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Friday, June 21, 2024

Do We Defy the Authority of the Church if We Disobey the Pope's Demands?

I'll answer a question with a question, two questions in fact. Was it wrong for Catholics to disobey the pope when he said everyone should get the COVID jab? Were Catholics who refused to obey the pope challenging the authority of Holy Mother Church?

Simple answer to both questions: NO! NO! HELL NO!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Is the Vatican about to Drop an Atomic Bomb on the TLM?

Rorate Caeli is reporting some alarming news about the likely next step at the Vatican to eliminate the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) once and for all. OnePeter5 is sounding the warning trumpet by passing on the information. Let all those who love Holy Mother Church and her traditions passed on from the earliest days after the first Pentecost, join in this spiritual war. It isn't just about the TLM, but about all the sacraments gutted and diluted after Vatican II. If you haven't read Dan Graham's book, Lex Orandi, now's the time to do it. See how all seven sacraments received the ax striking at their roots. Dan compares the sacramental rites side by side, a striking contrast illustrating how much we've been robbed. May God help us all to be faithful warriors of the Church Militant fighting for the authentic Catholic faith.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Sometimes Things Aren't as Bad as You've Been Led to Believe!

New study suggests more than two-thirds of Catholics believe the Eucharist is truly Jesus

Language matters. How you frame a question influences the answers you receive. Think about it. That's one of the ways media manipulators work. If they don't like what someone says they discredit him with a slur. Even some conservative people of color have been described as recipients of "white privilege." The only way Roe v. Wade could be adopted by the Supreme Court was through "semantic gymnastics." This is what the California Journal of Medicine published in 1970 about Roe:

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday Meditation: Happy Father's Day and a Don't Forget to Say Thank You to St. Joseph!

My daily spiritual reading for several months has included a few pages from the wonderful book, The Life and Glories of St. Joseph. I never realized how much the Church knows about this silent saint of the Scriptures. The Fathers of the Church and the Mystics all cast light on St. Joseph giving us a stunning portrait of his life and virtues. As patron of the universal Church and the "pillar of families," St. Joseph offers us his powerful intercession. All we have to do is ask for it.

Here's a brief thought about this great and powerful saint from the book which I heartily recommend if you want to know more about him.:

Saturday, June 15, 2024

COVID Jabs are the Grim Reaper's Gift that Keeps on Giving!

I can't tell you how many people lambasted me for not drinking the COVID Kool-Aid. "You don't care if people die!" I heard numerous times when I said I wouldn't get the jabbed and wouldn't wear a mask. Just about everything mandated was worse than useless, and made the situation worse. Masking and social distancing, staying inside, closing schools, gyms, the beaches and other outdoor sites was stupid! 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Thought for the Day: Gardens Can Remind us of Eden and of Paradise

Are you a gardener? Do you love to plant flowers and vegetables? Do you ever dig in the dirt thinking about all the gardens in the Bible? God obviously loves gardens. He created the Garden of Eden and formed the man from its rich, fertile soil. (Kind of makes you think of the expression "older than dirt" doesn't it?) Jesus spent many hours in the Garden of Gethsemane praying. I wonder what that garden was like? When he was there in the Spring and Summer what scents filled the air? What bird calls provided background music for his meditation? What plants grew after being watered by His blood?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Let's Turn Virginia Red Again! Send Jonathan Emord to the U.S. Senate

Jonathan Emord: the right choice for Virginia

We have two terrible senators in Virginia, Mark Warner and Tim Kaine. They are both extremist liberals who think killing babies and cheerleading for LGBT and transgender insanity are virtues. Tim Kaine is up for re-election this November. The GOP primary is June 18th and we have a chance to make a real difference by making Jonathan Emord the GOP candidate. LET'S DO IT!

Does Kentucky Fried Chicken Use Lab Meat?

There's a hoax going around the internet that the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain uses lab meat for their chicken. Not true! It made me curious about the policies of the chain. Is someone targeting them because of their views? 

First let's look at the hoax which is pretty disgusting. If you've seen it you'll recognize it:

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Feelings and Their Proper Role in Our Lives

This week has been interesting with regard to my spiritual reading. Everything I pick up has been about feelings and their proper place. Looking at the statue of the Sacred Heart at our chapel on Sunday, stirred feelings of gratitude and love for Jesus and awe over His love for us. Beauty has a way of doing that. Feelings are a significant part of our makeup. Having said that, it's important to keep them in their proper role.

 Yesterday, I read this in The Imitation of Christ:

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Pray the Rosary to Advance the Reign of Christ the King!

We can't all raise a giant flag to give public witness to the Sacred Heart, but there are plenty of smaller versions that would look wonderful on the front of the house or in the garden. The flag of the Vendee is one that I like to fly that features the two hearts for Jesus and Mary.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Thought for the Day on Conquering Heroes!

