Well, Christians know that there's only one savior and it sure isn't Barack Obama. But there is a pagan god association that fits our new president to a T - Janus, the Roman god of gates and doors. Janus is depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. He represents new beginnings and is associated with change and transition. In times of war the doors to the temple of Janus were left open so the god could easily intervene to assist the Roman warriors; in times of peace the doors were closed. Janus was so important to the Romans they depicted him on their coins.
How is Obama like Janus? The most obvious similarity is that he is two-faced. Think about what happened this week. While several hundred thousand marched for life yesterday, the White House released a statement about finding "common ground" with pro-lifers. Today, however, Obama signed an executive order eliminating the Mexico City policy and restoring abortion funding through the Agency for International Development. He did it without fanfare or media coverage. Keeping a low profile on his abortion extremism is part of the Obama act. It allows him to maintain the pretense that he seeks unity with his opponents as he's pulling the rug out from under them.
Obama has also promised to restore funding to the U.N. Population Fund, a group that has aggressively promoted abortion worldwide and even supports China's forced abortion policy. Can anyone truly believe this man has any intention of making abortion rare or of working with the pro-life community? Like the ancient Romans, the Obama administration is throwing the bloody gates wide open both at home and abroad to expand the war against innocent preborn babies. The change Obama seeks is the utter destruction of the culture of life. He has already indicated he will expand the cannibalizing of embryos for their stem cells. This is all out war against life.
The Roman connection applies in another way as well - persecution of Christians who defend God's laws. In the first century, Roman tyrants put to death thousands of saints. Some died covered in pitch and set afire to light Nero's gardens. Some were mauled and eaten by wild beasts in the Roman circus. Others were tortured, beheaded, grilled, or killed in every debased way possible. While 21st century Christians may not suffer a bloody martyrdom, Obama and company are putting in place an aggressive agenda that will coerce Christians to actively coooperate with evil. The Obama policies on both abortion and homosexuality will force taxpayers, employers, churches, pharmacists, health care workers, etc. to support both abortion and sodomy. It is a program devised in hell that will ultimately require many to choose between direct cooperation with evil, a mortal sin, or their livelihoods.
In the book of Deuteronomy Israel faced a choice between God and the world. It is a choice faced by every generation and one that is rushing upon us ever more urgently. "I set before you this day life and death, the blessing and the curse. choose life then that you and your children may live." Which will we choose: the two-faced false savior Obama or the Lord of life?
As a footnote, I was deeply disturbed at the March for Life to see signs that read, "I voted for Obama and I'm pro-life." What could possibly possess someone claiming to stand for life to vote for a man who is so adamently pro-death he makes the Clintons look like moderates. One can only conclude that the two-faces of Janus/Obama have fooled many. Pray that pro-lifers and other Christians of good will who jumped on the Obama bandwagon come to their senses and work to defeat his evil program.
Obama reverses Bush abortion-funds policy
Obama Begins Full Court Press on Extremist Homosexual Agenda within Minutes of Taking Oath of Office
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