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Monday, December 16, 2024

From the "It's About Time" and "Ya Just Gotta Laugh" files!

Seeing the New York Times in the trash bin does a body good!

Gaudete Sunday yesterday reminds us to rejoice that our salvation is near. That's the big news and a source of spiritual joy beyond compare. But what a double helping of joy also to see the headlines below in the secular media. 

So many in the mainstream media are godless cheerleaders for horrendous moral evils. They work for the murder of the innocent little ones in the womb and justify the murder and suicide of the sick and elderly. They enable the mutilation of gender confused minors and embrace sodomy as "marriage". They promote adoption of innocent children by those engaged in perversion. It is, indeed, a source of joy to see people turning them off, whatever their reasons. One can only hope and pray those who opted out will stay away, especially the youthful demographic. Really! Don't these headlines make you smile?

COLLAPSE: CNN Now Getting Beaten in Ratings by… The Food Network

MSNBC Loses Almost HALF Its Viewers in Stunning Post-Election Ratings Report

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow sheds 43% of audience since Trump’s Election Day victory

Even NBC is allowing the truth to be told on their network:
Media bias against conservatives is real, and part of the reason no one trusts the news now.

Gosh, ya really think people have "lost trust" in the drive by media? Frankly, I'm pretty skeptical of all media these days (even the Epoch Times and Chronicles which I read regularly), including many of the professional Catholics who run podcasts and relentlessly ask for money. I wish some of them would go get a real job.

I welcome anyone who visits my blog to follow Reagan's advice to "trust, but verify." I try to tell nothing but the truth, but my opinions can be wrong. And I've changed my opinion  on occasion when I think it was wrong. There was a time when I believed all the lies about the SSPX being in schism. I know better now and happily attend an SSPX chapel where I will never be blessed by a guitar-bearing priest or be subjected to confetti vestments like those used at the opening Mass at Notre Dame in Paris. No one will ever demand that I stand for Communion like Cardinal Cupich did recently in Chicago. What a relief!

When people take issue with me courteously on the blog, I publish their comments. When they call me names and write dissertations filled with their own opinions expressed with anger and vitriol....I dump them in the digital version of the circular file. 

But I will return to the beginning and say that today I am filled with hope. I hope The View goes under and the angry cackling hens all have more time to reflect and, perhaps, convert. I hope Rachel Maddow disappears into oblivion to join Don Lemon. Lemon, by the way, is starting a platform on X where I hope and expect he will be a monumental flop. Now if only Morning Joe would get the axe my cup would overflow.

I think when I finish the St. Andrew novena I will choose one to St. Joseph specifically aimed at those in the media who influence so many for good or ill. May they all be committed to the truth and leave their biases in the closet as was the commitment of journalism in days of yore. Give us truth-tellers, Lord. They seem to be a rarity in the media these days.

Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us.

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