Who is she who comes forth as the morning
rising...terrible as an army set in battle array?

When you think of conquerors who comes to mind? Alexander the Great? George Washington? Julius Caesar? Constantine? Napoleon? Genghis Kahn? Charlemagne? The Conquistadores? Attila the Hun? 

We think of some of these warriors with respect and others with horror. What does it mean to be a conqueror and what is the greatest victory over defeat? 

The answer came to me this morning in The Imitation of Mary:

Of what value are all the heroes the word admires, as compared with the great men religion produces through the practice of virtue? 

It is a more spendid thing to conquer one's own passions than to conquer nations.

It is much less difficult to conquer others than to conquer oneself. 

The true Christian is not the kind of hero who owes his heroism to circumstances; he is not the accidental hero of a passing hour but a hero throughout a lifetime.

His glory is that he overcomes the obstacles in his path; his goal is to possess God and find rest in Him. Can there be a greater honor than to serve God and belong to Him? "To serve God is to rule."

Who is the greatest human conqueror in history? Our Lady. Let us walk in her footsteps which lead straight to Jesus!

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recoourse to thee. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Don't Forget to Say Thank You! Things Aren't All Bad!

When the world is in a mess, and what a mess we're suffering today, it's tempting to be discouraged and walk around like the character in the old L'il Abner comic strip with the black cloud over his head. He jinxed everybody around him. Well, give him a pitchfork, horns, and a tail and you have our nemesis who does, indeed, want to turn our gold into straw and our wine into water. Satan is the great inverter. Like Rumpelstiltskin he wants everybody including, not just our firstborn, but us and our children too for an eternity in his doomed kingdom. The joy of laughter and our words of thanksgiving to God make him howl in rage. He wants us to be dismal every minute of every day walking under a black thunder cloud.

Friday, June 7, 2024

On the Joy of Being a Beekeeper, a Chicken Mama, and a Grandmother

honeybees behind the insulation
 What a week! Joy and challenges galore. 

We've been dealing with a honeybee hive that set up home in the ceiling of our garage. We thought they left when we turned on the air conditioner, but they were coming and going again a day later. The air conditioner servicemen came to look at the unit, but wouldn't go near it with the bees flying around. (Can't say I blamed them.) One thought they were yellow jackets. Those yellow demons are among the nastiest hornets ,so his trepidation was reasonable, even though he was wrong and busy honeybees tend to ignore people. 

In the meantime, our daughter was scheduled to have her baby induced and the other four children (and four dogs) arrived to take up residence. And so began the swimming, biking, gaming days with lots of mealtime conversation and rosary decades for mom and baby. [See how long it takes you to figure out Max's riddle. "What is stronger than God, more evil than the demons, the poor have it, the rich need it, and you will die if you eat it?" I'm embarrassed to admit how long it took me to figure it out.]

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

When Shepherds Become CEOs, It's a Sad Day for the Church!

Anyone familiar with the case of Fr. Gordon MacRae knows that false accusations against 
Catholic priests are not unusual. The Church is seen as a cash cow by unscrupulous ambulance chasers and "trauma counselors" eager to fleece the flock. Fr. MacRae describes one lawyer who has brought hundreds of cases against the Church often seeking dead priests to accuse, since they are no longer here to defend themselves. Some on diocesan websites listed as "credibly accused" are innocent. One in my own diocese who remains on the list was exonerated. Some of his brother priests who wanted his name removed objected but it remains on the list to this day. 

I suspect that bishops eagerly add to the list of "credibly accused" to show how vigilant they are to protect the flock. Perhaps they feel it exonerates them for moving priests around to abuse again, lying to victims and their parents, and covering up criminal abuse. In too many cases any priest accused is presumed guilty unless proved innocent. That's a little difficult for accusations that are decades old and have no evidence except the word of someone who stands to gain big bucks for the accusation.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Bitter Zeal: A Temptation for All of Us!

Yesterday's Mass homily focused on sins of the tongue. St. James in his epistle has plenty to say about that, comparing the tongue to the rudder of a mighty ship. The rudder may be small, but bears a large impact on the ship's movement and position. So does the tongue which may very well be responsible for more sins than any other organ in the body. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Ariel Bibas and "The Painted Bird"

Ariel Bibas - viscious enemy of HAMAS
Before Oct 7, 2023
Loved beyond measure by his parents

Ariel Bibas
May 16, 2004
What HAMAS' hate has done to him

Please watch this May 16, 2024, 14-second video of Ariel Bibas traveling on a bus in Rafah.

Imagine that you're four years-old and suddenly every person on the planet knows who you are. One day no one in the universe but your immediate family and little school friends knew you existed; the next day the entire globe recognizes you from the video of your terrified mother protecting you and your baby brother from HAMAS terrorists taking the three of you hostage on October 7, 2023.