An associate from the other side of the country who asked to be anonymous has also noticed the destruction of the Church from within. Imagine how this betrayal wounded the heart of Christ when he suffered in the garden. He saw the duplicity of the false shepherds and it must have pierced through more heart-rendingly than the spear thrust in his side. Do you live in a diocese like the one my friend describes?
Your post today on the acceptance of homosexuality within the Church resonated. When I first came to [a western] Diocese in 1995, I found it to be very weird -- and I hailed from Mahony Country! The boot of modernist liberalsim has certainly been on the neck of this diocese for decades, but I believe the Diocese is also a homosexualist playground. You wouldn't expect it in a "red" state, but there it is. We don't have "gay Masses" (or at least I've never heard of such), but it seems like every time I turn around, I see a homosexual or fellow traveler or feminist in a position of prominence in either the diocese or parishes. Usually they prefer to work quietly, low-key and behind the scenes, undermining the Faith. But then there was a priest here who, a few years ago, published an article in the [local paper] decrying the Church's teaching on same-sex "marriage." The bishop issued a response announcing his disagreement and basically treating it like a free speech issue. Seems to me yanking this priest from ministry would have been the appropriate response! The same priest followed it up a couple of years later with another article calling for the resignation of Pope Benedict on the grounds that he failed adequately to deal with the sex abuse scandal. Same response from the bishop. I even heard another priest commend this article from the pulpit.
The faith is being systematically lost by those who primarily receive their instruction in their parishes and in dioceses led by either bad or weak bishops. Fr. John Hardon warned that entire dioceses in the U.S. would disappear and we are seeing it happen. Oh...they may still call themselves Catholic, but they are filled with dissent. Only faithful voices can pass on the faith. Flee those who get up and speak against the teachings of the Church. Pray for them, but don't listen to their false teachings. Have the discernment to know the true shepherds from the false. That's the only way to escape the wolves and the prowling lions seeking the ruin of souls.Some attention has got to be paid to backwater dioceses like this one where much damage is being done and nobody notices it.
I think the real problem with homosexuality is the implicit recognition of it as a real category. One is not "homosexual" like one is male or female or even Hispanic or Black ... all of these are materially manifest. Homosexuality is a disordered preference for sexual behavior with people of the same sex. It is disordered because it is unnatural. Nature clear makes sexuality between man and woman for the purpose of procreation. In human beings it has the further property of expressing love.
ReplyDeleteWe should recognize homosexuality as a two level problem: Level 1 is the disordered desires, and Level 2 is the behavior that follows from the disordered desires.
Notice that this is a matter of interior inclinations that are then acted out. These are no different from other interior inclinations, say a temptation to steal something, and then actually stealing. Some people called kleptomaniacs have a powerful inclination to steal and give way to it. Yet we don't urge that they should be allowed to exercise their desire to steal freely.
We live in an increasingly disordered society that has been practicing the notion that if it feels good it must be good. It doesn't work for kleptomaniacs and it shouldn't be thought to work for homosexuals. Both conditions are disordered.
What I have encountered in my neck-of-the-woods, Mary Ann, is a sometimes outright loathing of the authority of the Pope (or, to put it another way, a loathing of the office of the Papacy).
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing. "Catholics" - or those who call themselves that - go to the Nth degree trying to justify their dissent from this or that Papal pronouncement.
It. Is. Everywhere.
These folks make many Protestants I know sometimes Catholic.
Such beliefs, thinking homosexual acts are normal, causes a distrust of the so-called medical experts also. How can one trust a supposed medical expert, doctor, physician's assistant or nurse, if they cannot pass simply biology as far as life begins at conception and the anal passage is not made for sexual intercourse. A simple study of biology tells one that even if one does not have a mediacal degree. Who would want such a person performing a medical procedure on them, unless they were overseen by a pro-life medical expert? I would not. Even supposed "hicks" from the hills know such things are not normal just by observing animals husbandry. Some of them are far wiser and more educated that the supposed experts on the subject. It is just mind boggling how stupid some of are supposed experts really are. That is stupid or just plain evil.
ReplyDeletePlease forgive my typos in my post at 1:54 AM on July 28th. I guess posting early in the morning just is not my "cup of tea", but I was so busy yesterday, it was about all the time I had to myself.