How many times can CCHD get away with claiming "a mistake" when it comes to supporting the murder of unborn babies and other moral atrocities. The reality is that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is a liberal out-of-control bureaucracy with an agenda to support leftist politics and politicians. When they get caught they beat their breasts and claim (once more ad nauseum) that they just goofed this one time and the collection is oh-so-squeaky-clean if you just trust them. And that's the rub -- trust. The bishops' bureaucracy cannot be trusted!
There's an old saying: "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." The CCHD has been fooling Catholics now for twenty years. Shame on the patsies in the pew if they put a dime in the collection this year no matter how many assurances they get from Bishop Morin about this tainted collection. Would you drink a glass of water from a gallon jug tainted with a pint of sewage?
Follow the Catholic rule of subsidiarity. Support local charities that you know assist the poor: crisis pregnancy centers, free health clinics (make sure they don't prescribe contraception or refer for abortion), shelters and soup kitchens, local job efforts, parish poverty programs, etc. Give your money and volunteer your time at the local level where you know what's happening to the money.
As for the CCHD collection...just say NO! Throw an ACORN in the basket with a note. Since 1973 the bishops have paid lip service to pro-life and passed the collection plate to support the abortion/contraception/homosexual holocaust. There's never been a pro-life collection, and yet the greatest cause of poverty is the breakdown of the family. Let the bishops put OUR money where their pro-life mouths are by substituting pro-life local collections for the discredited national pick-pocket effort of the CCHD.

October 2, 2009
TO: All Bishops
FROM: Bishop Roger P. Morin, Chairman
I write to respond to a recent report from Bellarmine Veritas Ministries that identified several CCHD-funded groups that had taken actions in conflict with CCHD’s guidelines after they were funded, particularly lack of conformity with Catholic teaching.
The projects in the report included The Rebecca Project for Human Rights, in Washington, D.C.; the Chinese Progressive Association; and Young Workers United, both based in San Francisco.... Read more.
it was implied in the video by cmc that ACORN was presently being funded- untrue according to the usccb.
ReplyDeletewhy can't CMC tell the whole Truth?
You need to watch the video again. It specifically says the bishops stopped funding ACORN in 2008, but continues to fund oranizations just like ACORN. That's a fact!
ReplyDeleteThe Industrial Areas Foundation and Gamaliel whose affiliates get lots of grants through CCHD both use the same kind of organizing for liberal causes that ACORN does. Different names, same tactics, same liberalism.
It isn't CMC who fails to tell the whole truth. It's the bishops who use the poor to collect money that goes to elect political liberals.
As one wag said, CCHD stands for Catholic Cash Helping Democrats.