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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Did ABC Collude with the Harris Campaign?

Former Clinton adviser calls for investigation of ABC debate between Trump, Harris

Is collusion between ABC and the Harris campaign just the latest conspiracy theory swirling around the 2024 election? Let history give the likely answer. 

Remember when Donna Brazile gave the Clinton campaign the debate questions for the 2016 Democrat primary debate? And it wasn't just a one and off collusion. She did the same with a number of town hall meetings and lied about it. Politico discussed the controversy in October 2016. Democrats circled the wagons to defend her "integrity" and claim the Wikileaks material was false. Then in March she admitted the truth and resigned from CNN. Ho-hum: just another "conspiracy theory" that happened to be true.

There is no illegal or immoral boundary the Democrats won't cross. Ron DeSantis in Florida recently exposed the fraud surrounding the petition to get a radical pro-abortion amendment on the ballot in Florida. The state is investigating the signatures many of which were forged and fraudulent. Are we surprised? 

Face it, folks, this is how liberals work. The end justifies the means and they are the gods on Mount Olympus creating the new world Utopia where we will all  worship the elitists who know better than God what's good for us. We will be owned and controlled by Big Sister and like it or get sent to the gulag to be reset.

We now know that Linsey Davis, one of the debate moderators, is a sorority sister of Harris and that the sorority started a PAC, presumably to support Kamala. Davis should have recused herself from the debate, but lacked the integrity to do so. The whole debate was rigged from the start. Trump wasn't just debating Kamala Harris; he was debating ABC, Kamala's sorority and the evil Democrat empire. May God preserve us from these liars and manipulators who hate the truth.


  1. The leftist religion proclaims there is no God - Man in his Ego (that which acts as a mediator between the person and reality) is the center and source of all reality.

    “By any means necessary” is the only law that governs in Satan’s kingdom of Darwinist bloody tooth and claw competing for dominance of one’s ego among competing egos, all striving to be fed.

    Understand a leftist in terms of acolyte of the eternal enemy of God … only then does their religious fervor in support of insane aspirations of destruction of all that is good make sense.

    The conflict is eternal until the Eschaton.

    1. “4 And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death.

      5 For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.”
      (Genesis 3: 4,5)
      The eternal rebellion, crystallized in these two verses. Every generation makes the same choice - take the fruit and die as enemy of God with Eve; put it back and live as child of God with Mary.

  2. Apparently Republicans never learn to say no to biased locations and terms. Failure to learn.
