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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Feeling Dizzy: Is it Motion Sickness, Diabolical Disorientation, or Both?

My husband and I should be in Florida. We left on Wednesday looking forward to five days at the Air B&B of friends who generously offered it for a get-away. (Thank you, dear friends.) The chickens were in good hands, the water was turned off. St. Joseph and St. Michael were on the security detail. We pulled out of the driveway with eager anticipation and began a rosary for our safe travels.

Sometimes the best laid plans go awry.

The first sign we should stay home were some health problems that landed my husband in the ER the Saturday before our planned departure. A follow-up with the heart doc, some med changes, and cautionary approval kept the green light on and thumbs up for the trip. We planned to take it slow and easy, stopping often, and spent ten hours making the seven-hour drive to our overnight stop in Orangeburg, SC. We had only five hours left to reach our cottage at Ormond Beach with a planned stop at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche and St. Augustine the next day. Lots of exciting plans!

Well, our chicks didn't hatch and our pot didn't boil.

When I woke up Thursday and tried to get up, I was too dizzy and nauseated to even stand. I spent the day in bed mostly sleeping. In the evening I was a little better, but my husband decided the trip was a no-go. If I was well enough to travel the next day, we were heading home. Since I believe the Holy Spirit speaks through your spouse, I sadly agreed. We made the return home taking the same ten-hour slow drive. And I almost immediately experienced severe dizziness and nausea and had to lie down. I first thought I had vertigo, but I think now I had motion sickness, maybe both. 

I'm still wobbly today, so I decided to take it easy and catch up on my stack of newspapers and magazines. Good grief! The diabolical disorientation of our culture, especially in the Church, is worse than the physical disorientation of vertigo and motion sickness!

The pope and bishops  are busy attacking the administration for stopping the border invasion and beginning deportations of illegals. Last month in The Wanderer, Michael Haynes described the pope's letter to the bishops on immigration as "disastrous" writing that "with his frontal assault on the Trump administration, the pontiff has encouraged the White House to be equally combative: a posture not likely to favor compromise."

Some of the bishops practically foam at the mouth over the deportations. The new archbishop of Detroit, Edward Weisenburger, suggested during Trump's first term that border officials who cooperate with deportation should be excommunicated, a shocking statement. Has any bishop suggested the public excommunication of Catholic abortionists or Catholic doctors who surgically mutilate "transgender" children or Catholic politicians who vote for abortion? Have Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden or Tim Kaine been threatened with excommunication?

Catholic Charities is busy as little termites coaching those who broke the law to enter our country how not to cooperate with ICE officials. The Archdiocese of Milwaukee even ran a video advising illegals how to stonewall ICE. The Catholic Charities position shouldn't surprise anyone considering that some of their CEOs make $200,000 to $500,000 annually picking the taxpayers' pockets. What percentage of their federal largesse goes to real services rather than to administration and financing hordes of lawyers to help illegals get around our laws?

Fr. Chris Alar has a terrific sermon on the matter. Quoting from papal encylicals and other church documents he points out that what the U.S. is doing is NOT DEPORTATION! It is REPATRIATION, i.e., returning a person to his country of origin. 

There's been a lot of talk about the Holy Family being "refugees." They were not! They obeyed the law. When Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Egypt, they were simply going from one province of the Roman empire to another, like us traveling from Virginia to Florida.  Watch the video and pray for our poor country. I'll say it again. WATCH FR. ALAR'S VIDEO. As the commenters are saying, "It's the BEST Catholic explanation I've every heard." I agree. Clear, transparent, charitable, and true. 

Fr. Alar describes the order of love that the Church stresses. God first, family second, country third, our own people fourth, other people fifth. (Go to minute 8:00 for the hierarchy of love.) Why aren't good priests like Fr. Alar made bishops instead of sex abuse enablers like McElroy who recently replaced another homosexualist champion, Wilton Gregory to the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.? How many of our bishops excoriate home schoolers and traditional Catholics while they champion illegals? 

I used to tell my kids that just because someone is wearing a roman collar doesn't mean he's telling you the truth. That goes double for bishops in miters and the pope in his white zucchetto. Trust, but verify. And remember that in many cases in Church history, it was the laity who brought the Church back to her roots. Fulton Sheen emphasized that decades ago:

Who’s going to save our Church? It’s not our bishops, it’s not our priests and it is not the religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that the priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and the religious act like religious.

 Pray for the Church! The next conclave will be...what can I say...interesting.


  1. Good post. Many of us mistrust the episcopacy who are supposed to shepherd the Church. There are still many good priests and bishops, but many are not. Trust in the Lord. He is the Good Shepherd. Immaculate heart of Mary pray for us. St Michael pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us.

  2. I sure hope you get feeling better soon!

  3. My daughter and several of my husband's family suffer vertigo regularly. My daughter does use certain exercises to help relieve it some. For some unknown reason I experienced it once last year. Oh my! I called her and told her she had even more sympathy from me.

    My 97 year old aunt died yesterday. Please say a prayer for her.

    1. We pray five rosaries on Sundays, one for each of our five children and their families. We still have two to pray this evening and will certainly add an intention for the happy repose of your aunt's soul. May she rest in peace.

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon. Both you and your husband! I saw Father Alar's homily a few weeks ago. Helpful and educating for me. God bless you!
