Dear Friends:
This year, we will take up a collection for the Church in Latin America on November 22nd and November 23rd rather than the scheduled collection for the Campaign for Human Development.
I am a member on the Bishops' Committee for the Church in Latin America at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops which seeks ways to build communion and solidarity between the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Church in the United States in accordance with the exhortation of Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia in America. I can attest to the variety of worthwhile pastoral endeavors that result from the generosity of the Catholic communityin the United States in providing ministry formation of priests, religious, and lay leaders; catechesis for all age groups; sacramental preparation; and evangelization to those fallen away from the Catholic Church.
These good Latin American people struggle with the challenges of poverty, government corruption, growing violence and unrest. At the same time so many desire to know Christ, to be the leaven of the Gospel in their societies, and to create a hopeful world freed from the shadows of fear and neglect. And these are the faith-filled aspirations that you would support through your generous contributions.
I know you will be generous and participate in this collection. Please use the envelopes that your parish provides for Nov. 22nd and 23rd.
May God bless your generosity.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Robert J. Baker, S.T.D.
Bishop of Birmingham in Alabama
According to a friend in Birmingham the letter she sent was edited for the bulletin. The beginning of the letter missing in the copy reads, "In light of recent concerns regarding funding the ACORN organization by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, we will wait for the results of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development's investigation into the use of the funds by the ACORN organization before sending contributions to them."
ReplyDeletePlease encourage your friends around the country NOT TO GIVE TO CCHD. Ask your pastor to advise the flock of problems and suggest an alternative.