Editor's comment: Much evil occurs within the Church from promotion of a false notion of "social justice" that has nothing to do with the doctrine taught by Christ or His Church. Fr. Collins points that out specifically in his observations. God bless him for his willingness to speak the truth. We feel blessed to call him friend!
According to various high Church officials, appeals to “social justice” seem to be a valid reason for:
- Protecting predatory priests and prelates from prosecution, while demoting or harassing those who brought their crimes to light;
- Minimizing condemnation of the secularist Auschwitz Agenda, whereby, in a manner which parallels the procedures used by the Nazi SS at Auschwitz, our posterity is being condemned to either death by aborticide or to the debt slavery, which will be required to not only pay off a $25,000,000,000,000+ national debt, but also to cover over $100,000,000,000,000 in various unfunded and underfunded mandates;
- Refusing to condemn as intrinsically evil Planned Parenthood, its philosophy, agenda and practices, as it helps, through various “family life curricula” and educational programs that groom innocent children to be more open to sexual experimentation and exploitation. (The latter point is understandable, though, in light of the fact that such programs have for decades helped to provide a regular supply of “fresh meat” to assuage the sexual appetites of perverted, powerful, and predatory priests and prelates);
- Diverting over a quarter of billion dollars last year from the Peter’s Pence Collection from the poor to various investments, including a porno movie about the life of Elton John;
- Asserting that, in spite of numerous obscene human rights abuses (e.g., systematic aborticide, persecution and imprisonment and torture of Christians, Ygyhurs, and Falun Gong) and unleashing the COVID-19 virus on all humanity, the Communist government of China is to be viewed as a shining example of a nation, which is best implementing the Church’s teaching of social morality;
- Consigning faithful persecuted Catholics in China to the “pastoral care” of the Communist Party;
- Capitulating to the cult of Moloch, whereby the Eucharistic Christ is abused by pro-actively pro-aborticide “Catholics” to assert that the brutal butchering of pre-born babies, so as to ensure they will never be baptized, are mandated by Gospel principles of care and compassion (cf. Lev 18:21, 20:2-5, and 2 Cor 6:15);
- Promoting presumption as a sacrament, rather than a sin against hope (CCC 2091-2092), thus encouraging Catholics to think that aborted babies automatically go to heaven (Baptism of desire is not even needed) and that we can have a reasonable hope that, even if they are not baptized, most people will also go to heaven;
- Using funds donated to Catholic Relief Services in order to collude with secularist programs, which promote contraception, sterilization and aborticide;
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Catholic Relief Services Caught in Contraception Indoctrination Scheme |
- Passively allowing political leaders, media pundits, academics, entertainment stars and judges to routinely slander those who uphold basic Christian morality – and even go further by joining them in asserting that such Christians are xenophobic, racists and Islamophibic;
- Awarding high ecclesial and academic honors to officials who pro-actively promote the New World Order ant it Cult of Degradation, Desecration and Death;
- Conceding that, when Christians are being violently persecuted in predominantly Islamic nations, we should support immigration policies, which ensure that less than 1% of the refugees legally allowed to migrate to America from such war zones are Christians;
- Ordaining and pro-actively promoting homosexual men and those who actively dissent from authentic Church teachings proclaimed by the Magisterium;
- Encouraging parents to send their unaccompanied children on a dangerous 1,000+ journey to the United States;
- Promoting human trafficking by allowing highly-paid “coyotes” to assure refugees and migrants that the leaders of the Catholic Church will provide them sanctuary, if they are successful in their efforts to furtively infiltrate into the United States;
- Asserting, in spite of close to 1,500 years of historical evidence to the contrary, both that Islam is intrinsically a religion of peace and that the non-covenantal god, Allah, is the same as the covenantal God worshipped by Christians and Jews;
- Allowing the World Health Organization and UNICEF to use vaccines as a cover to sterilize over a million girls in Kenya, ensuring that they will miscarry any baby they would conceive and that such babies would never be baptized (Google – hcg antigen sterilizations in Kenya);
- Continuing harassment of clergy who will not allow facts concerning ongoing problems with clergy sexual abuse to be dealt with exclusively by official Church offices (As a secular parallel, note what happened to Joe Paterno, when he made the mistake of trusting the campus police to investigate reports he received about the sexual misconduct of one of his staff. He and his university were dragged down in disgrace because he did not practice “due diligence” [i.e., he did not become a vigilante, who personally and vigorously investigated the allegations on his own. Instead, he trusted the “official channels” of the campus police to do their job conscientiously]).
It does makes a person wonder. Did not one of the Apostles once ask, “What are you willing to give me if I hand Him over to you?” (Matt 26:15)? Maybe Our Lord wanted us to know that Apostolic succession does not necessarily make a man immune from perversion or from capitulation to evil.
Thus it seems that a number of faithful Catholics, sickened by the seduction, subterfuge, sacrilege and sexual escapades protected by the “herd immunity” protocols of many of the Church’s shepherds, are beginning to think, “Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. Fool us three times, welcome us aboard The Ship of Fools!”
May God mercifully grant us all the graces of true compunction and authentic conversion, so that a true renewal of the Church, infused with a spirit of humility rather than hubris, will open the way for the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth!
In Christ,
Fr. Thomas Collins
Hot Springs, VA
Bookmarked. Lest we forget it all. Thank you Father.