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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Meditation: Wild Winds Today. Does that make you think of the Holy Spirit?

We are under a wind advisory with a tornado watch. Our situation down in a little dip makes the likelihood of a tornado touchdown at Camp Kreitzer pretty remote. But the wild wind is dropping branches and pinecones everywhere. Since I just spent several hours cleaning them up on Friday with two little brownies helping, I'm rolling my eyes. 

Unending tasks, like weeding and yard cleanup, always make me think of the perennial fight against my faults. No matter how much I work on them, they never seem to be eradicated completely. 

I thought about that at Mass today. Like the little Spartan boy with the fox under his tunic, I fight against my predominant fault, but never seem to tame the fox completely. He still gnaws and bites. I wonder if Antoine de Saint-Exupéry had that in mind when he wrote The Little Prince and made the fox teach the little boy about "taming" him and about love. 

Perhaps my faults can be tamed and become friends that help me grow in virtue like Adam's "happy fault" that won us such a Savior. I think I will re-read The Little Prince. I'd also like to read more about the author. When we pray the rosary today, I will make one of my intentions for the happy repose of his soul. I'm always grateful for authors who become a source for meditation. 

The wild wind also made me think about Chesterton's Manalive. The wind blows into the garden at Beacon House bringing Innocent Smith flying over the fence chasing his hat. (A drawing that looks like a hat but is really a boa constrictor who swallowed an elephant also plays a role in The Little Prince.) 

Smith stirs up the household and brings blessings to all the occupants with his lively enthusiasm and joie de vivre -- just like the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. 

May the winds today remind us of Pentecost and stir us into lively action, especially with a joy and eagerness to share the faith with everyone we touch. What better gift can we give to anyone? 

Have a blessed Sunday!

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