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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Deep-Sixing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy Will Hurt Military

Obama is as busy promoting his liberal agenda as termites in the deep south eating the foundations of wooden houses. Babies in the womb have been a major target, but now he's turning to their older brothers and sisters in the military. Obama promised during the campaign and again in January that he plans to deep-six the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the military and allow homosexuals to serve openly. Consider the impact in an environment where soldiers share open shower facilities, "hot bunk" on subs and on ships, and experience the other stresses of living in close quarters. Will this increase cohesiveness in the military? Not hardly. And what will be the impact on the all-volunteer force?

According to a Military Times Poll, 58% of active duty subscribers were opposed to a change in the policy. Ten percent said they would not re-enlist and another 14% said it would impact their decision. Can the military afford to eliminate 24% of its recruits. How many would not sign up at all?

Elaine Donnelly writing for The Tank, National Review's military blog, opines that "Corollary programs to make the new policy 'work' would include professional 'diversity training' to enforce acceptance, and 'zero tolerance' of anyone who disagrees. Dissenters would face discipline and be denied promotions, which would end their military careers. Incidents of misconduct would increase threefold, to include male/male and female/female misconduct that undermines discipline and demoralizes the troops. These results would harm recruiting and retention, and effectively destroy the volunteer force."

Is Donnelly right? Is finding out the hard way worth the risk?


  1. Hello Les Femmes,

    Thank you for posting my article about the 1993 law regarding homosexuals in the military, and the official intolerance of anyone who disagrees that would ensue if it is repealed. More information is available on our website, I hope that your readers will sign our Americans for the Military petition so that we can keep you informed as the battle heats up.

    All the best,

    Elaine Donnelly
    President, Center for Military Readiness

  2. If, though obvious, one might touch on the untouchable, then given the general trajectory of the new American Empire, is there not cause to hope precisely for that undermining of its military that homosexualization seems likely to achieve?
    As the purposes of the Empire increasingly are to promote murder and perversion, is there not some symmetry in seeing the logic of what it promotes destroy its capacity to?
    I think there is!


  3. I'm not sure to what Empire it is that Antigon refers -- the U.S. Military has been a great force for good and is one of the last bastions of honor in U.S. institutions. Forcing upon it those who have perverse values and live immoral and degraded lifestyles will injure it perhaps terminally.
    If there is a need for reform it is the reform of the liberal elite which destroys in the name of what it calls tolerance, insisting that we tolerate the intolerable while it is intolerant of the permanent things.

  4. First of all, it is not within our rights to judge others for whom they love whether it is homosexual or heterosexual. Secondly, sexual harassment policies are still in effect. Do you know any homosexuals? They are not sex raging lunatics who spread disease and immorality. They just want to love as you may love your spouse. Stop judging and start loving. Jesus loves regardless of sexual orientation and so do I, a married heterosexual.

  5. I didn't judge anyone. God gives us an intellect to judge acts objectively and homosexual acts are objectively wrong. I'm not equipped to judge anyone's soul, but I am equipped to judge their objective acts. This is why we can say robbery is wrong, or murder is wrong, or lying is wrong. Phony baloney about judging is a transparent flight from personal moral responsibility. It's part of the "that's your truth" kind of thinking. There is an objective moral law. You know it every time someone takes something of yours without asking. The modern world is full of equivocation and immorality. Homosexuality is a form of sexual sinfulness just like adultery which has also become epidemic. The fact that you fail in your own moral responsibility is no reason to insist that I join you. We will all have to answer to a higher judge. Good luck!

  6. Leaving aside Anon's drivel, Mr. S., I of course refer to our neo-Aztec Empire, run militarily out of DC. The problem with its military is not the soldiers, not even their commander-in-chief, but those he is beholden to. Should their lust to promote murder & perversion in the end destroy, terminally, the source of power to spread it, that's nothing to lament.
    What's to lament is that Americans lost the will to defend their morality, freedom, & republic long ago, & show little inclination to recover such virtues. Apart from that nancy sargeants are what we accordingly deserve, they will also be that means of creative destruction, to coin a phrase, without which reform seems unlikely.


  7. How does the sexual orientation of others affect you? It doesn't! Speaking against homosexuality is judging people. Your sexual orientation is a big part of who you are. You refer to it as a sin. It is not like robbery or murder. Innocent people are involved in robbery or murder. There are no victims of homosexuality no matter how you put it. Gay rights will become more common regardless of how hard the religious right pushes their ignorant, hateful agenda. Racial equality came a long way in the past 50 years even though there was resistance and gay rights are next.

  8. Being myself a bit Libertarian I am sympathetic to the argument that homosexual activity doesn't necessarily hurt me, at least at the secular level.
    But all sinfulness hurts all. Moreover, the homosexual lobby isn't responding to persecution, except that in their fevered imagination. What they are doing is actively striving to be welcomed in their perversion into the company of civilized men and women.
    This is not too much different from being asked to welcome cannibals to your table, after all if they are not eating you what harm are they doing?
    I am not sure what Anon's problem with the military is or anything else for that matter. I'll let my statements stand. Honor still resides in the military. It is increasingly gone from the public square or we would not be having this discussion at all for the answer as to why homosexual behavior should not be accepted would be obvious. It is disordered and immoral. It has a variety of pathologies that it is indiscreet to go into. Many of its practitioners lead short sad lives.
    Obviously Anon. doesn't understand that. His or Her problem. The notion that the "good" is a fantasy of the religious right shows also how far the social consciousness has fallen. The good is the interest of all. A society may tolerate homosexual aberrance without celebrating it.
    The victims of homosexuality are the homosexuals themselves. It's probably pointless to argue the matter since it requires more than three neurons. As for Christianities take on it -- you might consult St. Paul in Romans. Acting as if Jesus would tolerate it is itself a blasphemy. He told the woman taken in adultery to go and sin no more.
