As things got nastier, police in riot gear showed up to keep the peace and escort the Christians safely out of the area. This is tolerance? Who's demonstrating hate here? You have free speech except in the Castro District of San Francisco? Get used to it and read the news items because this type of thing can be expected in cities all over the United States. There is also a homosexual hate list to target anyone who contributed over $1,000 to the Proposition 8 campaign. Browse the list. A wedding planner gave $10,000. Think about it. She will be forced to plan same-sex weddings. If she's a Christian she will have to close her business rather than cooperate with a grave moral evil. Gay "marriage" has ramifications many have not thought about. Forget choice; there will be NO CHOICE FOR CHRISTIANS. "Feed them to the lions" will be the mantra. As a rescuer on the front lines of the abortion wars, I've heard it before.
Governor Schwarzenegger threw gasoline on the fire by encouraging the homosexuals to continue their opposition to Proposition 8. What they can't get through the vote, they will force through the courts. The will of the people means nothing! Christians, wake up! You helped to elect a man who champions abortion and homosexual "rights". He will crush YOUR rights if he can.
I remember the March for Life the year the feminists were afraid the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade with the Webster v. Reproductive Health decision. When pro-lifers marched down Constitution Avenue that year, hundreds of feminist and gay activists many dressed in black leather with body piercings, spiked hair and signs spouting blasphemy and satanic messages lined the streets screaming obscenities at the peaceful marchers. More than a few dangled plastic baby models suspended from nooses. I predict the March for Life this year will be just as confrontational. Barack Obama has not brought unity, but hostile division. If the anti-Christian bigots could feed us to the lions they gladly would.
Pray and fast for Christ's enemies. And say over and over, "Father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing." But don't follow the example of the young woman who refused to press charges against her attackers. If they assault you, make them accountable. It's called tough love. Then if they get a prison sentence visit them in jail. When Jesus said turn the other cheek, he wasn't advising us to be doormats.
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