Pro-abortion groups love to talk about "choice" but they never support any choice but the murder of children. Take the case of Chinese mother, Arzigul Tursun, who at six months pregnant was threatened with the forced abortion of her child. Did any of the usual "pro-choice" suspects intervene to defend Arzigul's choice to keep her child? Not a one. Nary a peep from the champions of choice. Not a single press release or comment to the media. NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Emily's list, NOW, et al save their outrage for people like Sarah Palin who dared not only to give birth to a precious little child with Down's Syndrome but didn't drag her pregnant teenager down to a PP mill to vacuum out the kid. Women who kill their grandchildren earn the admiration of the "pro-choice" crowd.
The choice propaganda is just that -- propaganda. The true pro-choicers are running the 3500 crisis pregnancies around the country offering women a real alternative, parenting or adoption, choices moms and their babies can live with. The only choice PP and their buddies want is a bloody, mangled body in the medical waste bag. And if the mother victim is a minor brought in by a sexual predator who committed statutory rape and is bringing his little sex-object to be recycled, that's okay with them too. In a Life Dynamics investigation a young woman posing as a thirteen year old with an adult "boyfriend" called over 800 Planned Parenthood facilities. Ninety-one percent instructed her how to cover-up for the predator and get the abortion. Whose choice were they protecting? The statutory rapist. Don't hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to imitate this excellent example of investigative journalism. That would conflict with their activist approach shilling for the leftwing culture of death. Join the movement to STOP PLANNED PARENTHOOD today.
Forced abortion is a horrible crime. The Romanian attempts at forbidding abortion and birth control are but different sides of the same coin.
ReplyDeleteThe only way out of this in our country is are Church teachings and leading believers while working with employers and government to assist all who are pregnant making pregnancy respectable and valuable.