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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Put First Things First: Love God and Maintain Your Peace of Soul!

Dom Lorenzo Scupoli
One of the books I use for regular spiritual reading highly recommended by St. Francis de Sales, The Spiritual Combat by Dom Lorenzo Scupoli (c.1530-1610). My edition contains an additional work by the priest, Treatise On Peace of Soul. Along with Imitation of Christ, Imitation of MaryHumility of Heart, and, of course, holy scripture; Fr. Scupoli's books offer a rich feast for meditation.

Our first duty is love of God. Nothing takes precedence over that: not love of spouse, love of children, or apostolic work. Part of that duty is maintaining our peace of soul. And so I offer the following as a thought for the day. I will be reflecting on it during my adoration hour this afternoon as I pray the Stations of the Cross:

God does not dwell in a soul which He does not first inflame with a love of Him and charity for others; for Christ Himself said He came to set the world on fire.

Although our love of God must have no bounds, our charity for our neighbor must have its limits. We cannot love our God too much, but if our love for others is not guided by prudent moderation, we may destroy ourselves in seeking to save others.

Let us therefore, love our neighbor in a manner which will not be deleterious to our own souls; this is best accomplished by doing nothing with the sole aim of setting them a good example, lest in saving them we lose ourselves. Rather our actions should be performed with great simplicity and sanctity, with the sole aim of pleasing God in humble acknowledgement of the limited value of our good works to ourselves and others. We are not expected to be so zealous for the salvation of others as to destroy the peace of our own souls.

 Fr. Scupoli warns agains "exaggerated solicitude and     imprudent zeal" and advises souls to "seek the peace and     repose of a holy solitude" so that "every action of our lives     shall be performed in the repose of a heaven-sent peace in     which even silence is eloquent." 

 Ready to "offer ourselves to  the service of the Master," our     only desire should be "that God's will be accomplished in     us in the most perfect possible  manner."

 A tall order, eh, especially in a world engulfed in chaos! And   yet, Christ is always in the boat no matter how violently the     storm rages. If we embrace Him, we will be in the eye of the    storm, safe from the roaring winds swirling around us. He is     always protecting our little boat. We need do nothing but trust  in Him!

Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, have mercy on us.

Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

St. Joseph, Pillar of Families, pray for us.


1 comment:

  1. I will add to your good suggestions “Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, the secret of peace and happiness “ by Saint-Jure, SJ and Colombiere S J.
    Small 129pp. Very readable. Tan. $8.

