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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Was Security for the Trump Rally Deliberately Lax?

Kimberly Cheatle, former Secret Service head, leftist extraordinaire

With regard to the shooting in Butler, more and more evidence is coming out that points to a deliberate attempt to invite an assassination. Actually, it looks similar to the libs' strategy on January 6th. Refuse to beef of security and manipulate the narrative.

Unfortunately for those who desired it, the assassination attempt failed. Was the 20 year old really the only one involved? Was he worked on in some way and made the scapegoat for a broader and deeper plot? Will there be more attempts on Trump's life going forward? Will we ever get the truth? 

A few days ago Blaze media reported this:

Secret Service allegedly 'repeatedly denied' offer to use drones leading up to Trump assassination attempt

Now why would the Secret Service refuse a simple and inexpensive security measure that would absolutely have exposed the shooter on the roof? Sounds like the same behavior as Pelosi and the mayor of D.C. refusing security with the National Guard on January 6th. They wanted what happened so they could further demonize Trump.

Ironically, Trump's shooter was using a drone a few hours before the rally to scope out the site. And the Secret Service didn't notice? And they didn't want any drones checking the site? Everything about this stinks. Read Senator Hawley's letter and shake your head. Was it incompetence or was it deliberate?

One other important factor is the politics of the bureau heads. We know Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was a leftie. She cared more about diversity in the organization than effectiveness. She probably got her job because of influence from "Dr." Jill. She recruited at pride events and held workshops on correct pronouns. The woman was a disaster from the beginning and she is typical of the kind of folks liberals appoint to important jobs. Really? Pete Buttigieg for Transportation head? But putting these leftists with their political biases in charge of security organizations is truly appalling. Does anyone trust the CIA and the FBI any more? Only the liberals who love violence when it advances their politics. Remember, there were no riots in Butler, no police cars destroyed, no buildings burned, no stores looted. That's the m.o. of the left. Remember the burning cities and pray for our poor country. If Kamala Harris wins it will be more division and more violence, especially against the most vulnerable, infants waiting to be born. 

We're in a mess and those who really care about our country better be on their knees. 

Lord, have mercy on us.


  1. The security perimeter was left unsecured.

    The shooter *knew in advance* (!) the perimeter was unsecured. How does a 20 yo ignorant “gamer” know this?

    The nearest roof was unsecured.

    The highest structure, a water tower, was unsecured.

    The skies above were unsecured.

    Witness warnings were not acted on.

    Butler police warnings to SS were not acted on.

    Eight shots were fired before lethal action was taken, even though snipers saw the shooter the whole time. The nearest sniper did not take the shot.

    And interestingly, after total news network blackout of Trump rally coverage since 2019, all the networks happened to all be there *that* day with live coverage, including a NY Times photog with ultra-high speed camera that caught the bullet passing through his ear … rather than his head.

    The facts of security failure are comprehensive, stunning.
    The fact of his survival equally so.
    God acts when all hope seems lost.

    1. Three SS agents were assigned to the window overlooking the roof with easy next door line of sight.

      One went home early, abandoned post.

      One went outside to investigate suspicious activity, abandoned post, “forgot his key card” to get back inside.

      One went downstairs to let agent back inside, abandoned post.

      During the precise time the 20 yo punk was on the roof setting up his kill shots, the three agents assigned to watch that roof, while not actually on that roof, abandoned their climate controlled post and left all windows unsecured until the deed was done. (Whoopsie!)

      Crooks didn’t seem too concerned about SS response … for some reason.

  2. I think the bullet missing Trump's head was God letting us know He hasn't given up on us yet. Otherwise, today would be a very different world.

    Yes, absolutely we better be on our knees. Despite some of the trad and non- trad Catholics and secular right wishing for God's chastisement to come now, Trump's head turn saved us from that (for now). I just don't think people realize how ugly it will be when God does decide He's had enough.

    God have mercy on us.

  3. Thanks for the additional information, Aqua. Those of us who think this was a setup will be put in their tin hat conspiracy column, but I expect like the Russian hoax and the Hunter laptop disinformation, when the truth comes out we will all turn out to be 100% on target.

    1. The facts are the facts, and all of these are facts. We do with them what we will. It is no longer possible to look at these facts, part of a broad pattern of facts, and draw any other rational conclusion than intentional.

      The Tin Hat now belongs to those who think this was all just one great big ol’ whoopsie!

