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Friday, September 20, 2024

Who is really behind the transgender agenda?

LifeSiteNews  recently reviewed Jennifer Bilek's book, 'Transsexual Transgender Transhuman: Dispatches from The 11th Hour'. Bilek, an investigative journalist, is an atheist and feminist. That being said, she also appears to be an honest person looking for the answers to what she describes as “a glamorous ad campaign generated by elites, invested in tech and pharma, to normalize the changing of human biology.”

Here's a bit from LifeSite's review:
Bilek’s work goes far beyond mere point scoring to show exactly how and why this perverse agenda has managed to insert itself not only into the mainstream of media and entertainment, but has been enthusiastically adopted by the medical and political establishment. Its enormous success in so doing cannot be explained by whining about “woke” universities and workplaces.

It is, as Bilek points out, not only a tremendously powerful industry expert at leveraging the arguments of “human rights,” but is also the promotion of a posthuman future aimed at the destruction of the biological basis of humanity. It also has its own “religion.”

In exploring the monetization of this brand of evil, Bilek has attracted powerful critics. She is routinely accused of antisemitism for documenting the role of prominent Jewish billionaires in the creation and promotion of an agenda which “seeks to redefine reproductive norms and propel society toward a posthuman future.”

Why should faithful Catholics put aside Bilek’s commitment to abortion and read her work? After all, Bilek herself has declined an interview with LifeSiteNews on the specific ground of its defense of unborn lives. The simple answer is that Bilek’s work in this field is peerless.
In years of research on the subject, I have found no more complete or better evidenced account of the trans phenomenon. Bilek’s work indeed “traces the evolution of transsexualism from a personal fetish into an industry that commodifies human reproductive sex, particularly womanhood,” as the blurb for her volume of essays claims. [Read more....]

The Bible tells us that love of money is the root of all evils and the transgender movement illustrates that bigtime. Who benefits? Surgeons, psychiatrists, and Big Pharma, And it's the medical condition that keeps on giving since those who mutilate their bodies have to continue taking the drugs and dealing with the disastrous side effects forever! 

Bilek follows the money as the LifeSite article shows:

“I found exceedingly rich, white men with enormous cultural influence are funding the transgender lobby and various transgender organizations,” she wrote.

Who were these rich white men? 

“These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker [sic] (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented).”

Why does their wealth and influence matter?

“Most of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby and organizations through their own organizations, including corporations.”...
Bilek’s book is far more than a directory of the diabolists behind this industry. She examines ties to vast corporations such as BlackRock, the World Economic Forum, and the porn industry, as she argues that the trans phenomenon is putting up “humanity for sale.”

She describes Biden’s assistant secretary for health, Richard “Rachel” Levine, as “a quack promoted by [a] pharma-backed group to normalize disembodiment.”

To this insult, she adds the injury of evidence – as with all her charges – showing how organized finance is behind the promotion of rights-based activism to put a “dangerous man like Dr. Rachel Levine [sic] … in the White House, spewing potentially deadly information to the public about drugs to treat children distressed about their sexed bodies[.]”

I'm ordering Bilek's book. She deserves to have her research supported. And I'm also praying for her conversion. That a radical, feminist atheist is the one exposing the truth proves that truth can be found in strange places and with strange bedfellows. What a blessing if, because of her truth-telling, she met and embraced the author of all truth, Jesus Christ. 

Lord Jesus, enlighten Jennifer Bilek's mind and bring her to throne of grace.

O Mary, seat of wisdom, pray for her.



  1. What I found most repulsive about the Covid-19 Therapy Serum, from the very beginning, was the mRNA that inserted “scientist” tech coding into my God-given DNA coding. It gives my body, and soul (to some extent) which is hard wired into my body, to pagan technicians to fulfill their devilish ambitions of conquest of God’s highest apex creation - made in His image and likeness.

    *This* was our first mass-exposure to trans-humanism, although they didn’t call it that, of course.

    “You will be like God, knowing good and evil”, the devil has always said. From the peace of childlike dependency and purity in the Garden, Mankind has traded down to become demonic gods unto themselves.

    This, all of this trans-humanism under all its various marketing labels, is the most extreme violation of the 1st Commandment it is possible to imagine. Which is why, btw, an “atheist” (probably more an agnostic) can see the evil of it, by the aid of unformed conscience and human reason alone - all of God’s children are hard-wired to know, love and serve Him … even despite the fact most of us fail to overcome our pride and concupiscent desires to actually find him. But … God is still there in the breach - waiting.

  2. The Talmud teaches 7 genders since 500ad.

    1. I guess the Talmud doesn't believe in Genesis. I'm glad I'm a Bible-believing Catholic. "Male and female, He created them." Genesis 5:2

    2. The Talmud is not Scripture.

    3. Well, whatever it is, it conflicts with the first book of the Old Testament which comes from Moses. The Israelites gave Moses a lot of trouble, so I'm not too surprised that the trouble continued. But why would any Old Testament respecting Jew accept a book that teaches something in contradiction to the teachings of their patriarch, Moses?
