Many people thought the fix was in when Barack and Michelle, praised and partied everywhere on their European tour, flew to Copenhagen personally. How could a sitting president and first lady get rebuffed so thoroughly when they made such a sacrifice to fly to Copenhagen and give the pitch for the Olympics personally? Doesn't the IOC know who they are?
Well, I for one am glad to see this boondoggle, which would benefit the usual suspects and cost the taxpayers a bundle, go down in flames. Barack's Chicago buddies, including Czarina Valerie Jarrett, stood to gain bigtime from real estate ventures related to the Olympics. They're the losers, but the taxpayers are big winners. The Sydney 2000 games cost Australian taxpayers 2.2 billion! We have enough economic problems without that.
i was opposed to the olympics being in our canadian province of bc because the bc taxpayers are already being taxed to death. i don't even want to know what the winter games cost them:( iam glad our pm didnt party in europe back then to get the games here. but, we got em anyways.