Sometimes I wonder if some of our Cardinals and Bishops live in the same country...or even on the same planet. I could hear the Twilight Zone music playing as I read Cardinal George's statement on behalf of the U.S. bishops congratulating President Obama on his baffling award of the Nobel peace prize. The statement was gracious, to be sure, but can the cardinal possibly believe what he said? I've copied the Catholic News Agency article below with my comments.
Washington D.C., Oct 13, 2009 / 12:39 pm (CNA).- Speaking on behalf of the U.S. bishops, Cardinal Francis George offered his congratulations to President Obama after he received the Nobel Peace Prize. The Chicago cardinal noted that though more work needs to be done, the U.S. president has already contributed to peace nationally and internationally. [Specifics please. Many commentators believe Obama is contributing to a destabalization of foreign relations. Are we safer because Obama is president? Exactly how, Your Eminence?]
Cardinal George, who is the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as well as Archbishop of Chicago, released a statement yesterday expressing his “congratulations to President Barack Obama” on his receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.
The cardinal acknowledged the comments of many critics who have noted that though he has discussed peace, the president has yet to yield results. [Exactly! But he has plenty of results expanding the war against the unborn and the weak and vulnerable.]“As he has graciously said, much of the work of realizing a more peaceful and just world for all persons and nations remains to be done; but the prize was given because as President of the United States he has already changed the international conversation,” the cardinal remarked. [Again...Your Eminence, what are you talking about? Has he increased respect for the weak and helpless?]
Fox News reported last week that the award committee chose the president due to his work to reduce nuclear weapons, his commitment to easing tensions with the Middle East and his dedication to cooperation. [President Obama has the same foreign policy as Rodney King. "Let's all just get along." The only way to get along with him, however, is to adopt his agenda. The division on the floor of Congress where we have never seen so much acrimony reflects the level of cooperation throughout the country. Nada!]
The chairman of the Norwegian award committee charged with selecting the peace prize recipient, Thorbjoern Jagland, said that although the president’s initiatives have yet to bear fruit, “Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future.” [There is no hope and no future for the unborn who are targeted for annhilation as never before. And the expansion of the death culture to the elderly is clearly on the agenda with rationing and denial of care.]
Cardinal George added that Obama has already contributed to peace in the United States as the “remarkable and historic achievement of his election” has already “changed the relationships between men and women of all races.” [Like the relationship between Professor Gates and Officer Crowley? Anyone who disagrees with the administration's policies is accused of racism. Does that bring people together?]
“The rich diversity of United States society is now more surely anchored in a national unity that is better able to foster the peace we all are challenged to pursue,” the cardinal said, concluding his statement by asking for God's blessing on “the President and his family.” [This is just baffling. What national unity? The Cardinal needs to get out more. The national tea parties do not show national unity, they show an American electorate deeply divided by Obama's massive socialistic takeover. The Cardinal's statement on behalf of the bishops is doublespeak. Obama is moving us inexoribly toward the nuclear war Mother Teresa predicted as the fruit of abortion. For the Cardinal to play diplomatic pattycake with the president is beneath him and shows abandonment of his role as teacher. It particularly shows abandonment once more of the helpless babies in the womb. They deserve better, Your Eminence.]
Clearly, Cardinal George is playing his political cards, and most likely is discretely palming a couple aces up his trouser leg, to the detriment of the unborn members of our society.