I have never been to Israel, but I can believe everything you say about the "wickedness" found there. I agree with you that it appears the vast majority of them have abandoned God. I think often Jews want you to know they are "Jewish" but they live with a complete absence of religion in their lives. This has been my personal experience anyway.

    If you don't support Israel. What would you prefer to see as an outcome?
    Two states? Palestinians will not accept that.
    An international UN perhaps land grab of Israel's territory which they legally own and have developed?
    A dispersal of the Jews to other parts of the globe and a complete return of Palestine to Arabs?

    As a Catholic, I have to prefer the control of that area by the Jews because I continue to think of that land as the earthly home of Jesus and His apostles. We are at a place and time now where Muslims would never allow those Holy sites to exist.

  12. "If you don't support Israel. What would you prefer to see as an outcome?"

    Not two states. The perfidious Jews have stolen too much of what remained of Palestinian territory when it was possible for there to be 2 states 20 years ago. The Jews never wanted it. There's nothing for the Palestinians to accept on that score.

    There needs to be one state. From the river to the sea, one state. And there can't be any distinction between Arab or Jew or whoever else happens to live there. There will no longer be a Jewish majority, therefore it won't be an ethno-Jew state anymore. Equal protection under a properly constituted legal system. Zionism, at least with regard to its designs on Palestine, must die.

    The US alone has spent $350 billion on Israel since 1948. It's over a trillion if you factor inflation. The Jews didn't develop anything on their own. The US and the West can underwrite the new state in much the same way as they did Israel and guarantee that pluralism isn't endangered by rabid Islamists or duplicitous Zionists or crazy Evangelical Presbylutheran clown "Christians" trying to engineer the Second Coming of Christ. Christian holy sites existed in Palestine during Islamic rule and will continue to under a state that respects everyone, not just Jews.

    There can be no more so called 'aliya'. Maury Shekelstein, a born American citizen of Brooklyn, whose great grandparents arrived in the US from the Ukraine in 1905, can no longer decide to move to the West Bank and evict a Palestinian family from their home and occupy it just because he's an ethnic Jew.

    I personally am not against Zionism in principle. It's the details that I have a problem with. I've said elsewhere on this site, if an ethno-Jew state is required because of what Europeans have done to the Jews, then create the ethno-state in Europe. Partition Germany since that nation has committed what people like you seem to think are the top, uber, extra, ultra horrible crimes against humanity. Rename Bavaria Israel. The U.S. can give the place all their money. Push the Bavarians somewhere else (or force them all to live in Nuremberg and call it the 'Nuremberg Pocket') so that there is majority Jewish population like was done in Palestine. Maury from Brooklyn can move there.

    In the fullness of time, there will be one state in Palestine for Christians, Muslims, Jews and whoever else has a legitimate claim to citizenship there. No lie, even a Zionist one can live forever.

  13. Chriss, I support Jerusalem as an INTERNATIONAL city: "This was also confirmed in UN General Assembly Resolution 194 in 1948, which maintained the position that Jerusalem be made an international city, under United Nations supervision. Pope Pius XII supported this idea in the 1949 encyclical Redemptoris nostri cruciatus."

    Christians are not wanted in Israel anymore than Muslims:

    10.4.23 Israeli police arrest five following uproar over Jews spitting on Christians

    4.20.23 "a 10-foot statue of Jesus had been wrested off its pedestal and thrown to the ground, its face partially destroyed. When the church’s doorman tackled the man suspected of toppling the statue on Feb. 2, Jewish ritual tassels that had been concealed under his clothes emerged, the Franciscan friar said. ...“He was kind of crying. Like, ‘We have to destroy all the statues and the idols in Jerusalem,’...In Christianity’s holiest city, churches have been graffitied and clergy who live and work here report being frequently spit on, harassed and even physically attacked by extremist Jews. Christian leaders say most incidents are never thoroughly investigated. ...Yet Christian holy sites in the Old City have also become flashpoints, most recently on Saturday at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre ... In the narrow, cobbled alleyways of the Christian Quarter, tens of thousands of pilgrims from around the world showed up for the Holy Fire miracle ceremony, an annual ritual held the day before Orthodox Easter. The crowd was far larger than the 1,800 worshippers the Israeli police had announced would be allowed into the church, leading to sometimes-violent clashes with officers...In January, ultra-Orthodox Jewish lawmakers allied with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed imposing JAIL TIME FOR CHRISTIAN PROSELYTIZING, although after a global outcry, Netanyahu said he would block the bill."

