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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Incompetence? Or was it Complicity? Trump Assassination Attempt Failed....For Now.

Remember Benghazi! During the Jihadist attack, special forces were told to "stand down." And so the ambassador and other Americans died, including several agents who defied the stand down order. Their courage is described in the book and movie, 13 Hours. While Obama went to bed for his beauty sleep before a fundraiser, real Americans responded to the threat with courage and selfless love.

What happened in Pennsylvania a few days ago, should give every American pause. [Mundabor has a great assessment of it on his blog, Bad Movie, Or Worse] We live under a tyrannical administration that is the real threat to democracy. The Left fomented the violent insurrections in our cities after George Floyd's death. The complicit media stood in front of burning buildings calling the protests "mostly peaceful" as police and others were attacked and killed by violent mobs. The riots were enabled and encouraged by the Left. Remember Kamala Harris providing funds to bail out the mobsters so they could back for more.

Remember Maxine Waters telling her lemmings to harass MAGA Republicans everywhere. And they did: at restaurants, movie theaters, gas stations, etc. Remember Chuck Schumer standing outside the Supreme Court threatening Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh

Did his threats and the violent rhetoric against the justices inspire the man who went to Kavanaugh's Maryland home with intent to murder? How many mentally ill people are motivated by the Left to go on murderous rampages? 

It's time to take back our country. How? The rosary and Eucharistic adoration! The rosary has a miraculous history of saving people and nations from utter destruction: the Battle of Lepanto, the Battle of Vienna, the Communists withdrawing from Austria without a shot being fired. If you aren't praying the rosary, you can't be serious about working for peace. We need to include in our intentions, prayer for the enemies of God who walk the halls of the White House, Congress, and our state and local government buildings. We need to always remember to "love our enemies" and "do good to those who hate" us. It's not a suggestion from God, but an order.

Lord have mercy on all of us, especially those who hate You. And please protect Donald Trump and all those threatened with violence for their political beliefs.


  1. I love our enemies. I pray for their swift defeat, removal, and punishment so that they are prevented from committing more crimes which would merit for themselves even more eternal punishments in hell than they've already accumulated.

  2. Mundabor had a similar thing to say, over at his blog, about the recent passing of Shannen Doherty. His reaction to her recent death was a mixture of sadness and anger. I agree. Her soul is immortal; her life in preparation for eternity largely wasted; there is no further chance for her; she has now had judgement pronounced forever, and that is likely a fearful thing she has experienced in the eternal everlasting “now”.

    When it comes to enemies we need to see everyone in our lives as God sees them: He created every person who ever lives and lived as very, very good - they were meant for heaven in beatitude; no one was ever created to burn forever in hell; God loves all of us without exception each in our own intended way according to His purposes.

    And so, we should love our enemies because Christ commanded us to. And we should love them because God loves them first - we should love that which God loves and in the same exact way. And we should love them because we all are racing rapidly to our own particular judgement and thus empathize with all those who will stand with us, side by side, waiting to see whether we are adjudged to the left or to the right, sheep or goats, heaven or hell. Because … just because we say “Lord, Lord” (etc - Matt 7:21) is no guarantee we are granted entry to the right.

    Do not judge your enemy too harshly because “ For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (Matt 7:2). We should love the Lord our God, yes … but also “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.” (Psalm 2:11)

  3. "Anti-abortion advocates upset with the GOP's watered-down abortion platform have abandoned plans to escalate their fight to the Republican convention floor this week after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump." RIP GOP.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. -quote-
    “The question isn't just how that roof 150 yards away from Trump was unguarded

    The question is also how this gunman knew that it was unguarded.”
    - end quote -

    (Darren Beattie - Revolver News … an actual journalist asking all the right questions)

  5. Under no circumstances or no treaties, no ceasefires, the war in Ukraine must continue. The president(s) of USA shall not direct any peace plans or treaties with Russia, unless the Russian Government surrenders unconditionally its country, land, territories and resources.

    Trump stated that he will immediately stop that war, which is contrary to the information stated above.
    The deep state, Collective West, world elites, to include the Vatican, will not allow an elected president to change the course of total capitulation of Russia.

    In summary , Trump has a peace plan and because of it, he will not be president.
