The attack on Tesla reminds me of Kristallnacht in Germany when the Nazis targeted Jewish businesses. The Democrats default position is to accuse Republicans of violence. Meanwhile they foment assassination attempts on the president, threaten Supreme Court judges, burn our cities, make sure rioters are bailed out so they can continue rioting and enjoy posting “funny” X and Facebook posts celebrating the violence. I think it’s safe to say that the Democrat party today makes the Bolshevists look moderate. I think we’ll buy some Tesla stock.
My husband's going to the local Tesla and get a hat.
ReplyDeleteI never thought of the similarities but your spot on! Democrats grow horse accusing everyone and his brother of being Nazis yet they are the ones with the most similarities. My entire family are liberal Democrats (which is why I avoid as many family events as I can). They all have three things in common, no sense of humor ( unless they push a conservative down a flight of steps then its great fun), no compassion, and its always someone else's fault.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance regarding who were (are) the Bolsheviks is the world's disaster. Miserere!
ReplyDeleteThe American Ambassador to Russia, David R. Francis, reported: 'The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country, but are internationalists trying to start a worldwide revolution.'
(Russia from the American Embassy', NY, 1921
"The Jews were installed throughout the revolutionary apparatus of the Bolshevik Revolution.' (Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, in his just completed two volume history on Russian-Jewish relations).
Chicago University professor of History, Sheila Fitzpatrick (1994), wrote that 'In both parties (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks), Jews and other non-Russians were prominent in the intelligentsia-dominated leadership'.
A report by American intelligence detailed the Jewish identities of the lead Bolsheviks, along with their Russian code names. The American report also identified several wealthy Americans of Jewish descent who purportedly bankrolled the revolution.' (The article was drafted by the American Secret Service and published in France. It is reproduced in Fr. Denis Fahey's 'The Mystical Body of Christ in the Modern World.'
Our Lady of Fatima pray for us Catholics, for we're living in diabolical disorientation!
Received from a friend......
ReplyDeleteI recommend you read this article (below). I am not saying that I subscribe to everything this author says, but it is very good to know what he says, since no one is exposing the other side of the Musk coin.
For me, to have a billionaire – “the richest man in the world” – who appeared from nowhere and no one knew him before, is already a reason for suspicion. We all know that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers are also billionaires, but they have been around for a long time, and we can trace their fortunes and their revolutionary goals. Now, this fellow appears onstage claiming an enormous fortune and we have no idea how all this money appeared in his pocket… Something smells rotten…
This article starts to unveil a little of how he became so rich: He seems to be a creature of the U.S. government. Why?