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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Harris: No "Pragmatic Moderate!" She's "Hard Left!"

Watch Kellyanne Conway make the case WITH THE FACTS!

The New York Times calls Kamala Harris a "pragmatic moderate." Well...she's pragmatic all right! She's obviously willing to do whatever's necessary to advance her political career -- even be on the ticket with a man she considers a racist and sexual predator. No surprise really! With most Democrats principles are malleable. Stick your finger in the wind and adjust them according to the popular meme of the moment (or who your donors are).

If you can't get enough of Kellyanne Conway, one smart lady, here's a longer piece.

Trump has surrounded himself with smart, articulate women who are straight talkers and aren't afraid to take on the biased media liars. Sara Sanders and now Kayleigh McEnany make CNN's stable of metrosexuals and feminists look like the unprincipled hacks they are. 

But there's more to the story about Harris's "pragmatism."  She's willing to lie about her heritage.(Shades of Elizabeth Warren, eh? If Warren is Pocohantas, Kamala Harris is Nat Turner in a skirt.) Her parents are Indian (from the country, not a native American) and Jamaican. NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN. Did her ancestors ever set foot in Africa? And here's a fact that should interest all the Black Lives Matter folks tearing down statues of evil slave holders. According to her own father, Kamal Harris comes from a family of rich plantation owners who worked the land WITH SLAVES! BLM should be out protesting every campaign stop of this faux "African American." 

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