But the pro-deathers are no fools. What they can't get in one giant step, they will happily take by inches. And they will do it with the sugar-coated lie and the newspeak that paints abortion and abortifacient birth control as "women's health care."
Charmaine Yoest at Americans United for Life Action warns that, "Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, and others are saying that they aren’t going to try to pass the 'Freedom of Choice Act' (FOCA). Don’t believe it for a second. If your opponent gives up the frontal attack . . . you better start watching your flank.
We are now seeing the abortion forces waging an incremental battle — working to pass what we have termed 'FOCA-by-Stealth.' They think that if they take FOCA and repackage it and pass it in pieces and under different names . . . that we won’t notice."
Sign the Fight FOCA petition and send letters to Congress. Watch the fine print and when they use their doubletalking newspeak recognize it for what it is. Obama is not the unity candidate. He is a die hard deathdealer who speaks in honeyed terms while he plans the next attack on the untermenchen in the womb.
And while you're thinking politics, here's an action that can make a big difference at the local level! Planned Parenthood receives hundreds of millions of dollars every year in taxpayer dollars, but that can be stopped if enough Americans take the pledge. What do you promise? Not to vote in the next election for any politician who votes a single dollar for Planned Parenthood. Virginians for Life is spearheading this effort in my state and hopes to go national in the future with this activity. All politics is local. Make your state and local politicians pay for funneling your hard-earned tax dollars into the pockets of the PP abortionists.
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