With all the spinning going on, liberals should have their fairy tale costume made from whole cloth by the end of the day. Tim Kaine made some laughable comments last night at Creigh Deed's funereal post election party. As the new head of the DNC, he couldn't even turn in a respectable showing in Virginia, his home state, where the three conservatives won in a landslide. Kaine's spin on the event appeared in a Washington Times article:
"We've gotten used to winning most of these elections, so that's a challenge," said outgoing Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, who's head of the Democratic National Committee.
But he declared: "Our president, President Obama, is more popular in Virginia today than he was one year ago." The sparse crowd applauded, but not enthusiastically.
Have you stopped laughing yet? That was definitely not the opinion of two of Deeds' campaign workers.
"I think a lot of people are just fed up with Obama," said one Deeds supporter, who started to give his name but then said, "Wait, I better not."
"Oh, don't even get me started about Obama. Where was he?" said another, who also refused to give his name.
While a plethora of news articles emerged in recent days seeking to knock down national implications of the Virginia election, voters didn't exactly agree with the media. Exit polls showed that more than a quarter of state voters said their vote was to express opposition to Mr. Obama and his policies.
This morning the White House is telling us the only race that mattered was the 23rd district in New York where upstart conservative, Doug Hoffman, lost by 3% of the vote, not exactly an overwhelming win considering Hoffman was a long shot in the first place.
Obama knows he's in trouble. There's a new conservative kid on the block who cares more about principles than party. He wears a patriotic T-shirt, flies the American flag, reads the Constitution, and loves motherhood and apple pie. They call him a "right wing conservative" but he's an all-American kid -- and he comes from a big family. Spin on, liberal politicos, but be afraid, be very afraid. That spindle is sharp and when you prick your finger, your prospects may be asleep for a very long time.
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