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Sunday, October 30, 2011

First Do No Harm: The Vaccine Question

For the next week, until November 5th, you can get a free preview of a powerful new documentary examining vaccinations and the potential risk to children. The Greater Good is not an "anti-vaccine" film. It examines the question from both sides addressing the increased number of vaccines given to infants in the first few months of life and the potential for damage, especially from heavy metal used as adjuvants in the vaccine solution.

The pharmaceutical industry has demonized parent/physician concerns framing any debate as pro-vaccine vs. anti-vaccine. It isn't. It's a "Let's make sure they're safe and follow a more common-sense strategy about vaccines." And let's separate the decision-making so physicians with links to the vaccine producers aren't the ones making decisions about government-mandated vaccinations.The system needs to change.

Should ALL vaccines be mandatory? Gardisil, for example, has a history of serious problems including death. Why is it okay to question prescription drugs for adults, but not okay to question the safety of vaccines that have increased from 23 doses to over 60 in the first eighteen months of life.

No one is suggesting a vaccine ban, but neither should parents be forced to immunize a two month old with dozens of doses of vaccines, some of which, like the HPV vaccine, are transmitted by sexual activity.

One of my daughters was told by her pediatrician that if she chose to stretch out vaccines rather than follow the recommended schedule, she was no longer welcome in the practice. She left, not because she is anti-vaccine, but she did not want to overwhelm the immune system of her baby. Another daughter has had no trouble with her pediatrician who is perfectly willing to follow an altered schedule.

Take a look at the film. Please don't just blast me for bringing up a subject that deserves to be treated seriously. Note the pediatrician near the end who says he's treated hundreds of cases of vaccine damage as he describes being interviewed (don't recall the show) and when it aired the issue was presented as hysterical moms against the white-coated Ivy League doctors. All the interviews with physicians questioning the wisdom of the current system were cut. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?


  1. When I was a child and my daughters were children I knew of no child who was allergic to peanut butter. Now there are dozens of them who are deathly allergic to it. From where did this allergy come. It is so bad that they cannot even touch the stuff or be around it and schools have actually outlawed bringing it to school in many places.

  2. ah yes vaccines.

    I've seen children die of measles and whooping cough and neonatal tetanus, and in the good old days we did an average of one spinal tap for meningitis a month.

    Since we started HFlu vaccine, I haven't seen a case of HFlu meningitis and when they added the pneumococcal vaccine for kids, I haven't seen a case of meningitis from that germ either. (both of these types of meningitis are from the spread of an ear infection by these germs).

    Spreading out the shots "sounds" fine, but the result is often the kid doesn't get the shots at all.
    Two of my patients who got "whooping cough" had illnesses so we didn't give them the shots on schedule, and then they almost died at 9 months from WC....

  3. If parents choose to avoid or delay vaccinating, then I think they should have to pay out of pocket for their children's health care if their child contracts a preventable disease, or pay a higher premium or a penalty. Smokers and obese people have to pay a higher premium on my employer's plan, so why wouldn't we enforce the same rule on people who willingly risk harmful disease on their children? I totally support the pediatricians who dismiss families who won't follow vaccination protocols. Those are the same parents who will sue you in a NY minute. If it is to be a free-market health care system in this country, then providers have just as much right to refuse treatment as the parents have.

  4. Boinky,

    Aren't you concerned at all about the fact that, in many cases, those overseeing vaccine approval also financially benefit from their sale?

    Aren't you concerned about rushing vaccines to market without sufficient study -- like Gardisil?

    Do you think there are any legitimate concerns like those expressed in the film?

  5. Just my two cents and observations.

    For years I attended an independent traditional chapel. Many, if not most, of the people that belonged to the group did not vaccinate their children and were also into "herbal remedies" in lieu of doctors and obsessive about organic foods.

    They were the most sickly group of children and adults I have ever been around.

  6. My friend's 10 month old daughter contracted measles. After a long hospital stay, she will be fine except for scarring and near-blindness in one eye. Measles often affects the eyes of young victims. She was too young to get the vaccine and they have no real proof of where she got the virus except they had been to soccer tournaments and a large festival. Funnily enough, many of my friends counterparts who had been refusing or delaying the MMR vaccine rushed to get it after seeing what measles can actually do to a small child. These diseases have been off the public radar for so long that people have lost the fear.

  7. It was a topic of contention in my family. My daughter finally got the MMR vaccine at 22 months old. My son will not be getting his anytime soon. The truth is that we do not know what is in these vaccines.

    It is sad that we only jump up in anger when children are given gardsil, because it has some known side-effects adn could even be considered an immoral way to remedy a sexual revolution problem.

    What makes us think that these same people who manufacture the birth control pill, morning after, pill and the gardasil injections (which all have been known to cause death and illness)are more careful with the manufacturing of other vaccines that they claim will help us?

    If at one point the vaccines worked, then I will contest that today, the reason why childeren get sick after the vaccines is that they have probably been altered with other "viruses" or chemicals without our knowledge. That is to say, our childeren are perhaps being used as guinea pigs on a large scale, much like the Govt. does with soldiers who are told to roll up their sleeves like good men and take their shots.

    If our government can roundup women and sterilize them (as has been discovered in S.C.), then it can surely do much more harm then we are ready to believe.

    There is money involved, and when that is the case, you and I do not matter that much.

    Philip James