  4. Even if Aqua's information is not accurate, note that the assassination attempt preceded the sudden and un-explained withdrawal by Biden. Was Biden sent a message on J6?

    At this point in time, as Aqua's post shows, we can NOT rule out a conspiracy of forces and people who had no need for Biden and certainly not for Trump.

    1. I just think someone in authority needs to provide solid answers to this galactic comprehensive failure - we need to see the plan and departures from the plan and who signed it. I don’t believe the SS is collectively, comprehensively stupid. So explain.

      Now, not 15 years from now. This is not a normal time, but crisis.

  5. Mussolini had multiple assassination attempts and even sported a nose patch after one of them. Was that God's blessing on Mussolini? Other dictators also had assassination attempts, so to see a halo here is premature.
    And that ear patch sure helped to obscure warp speed's rape of the GOP platform two days later.. RIP GOP

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It’s not that Trump has a halo - God has never rewarded saints with anything more than trials, tribulations, chastening (Heb:12:6). That has never been part of his appeal. That’s not why I support him. “He fights”. That is his appeal.

      It’s not so much that God is “on Trump’s side” (imo) as it is that God is opposed to his commie-pervert opponents’ side - angry, His gorge is full I would suggest. And God has always foiled the plots and schemes of the wicked:

      “But the Lord is my defense; and my God is the rock of my refuge. And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off.” (Psalm 94:22-23).

      Imagine the world we’d be living in right now had the (8!) assassin bullets found their mark and the cameras had carried live the ghastly murder of Trump. Am

      Just a half an inch and the world changes.

      Instead … we get this beautiful GOP platform with its author/sponsor very much alive, with the wind at his back to defeat commie perverts.

      This GOP Platform is excellent. Tell me what’s not to like, especially considering the Christian-hating and persecuting communist alternative.

  6. I quote from this molested new GOP platform:

    "We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments)."

    This is schizophrenic - states rights *kneecaps* inalienable. To undercut the GOP promise to abolish abortion as it did slavery is especially egregious at the doorstep to created equal's birthday in 2026.

    Here's another schizophrenia: "We are going to close the Department of Education in Washington, D.C. and send it back to the States, where it belongs, and let the States run our educational system as it should be run." at the same time as "Universal School Choice
    Republicans believe families should be empowered to choose the best Education for their children. We support Universal School Choice in every State in America. " Remember how government strings can make every school into a communist government school, then. It's called paying the pied piper. But his thinking is not even consistent - abolish DOE but institute a Federal program of School Choice throughout the USA?

    But now also look at the first and the second paragraph here - Trump wants states to decide abortion (remember "inalienable right to life"?) but *not* to decide about school choice (which is not inalienable!)

    Trump also fails to address Obergefell. Trump's son talks about prioritizing the roof leaking over the "spot in the basement of abortion"...all of the gender mayhem *can be traced back to* Obergefell!

    (As for illegal immigration, shut off the spigot of welfare to the illegals and they will stop coming.)

    The kindest analysis has Trump just very confused and ignorant, but I worry that the incoherence here is more strategic to let him do whatever he wants in his new term - just as he did in 2020, for which he never apologized.

    Anyone who has studied history knows that it is the Democrats who have been the slaveholders, confederates, and segregationists. And when civil rights were passed, they smoothly morphed into the eugenicist sexual revolutionaries frankentubers. All of which the GOP has consistently opposed over the last fifteen decades. But that abolitionary promise has now fizzled out under President Warp Speed. How dare he sell our platform down the river?

    The platform is not the only problem with Trump. Trump has had four years to constructively address the electoral problems, including the notoriously hard to watchdog early voting, which he pumps. No solutions from him. Just promises to release the J6ers, who were stuck in jail because​ Trump invited everybody to J6 with "be there, it'll be wild!" and gaslit them to march and "fight​ like hell" at the capitol.

    Trump should retire to deal with his many legal problems, some of which have to do with real rape issues and resonate with his past associations with Bill/Hill/Epstein and Access Hollywood (remember accompanying his p***y statement was "when you're the star, they let you do it!") Let him have his drag parties at Maralago on his own retirement time.

    You ask would I rather have Biden? I ask, would you rather have that miserable hellhole of 2020 again and be gaslighted about the lockdowns? I say never neither!

    Trump loaded the gun; Biden pulled the trigger. What gun will he load next time?

