A few good things happened on election day that aren't getting much press. Measures defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman passed including the particularly significant proposition 8 in California. The success of all the marriage propositions indicates that had McCain focused on Obama's extreme positions on abortion and marriage, he might have pulled off a win. How many people were taken in by the resurrected Clinton deceit of making abortion safe, legal, and rare? Obama claimed he would reduce the number of abortions while promising Planned Parenthood that he would pass the most radical pro-abortion legislation in history, the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). The media let him get away with all his lies, never challenging him on anything. They were too busy focusing on Sarah Palin's wardrobe. Did any reporter ever ask how much Obama spends on his suits and ties or how much Michelle's hideous election night red and black dress cost?
Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics has an interesting article on the Obama victory called Obamanistas storm the winter palace. It's worth reading for a calm perspective from the pro-life point of view. As he says, "God is still in control. He is not holed-up in some obscure section of heaven pacing back and forth and wringing His hands, desperately trying to figure out what His next move should be. We're the only ones doing that." So if the shoe fits, get a new pair. By all means pace up and down, but do it at an abortion mill with a rosary in one hand and a sign in the other.
This election repudiated more than anything else the positions of the empire-building neocons. People did not reject conservative principles: smaller government, fewer legal intrustions, free speech, etc. They rejected the out-of-control Republicans who have ignored their platform and alienated their base. The election should be a wake-up call. But the country club republicans will never take the blame so watch for the trashing of a real republican, Sarah Palin. The Obamanistas weren't the only villains in this election.
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