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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Truth in Advertising - Call it "Cafeteria Catholics United"

If anyone wonders if the devil is alive and well and busy as a nest of termites, he has only to examine the George Soros-funded "Catholics United." The group is currently running 1,150 radio ads in 5 states touting the moral nature of the budget.

It would be laughable if it weren't so despicable. The fact that this group operates thanks to one of the most anti-Catholic rich guys in the country (who also funds Catholics for a Free Choice) stinks to high heavens. At the end of their lying ads should be the statement, "This spot was paid for by George Soros and other anti-Catholic sources."

With regard to the "morality" of the budget, it at least doubles the national debt which puts our grandchildren and even their children in hock. This is justice? It also steals from current taxpayers to fund all kinds of unconstitutional pork barrell projects. This is moral? Worst of all it includes multi-millions to fund abortion, chemical birth control, immoral and ineffective AIDS programs, pornographic sex education for kids, etc. both here and in the third world. What do these bogus Catholics not understand about, "Thou Shalt not Kill?" and "Thou Shalt not Steal?" What does dismembering unborn babies and stealing from present and future generations have in common with God's laws?

Cafeteria Catholics United is also shilling for Notre Dame as a counter response to the protests and petition begun by The Cardinal Newman Society to disinvite President Obama from graduation. With the chutzpa so typical of liberal liars they say, "Regrettably, the individuals leading the charge against Notre Dame are partisan operatives who routinely use a single-issue analysis to divorce the Catholic faith from its longstanding commitment to social justice and the sanctity of all human life." This implies, of course, that they aren't "partisan operatives," which couldn't be further from the truth. They are in bed with the pro-abortion, pro-gay crowds who are the enemies of God. You cannot be Catholic and in favor of abortion, sodomy, and same-sex marriage, but you can play "Let's pretend."

As for the bogus accusation that pro-lifers only care about the unborn - that is nothing but a smear. The difference between liberal "charity" that Cafeteria Catholics want and the charity of the pro-life community is that the bogus Catholics demand "forced charity" through taxation backed up by the iron fist of the IRS and jail terms for resisters. They want to play Robin Hood. That way, they can get their pet programs funded that feed buckets of money to administrators and staff who "do charity" as a profession. Pro-lifers prefer to share from their own pockets, run free clinics and crisis pregnancy centers, offer shepherding homes to unwed moms, and depend on the generosity of voluntary charity.

Cafeteria Catholics United has a friend in the White House and the force of the government leviathan behind their partisan views. What they don't have is the power of the Holy Spirit or truly Catholic minds and hearts. Pray for them and expose their hypocrisy.


  1. You better watch out. Your thread comments now identifies you as a right wing extremist terrorist according to the just released DHS intelligence assessment.

  2. Me and Vicki Weaver.

    I will sure never hold one of my grandbabies in the doorway when the BATF is in the yard.

    I wish I could write LOL after that statement. We are rapidly losing our freedoms and many Americans can't see it because their eyes are either buried in the public trough gobbling up the bread or they are mesmerized by the public circus on the boob tube.

    I can only pray there is still enough respect in this country for the Constitution so that we will come to our senses. The Founding Fathers didn't fight for liberty so we could squander it on license.

  3. I saw the thread on the DHS assessment see
    DHS NewsLabeling persons of conscience as terrorists is an old trick of the Fascists ... It is certainly time to be concerned if you were not already.

  4. I just read your piece on Spero News, and it was awesome. I'm going to link to it at my blog.

    Keep up the great work!

    Oh, and Happy Easter!

  5. You will know they are Christian by their love. Happy Easter.

  6. Thanks to Catholics United for the post. What a hoot!

    Nothing like a liberal who supports aborting helpless babies preaching about "love."

    You will know they are liberals by their lies (and their hypocrisy).