    2.1.24 The Disappearing Presence of Christians in the Holy Land. The average historian would say that the plight of Palestinian Christians began as early as 1948 during the Nakba of 1948—the violent displacement and dispossession of approximately 750,000 Palestinians. Christ’s faithful were forced out from Lydda (what Israelis call Lod today). Many ended up taking refuge in Ramallah, walking countless kilometres on foot, while trying to avoid the onslaught of far-right Jewish militants. ..Far-right Jewish adults and children spitting on Christian pilgrims carrying a cross on Via Dolorosa, the targeting of Christian symbols, especially the crosses, and harassers often calling Christians ‘pagans’ or ‘idol worshippers’ have been part of the persecution. In addition, there are DISCRIMINATORY LAWS, such as the PROHIBITION FOR CHRISTIANS TO LEGALLY MARRY JEWS and the PROHIBITION of most PALESTINIAN CHRISTIANS from ENTERING JERUSALEM except during holidays.

    12.19.21 Church leaders warn of a 'SYSTEMATIC ATTEMPT' to DRIVE CHRISTIANS OUT OF JERUSALEM AND THE HOLY LAND. Church leaders warned that radical groups continue to "acquire strategic property" in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem with the goal of diminishing the Christian presence....these groups use "underhanded dealings and intimidation tactics" to EVICT RESIDENTS FROM THEIR HOMES... Justin Welby... and Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, wrote that "someone lit a fire in the Church of All Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane..."

  14. "One state" - yeah, that'll work. (sarc)

  15. Chriss, you say Palestinians will not accept two states. But Israel has funding Hamas in order to stop exactly that. Not sure if you are knowingly passing out misinformation or you are unaware:

    10.8.23 "For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.

    "The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    "Hamas, a spin-off of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, was formally established with Israel’s support soon after the first Intifada flared in 1987 as an uprising against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

    "Israel’s objective was twofold: to split the nationalist Palestinian movement led by Arafat and, more fundamentally, to thwart the implementation of the two-state solution for resolving the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict."

    Israel won't tolerate a two state solution:

    Jan 2024 PM declares Israel must maintain security control over West Bank and Gaza

    I believe the two sides can peacefully co-exist. However, I think Israel is living in a fools world wanting a Jewish state, in a majority Arab population. Running a police state is unsustainable as has been demonstrated in all European colonies, whether India, Algeria, S. Africa etc.

  16. "In 1981, Falwell said: "To stand against Israel is to stand against God We believe that history and scripture prove that God deals with nations in relation to how they deal with Israel."[80] They cite part of the blessing of Isaac at Genesis 27:29, "Those who curse you will be cursed, and those who bless you will be blessed."

    This is really blasphemous. Isaac is a type of Jesus Christ (Abraham would sacrifice his only son; carried the wood on his back and was going to be sacrificed). Mary the mother of Jesus Christ prophesied "all generations shall call me blessed because He who is holy has done great things for me." Israel/the promised land is a type the Kingdom of God which Jesus Christ established on earth (The Kingdom of God is upon you) and has its full realization in the beatific vision of God.

    It occurred to me that ever since the U.S. recognized the state of Israel we have been on a downward spiral which only accelerated (particularly in the morals sphere) after the 1967 war when Israel captured Jerusalem. China became communist in 1949. U.S. has not won a war since and is now over $33 trillion in debt.

    Since Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in December 2017, he's been on a downward spiral with 2018 elections stopping any chance of his agenda being implemented and may end up in jail.

    The Catholic Church started revising its Good Friday prayers for the Jews in 1955 culminating in 1970 when Paul VI replaced the prayer with "a positive one recognizing the Jews' eternal covenant with God" -- and it's been on a downward spiral also. [scroll to the end to read all the Jewish problems with the traditional Latin Mass; protestants were on the commission, but seems Jews had their say also as to how Catholics would worship God--but our mass was instituted by Jesus Christ! Do we bless Israel (a Jewish confessional state that calls Jesus Christ a lying bastard and His mother a harlot) and curse Jesus Christ? It is Jesus Christ who gave us the parables about what would happen to the people who rejected him -- and it's now happening to us! Are we being cursed for the way we are dealing with Zionist Israel? Sure would like to see the Third Secret of Fatima.

    5.22.2023 Half of Americans believe in God – the lowest number in history

  17. I believe that the Palestinians of today equivalent to the Samaritans in the time of Jesus. No need to go to far in time. But Russia told Israel of the possible october 7th attack and they do nothing, the people in the government, want an excuse to begun the attack and it was the perfect one.
